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Blog Comments posted by MsRad

  1. this is a great list! i've been wanting to read Cormack McCarthy's work for a few years now, but haven't had the chance. now you're inspiring me to do so once winter break hits. there's a few literary quotes that i've wanted for a while as tattoos, but haven't been able to tack down exactly how they should be:

    the first is "timshel" (or thou mayest) from Steibeck's East of Eden. that book changed me in so many ways.

    i'd totally get "so it goes" from Vonnegut and i'd love to get something from the Willow Tree by Hubert Selby Jr., however i haven't been able to pin down what yet (and it's been a while since i've read it).

    i also want the line "it's always necessary." from Jonathan Safran Foer's Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, specifically a passage where the main character's grandmother describes losing her sister during the bombing of Dresden, and never getting the chance to tell her how she felt. i believe just as Oskar's Grandmother does, that it is always necessary to say how you feel to the ones you care about. your time is short. you may miss your last chance.

    i also want two tattoo's for books from my childhood (not picture books either): one for the Wizard of Oz and the other for Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH.

  2. they all have images in my head paired with them. most of them i think i have been shortened as far as they can be (and some still need to be altered). each line has an image i associate with it, take "wish you were here" for example. to me that would be a memorial tattoo. it would be the back of a postcard, with the words wish you were here on the one side, then my friends name on the other, and the date he passed away as the postmark (if this could be achieved, otherwise, the date of the letter again on the left). i have one memorial tattoo for him coincidentally, as i have a pair of roses on my feet with the words never forget that were supposed to be filled in the day i got the call from his sister-in-law. i've left them empty since. it's a daily reminder to never forget that life is short, and to never take it for granted.

    sorry for going on a tangent haha

  3. i really want to dress like Ben Nichols. slowly my wardrobe is changing haha

    can't feel a thing is a great song. listened to it on repeat while writing another paper last weekend. i love the part "she asked me if i loved her, and i showed her the tattoo. it was no answer, but for then it had to do." so good.

  4. i have to figure out what Slow Dancing lyric i want, but i know i want a picture of my house (traditional, not realist) with the words "in time, all things must change" from Mom. my parents got divorced this year, and my mom's taken it the hardest. that song has really hit me hard. i saw them at the beginning of October right before i left for Chicago, and i started crying when they played it. then the idea just hit me. can't wait to see them in a few weeks.

  5. yea it was pretty crazy! lots of folks from LA and lots of friends i haven't seen in a good while. i think this show and the Chicago one were the only two he's playing here in the States. he said this was his third time in the country which i thought was kind of interesting considering how long he/symarip has been around.

    he did the splits 3 times, and had trouble getting back up all three times, but managed to do so on his own. i feared for his life every time haha. he also made the band "rewind" after they would start playing so he could talk, which was cool and not cool at the same time. personally, the show wasn't phenomenal (Desmond Dekker was phenomenal) though all my friends disagree with me. all in all though, it was good and i'm glad i went.

  6. that's Ruby from Arkansas! i just pulled that negative a few months ago. yea technically i'm in school, though i'm just taking two classes and i'm not really thrilled by either of them. i like the content, i just don't like the format or the lack of real discussion. it feels really easy and a waste of my money.

    i'm writing about this image:


  7. wow i didn't expect this type of response, so here goes at trying to respond to everyone:

    thanks Lochlan and Scott! i won't be traveling extensively (i will be going to Monterey for my birthday in November, but i go there at least once a year to soak in the waves and the otters) again until next year, unless i start a new photo project. i'm trying to save to take my mom to Europe, but she doesn't know that yet.

    Nick and Mario, i seriously had a blast! you're shop was very welcoming and friendly and i appreciated all the hospitality. hopefully we can return the favor in the Bay next week/weekend. i can see why both of you love it there, and i would be lying if i said i didn't miss it already.

    Dean and Julio, it might be the second best trip of my entire life, the first being the time i spent in Ireland. Chicago might be a meaty city, but it's also a top vegan destination and there are a lot of amazing vegan companies from the chicago area (such as Upton's Seitan and Chicago Soy Dairy). as far as masculinity is concerned, i could see why you would think that, but that doesn't bother me. i've always been a tom boy, though ironically i came home from Chicago with a new dress haha. what can i say, i'm sucker for them sometimes!

  8. Recently tattooed- through teardrops and laughter we walk through this world hand in hand- Waylon Jennings

    that's a good one! i want a tattoo for June Carter Cash's "the Storms are on the Ocean" but that song is so perfect, it's hard to pinpoint a single line from it.

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