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Everything posted by Dan

  1. cool,ours is 19 pounds,and I just checked and I have 2gb of pics of her ! LOL she is 10yo now,we have had her since she was 8 weeks.
  2. well,I have never used Tegaderm ,I have always used Saniderm,not sure if the product or the application of the product makes a difference in coming off or not. All the times I have used Saniderm,there was never a problem with it peeling or coming off until I took it off,and I have used it a lot,including my knees and hands as well as big areas like my thighs and shoulders.
  3. looks normal, but make sure you do shave(like you said), and get it super clean using the palm of your hand real hard and anti-microbial soap, then with a clean paper towel make sure it's very dry, and apply it across trying not to let air bubbles get trapped. If applied properly it will hurt coming off and leave a red mark for a week.
  4. right on,super cute ! we love our aussies, right !?!?!?!? ! how many pounds is your mini ? looks a lot like my girl ! love blue merle too.
  5. Dan

    I hate summer :(

    you and @gtrjunior are lucky ! here it's 106 today and here is our 7 day 109 tomorrow,thankfully my new job is indoors.
  6. I have seen reactions to red ink,not too much from black though, and after this long ? maybe you irritated the skin ,like scraped it or the hot summer sun ? or mosquito bites ? a link to a pic of it would help.
  7. it looks fine to me,pretty normal, just use some Aveeno lightly a few times a day and see if it might need a touchup in a few months, my guess is it will heal just fine.
  8. I have one old music inspired tattoo.
  9. a tattoo like that even after MANY painful and expensive laser procedures will never be gone 100%,the best you can expect with laser is to lighten the old one up enough to cover it up with a better/different tattoo. the right artist can sometimes "re-work" a tattoo to make it look better.
  10. looks like it wants some Aveeno,but other wise for 11 days it looks perfectly normal,remember tattoos take several months to fully heal. that hazy milky look and flakiness will go away. in 6 months after it's healed see then if it needs any touchups. PS,stop looking at it with a magnifying glass.
  11. her work looks pretty solid to me. I would get a tattoo from her.
  12. that is normal,and all of it sounds great ! I love that stuff.
  13. @Groundzero112 it looks like a mix of a few pacific islander styles ,I have 2 in the Marquesas style from Sam Shaw on kauai,and 3 other polynesian pieces too, nice tattoo you got there.
  14. Dan

    Hello World!

    it's never too late for anything ! I'm 57 and still getting tattooed ! AND starting a new career !!
  15. so where are all the pics of the show !??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?
  16. like sstu said,it can happen on anyone anywhere by any tattooer,I have blowout on my neck.at the same time I have tattoos on my hands and fingers that have no blowout. and besides,whatever you are seeing in your tattoo, first, it's not that big a deal IMO from the pic you posted,it looks tiny, second, there is nothing you can do about it now, third, stop looking at your tattoo with a magnifying glass and enjoy it. what answer are you after here ?
  17. It’s been a long road, and soon I will start the next chapter on this adventure of mine. I was laid off from a job I had for 21 years in July of 2016 because of downsizing, I left there on good terms believe it or not. Thanks to the Human resources manager and general manager, they were both willing to and did give me great references the entire time I was job hunting. To back up a little, my job search actually started in late 2014 as I knew the company I worked for was doing badly and was in the process of barely surviving, downsizing, maybe going under. So I had started applying big time, I knew I wanted to work for the state of California, or county of Sacramento, or City of Sacramento, and I also told myself that I never wanted to have to cover my tattoos again, like I did with the job I had. After countless applications and interviews, and a couple seasonal jobs and used up unemployment, and several offers from a variety of places, mostly part time, no benefits, limited term, low pay,etc,etc. So fast forward to July 2017, I finally got a job offer from an application I did in May of 2015! After all this work and trouble, Not only did I get a good offer, it was the PERFECT offer! I start August 21st with the County of Sacramento Probation Department ! Which is going to be 7am to 3pm M-F, 12.5 paid holidays, 2 weeks’ vacation to start(5 weeks after 5 years),paid benefits for my wife and myself, permanent full time,good retirement pension, etc, etc. I held out for a few things and got them, weekends off, I don’t have to cover any of my tattoos, and paid benefits.(those may seem trivial but they are important to me) After a year of no permanent good work, this is really huge for me and my wife, any of you in the job search world, you know how important benefits, full time, and permanent are. It took me almost 3 years of searching to get to this point. So that’s my awesome news!
  18. I do a similar process,I put on Saniderm about 20 hours after the tattoo application,I wash with a anti-microbial soap and apply the Saniderm over clean dry skin and I leave it on around 4-6 days. and yes it does hurt coming off. All that you are doing and feeling sounds normal to me.
  19. welcome,sit and stay a while
  20. mine too like @oboogie said ,but my entire body is made up of non themed random tattoos some color some B&G different styles by different artists that make up sleeves and I am just fine with that,but also I am an old guy that started getting tattooed in the 80's when we just went in and picked flash off the wall,unlike these huge themed pieces that are done now,nothing wrong with that though. and there is nothing wrong with a cohesive themed sleeve,that's just not what I did.
  21. there are a few answers here https://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/t/7759-hello-looking-for-advice-on-mandala-on-front-and-side-of-feet/#comment-135796
  22. if you have a laptop or desktop computer you can simply drag & drop the pic from the desktop to your post/reply here.
  23. thanks, no surgery needed they don't think.
  24. ya,well my wife and myself were putting together a 10x12' new gazebo in our yard on sunday and this happened sprained elbow and torn muscle. 6 hours in the ER yesterday.
  25. don't let your thoughts get out of control from reading here, everyone told me my ribs,knees,elbows,wrists,hands,fingers were going to be brutal,and to be honest none of these spots I have had done were as bad as I had built them up to be in my head, I still preach that pain is mostly in your head,as humans we have a really good ability to overcome pain through mental focus, it works for me,and I find it a welcome challenge to work on when getting tattooed,I have come to embrace it. it starts with what you are doing now,mental preparation ,to preparing the day and night before,and through the morning of the tattoo up to and during the tattoo,it's an entire experience that I embrace and practice. here is my "pre-tattoo agenda" mentally prepare yourself in the weeks leading up to the tattoo sleep good and don't drink alcohol the night before (or the day of), pre-hydrate the day before and day of and while being tattooed,(water or Gatorade) eat a good non greasy healthy meal right before getting tattooed, bring candy (I bring M&M's and Skittles) to eat during the tattoo(the sugar will keep you from passing out),I also bring a banana,beef jerky, and a few cold bottles of water in a little ice chest(no artist has ever minded me doing this,as a matter of fact they have liked it). bring your phone for pics but mute the ringer and all sounds, keeping up body sugars,potassium,and electrolytes will help to keep you from passing out , get yourself mentally in a good place.in the days leading up to and during the tattoo. ask for a few 5 min breaks to stand up ,stretch,and get the kinks out. this all helps me have a better overall tattoo experience,and the artist will appreciate it too.
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