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Everything posted by MadeIndelible

  1. @NateJ That rose is super smart! Killer tattoos.
  2. I RSVPd for a pickup soccer game this Sunday. Also looking into league play with a league I've played in before. If all goes well, I'll be playing at least one day a week. More for fun than fitness, although soccer does help me stay sane.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIi94s5Tp-E My ex still has my Bad Brains CDs. 7 Seconds is playing near here in June. Black Flag later this month. Buzzcocks also in June.
  4. Definitely jump on that! It'll be worth all the healing afterwards, and Chad is awesome. Heck, I've gotten tattooed three Wednesdays in a row in the past month. You'll be kicking yourself when he's moved away.
  5. Agreeing with the above posts. Bert said they are usually pretty busy when I got tattooed there. Although, there was a walk-in upside down wrist anchor while I was getting zapped.
  6. Just listened to the Horizakura episode, and it was great. I liked the part about not trying to be Japanese when getting a Japanese tattoo. I'm not too much into religion, so it would be awkward for me to get that into Buddhism or Japanese culture if I got a Japanese tattoo. Subscribed to the Podcast. Looking forward to the new episodes.
  7. Not sure why you would want to pass on the tattooers at Frith Street, Into You, Seven Doors, and all the other great shops, but welcome to LST.
  8. @Mick Weder RAD! May have missed this somewhere, but who did the work?
  9. Very jealous. Looks like a great show!
  10. Some probably know this, but he keeps a low key, so I'm not too sure, but Iggy Vans has a new shop in the Mission. Blacklamp on 16th I believe.
  11. Hi, @hannahballector . Do you have a mentor, or are you doing it on your own? Either way, I think you should seek someone who knows what they're doing. You're just learning bad habits at this point.
  12. I'm about to get my ditch done in a few weeks by Derick Montez. It will go down onto my forearm slightly. I figure long sleeves can cover it when needed. Also thinking about a switchblade on my forearm. Daggers/knives and arms go so well together.
  13. Mine as well. But, it's interesting an interesting argument, whether tattoos are made to be worn by the wearer until death and then lost to time, or preserved in museums and such for posterity.
  14. Holy crap, that is a cute puppy!
  15. Missed out on this holiday. Sad times.
  16. @Fala sorry to hear! Who was your appointment with?
  17. Glad you decided to fix it and not laser it! Super cool tattoo.
  18. I'm in California. Never really dabbled in cider much, but I am drinking Lagunitas (microbrew from CA). Two beers in, two left, but feeling rather saucy already since I haven't eaten much. I work at a restaurant. Food runner for now, but really trying to get out of this area and into Oakland or SF. Happy saturday!
  19. Great ideas, and you should definitely do it.
  20. I might catch up with you tonight, but probably not. Got work in the morning.
  21. I'm pretty sure when I said to post tattoo content, I didn't mean this shit.
  22. It may have been a digital antenna. I was just amused that I was watching bunny ears. There was a few documentaries and westerns that we watched. And, of course the news. It was a good way to kill time while not working and a good foreplay exercise. hahahaha
  23. If you're looking to get more Japanese, then it would be a pretty simple transition to back piece or leg pieces. Not sure on chest/stomach and having existing chest pieces, but someone here will know. If you're wanting to get Americana, then just slap 'em on wherever.
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