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Been a hot minute....

Jennifer Stell


I haven't written or been actively posting up anything lately...

And there's good reason for it. I have a lot going on, we all do. Life here on the recent has been a testament to the true meaning of love.

The overwhelming outpour of support from FAMILY: YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE, has been humbling, and heartwarming, and a big eye opener to just how much impact one person (Richard) can have on a relatively large circle of likeminded individuals whom happen to share the same passion for their profession; or the great clients we get to call friends... We have no choice but to overcome, we always do, we are obligated to YOU. For you have given his heart a second chance, and for that I am truly grateful.

There have been more tears cried these last several weeks, then I think both of us combined in a lifetime, and, I'm a big crybaby.

Thank You, It should go without saying, because we didn't ask for anyone to help you just did. And that in itself was truly magnificent, unexpected, and at times still breath taking.

Thank You...

Seriously, and Sincerely,

Jennifer Stell

PS: If you have a print on order, or are waiting on something, I haven't forgotten about any of it, I am just up to my ears in trying to get the shop legal, take care of my legal issues, take care of my husband, and keep my head on straight.... Bare with me and do not hesitate to drop me an email. Jen


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Saw Richard at the elm st convention, he was looking good! Hoping things are looking up and hope to come pay you guys a visit and get a little work next time I'm north of the border!

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