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What would you do?


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If you get a tattoo and it just does not turn out the way you want it.... You talk to the artist and they tell you that there is not much more they can do...

What is your next step?

Would you go to another shop or would you try to look for a resolution in the same shop/other artist?

Would you worry about going to other shops and accidentally portraying a bad rep tors another artist/shop?

Has this happen to you? Share your story! :)

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If you get a tattoo and it just does not turn out the way you want it.... You talk to the artist and they tell you that there is not much more they can do...

What is your next step?

Would you go to another shop or would you try to look for a resolution in the same shop/other artist?

Would you worry about going to other shops and accidentally portraying a bad rep tors another artist/shop?

Has this happen to you? Share your story! :)

What exactly went wrong? Do you have pictures?

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What exactly went wrong? Do you have pictures?

Nothing went "terribly wrong" in my case I didn't like one part of my tattoo but I talked it out with the teacher of the artist who did my piece and I also talked it out with the artist and is getting fixed.

But it got me thinking... Did I do wrong by going to their teacher and asking them for advice on something their apprentice did?

I did not talk shit nor I said anything wrong but you never know how they can interpret what one is/are trying to say...

I even ended up making an appointment with the teacher who is doing my back piece tomorrow.... Maybe all this got me thinking and now I am nervous... lol

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One thing I want to say is that I don't want to discredit the artist. She did an awesome job.

I have several more sessions to go as it will be a half sleeve... It will go to my back as well... The back will be the piece that is been started tomorrow.

Uploading pic in a bit.

Note: This thread was started to get an idea of how others handle the situation :)

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I once pointed out a flaw in one of my tattoos. The artist seemed cool at the time, but during the next session he tattooed a 4 foot penis on my back...that sonofabitch. Now every time I go back to that artist, I just keep my mouth shut.

...I embellished a few small details, but you get the gist.

lol... :)

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i have only the vaguest idea of what is going on here in this thread but I would say that if you didnt like the tattoo then you just gotta deal and move on - i doubt i would go back to that artist though - think its time to explore a little your other options - find another artist and get another tatt - see how that one goes - you'll learn as you go how to put yourself into situations where you are likely to be happy with your future tattoos - i mean - i assuming you want to keep going right?

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i have only the vaguest idea of what is going on here in this thread but I would say that if you didnt like the tattoo then you just gotta deal and move on - i doubt i would go back to that artist though - think its time to explore a little your other options - find another artist and get another tatt - see how that one goes - you'll learn as you go how to put yourself into situations where you are likely to be happy with your future tattoos - i mean - i assuming you want to keep going right?

If you mean keep getting tattoos? Yes I do. :)

Thanks for the advice.

I do have an appointment with another artist down the road.


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I once pointed out a flaw in one of my tattoos. The artist seemed cool at the time, but during the next session he tattooed a 4 foot penis on my back...that sonofabitch. Now every time I go back to that artist, I just keep my mouth shut.

...I embellished a few small details, but you get the gist.

lol. Not too far fetched. I just read a article about a tattoo artist tattooing a huge turd with flies on someone's back for revenge. He's going to court for it tho.

All kidding aside I would always talk to the initial tattoo artist where you got the tattoo first. If they care about their customers they will do what they can.

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cool glad you're into it

you start getting some stuff that end up stoked about

and those other pieces you dont care for might not feel such a burden

you might even enjoy them more in the future

after all - its art - in all its raw awesomeness

appreciate it for what it is


- - - Updated - - -

lol. Not too far fetched. I just read a article about a tattoo artist tattooing a huge turd with flies on someone's back for revenge. He's going to court for it tho.

All kidding aside I would always talk to the initial tattoo artist where you got the tattoo first. If they care about their customers they will do what they can.

Seems to be fake...


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I'm a tattoo artist. I have a ton of tattoos. I don't think that I have a single tattoo on my body that turned out the way that I hoped it would. I have even lasered off an entire sleeve that was a cover up of another sleeve that I did as a young kid.... And the my new sleeve after my laser, kinda sucks, it's not really what I was going for. Close, but certainly not great.

Point being, you just deal with it. It's part of the game. I have never stood up from a tattoo chair and thought that the artist did a bad ass job. Probably because I have just gotten tattooed by people that I work with rather than seeking out the bad asses that would certainly do a great tattoo. I'm not complaining, I don't sit around regretting them.... I'm just saying it happens. And there's not much to be done about it.

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I'm a tattoo artist. I have a ton of tattoos. I don't think that I have a single tattoo on my body that turned out the way that I hoped it would. I have even lasered off an entire sleeve that was a cover up of another sleeve that I did as a young kid.... And the my new sleeve after my laser, kinda sucks, it's not really what I was going for. Close, but certainly not great.

Point being, you just deal with it. It's part of the game. I have never stood up from a tattoo chair and thought that the artist did a bad ass job. Probably because I have just gotten tattooed by people that I work with rather than seeking out the bad asses that would certainly do a great tattoo. I'm not complaining, I don't sit around regretting them.... I'm just saying it happens. And there's not much to be done about it.

I get your point... I know the game... Is not my first rodeo... and I am in it for the long run... But it is the first time I get a piece that a small portion did not come out the way I would like it to be. I am no complaining, but just looking for options/opinions/ideas on how other people have handle a situation like this...

To be honest you are the type of artist I would like to avoid. It is scary to know that if you do a piece and your customer just was not fully satisfied with a small portion of your work and it is definitely fixable that your take is "deal with it"

Thanks all for your help and opinions.

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I'm a tattoo artist. I have a ton of tattoos. I don't think that I have a single tattoo on my body that turned out the way that I hoped it would. I have even lasered off an entire sleeve that was a cover up of another sleeve that I did as a young kid.... And the my new sleeve after my laser, kinda sucks, it's not really what I was going for. Close, but certainly not great.

Point being, you just deal with it. It's part of the game. I have never stood up from a tattoo chair and thought that the artist did a bad ass job. Probably because I have just gotten tattooed by people that I work with rather than seeking out the bad asses that would certainly do a great tattoo. I'm not complaining, I don't sit around regretting them.... I'm just saying it happens. And there's not much to be done about it.

That's a shame you are never completely happy. I am thrilled by the work I have but I try to seek out excellent artists. I would rather have none than crappy tattoos but that is just my opinion.

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That's a shame you are never completely happy. I am thrilled by the work I have but I try to seek out excellent artists. I would rather have none than crappy tattoos but that is just my opinion.

Couldn't agree more!

Maybe low expectations? or to high???

If I do a walkin, I base my decisions/expectations on portfolio's... :)

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