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Posts posted by Pleadco

  1. When woman commit suicide they tend to cut their wrist or over dose so is to look good at the funeral.

    Its not from a lack of trust, but would you mind citing your source for this information? I've seen a lot of suicidal people at work, and most of them, male or female, aren't really worried about aesthetics when they are at that point of their life (at least those making serious attempts).

    I don't doubt the info, just curious :)

  2. None of us here are the greats or innovators of the art we love, even if we were judging others with like minded interests based on their use of slang is stupid as fuck... No if you use the word 'swag' you deserve to be throat punched.

    Perhaps this is true, but from what I have seen most people here attempt to treat the art with respect. I can't imagine anyone here walking up to horiyoshi and yelling, "tat me up! I need to be sleevified bro!"

    I think the people who typically use certain slang aren't treating it with that same respect, and that is what is being criticized more than anything.

    Regardless, this is a safe place for sharing, and please forgive people for playing valley girl and poking fun.

  3. People are honestly just trying to help you out. You might find some responses perhaps a little snarky, but I would hope you can see it from their side. People on this site are passionate about their work, trying to make sure that people are educated enough to take care of their current and future art. If you ask a question and then dismiss the response, that seems disrespectful, not only to them but to the art itself. Go to reddit if you just want to ignore people.

    Tattoing isn't just a fad to them, some shiny object to be picked up one second only to be discarded and forgotten the next. If you are willing to put something on your body, it shouldn't be for you either. You may have yolo'd your way into this tattoo, but respect it enough to take care of it so that it doesn't look like crud down the road.

    Best of luck, have fun playing blackjack.

  4. Best bet would be a thin long sleeve shirt. I have to wear one for work, and although it does get warm, I will take having to drink a little extra water and being uncomfortable over messing up permanent art that I spent a lot of money on.

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