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Blog Comments posted by gougetheeyes

  1. Hang in there Robin. I'd like to think we have more perspective as so-called adults but who knows how I would've turned out if my parents hadn't split right after I got born. Never had the chance to examine it with the perspective of time, it was just always something that was, so hopefully the distance and maturity of adulthood will help you wrap your head around everything.

    Best to your grandma.

  2. Well said. There are probably a hundred reasons for treating tattoos like a fashion accessory, but I think a lot of it comes back to the types of people getting tattooed. Because it's much more accessible/acceptable, it seems a lot of folks -- "kids" included -- are making a very conscious decision, "Yes, I will get a tattoo now." Because the culture of tattooing gets thrown around from TV to t-shirts to laptop covers to cell phones to cell phone games, most view it as just another "thing" to be into.

    I don't know if it makes sense, but personally, it never felt like a decision I made for myself. I always just assumed I would be tattooed from as far back as I can remember. I covered my hands and arms with marker as a kid and just always thought of myself that way. It's never been as simple as an interest or a hobby, it just feels part of me. And I'd be willing to bet my sad little savings account that the ones getting their tattoos removed before they even turn 21 would have no idea what I'm talking about.

    If I won the lottery, I'd be covered. If people lasering off half-sleeves won the lottery, they'd buy more shoes and more expensive clothes so they wouldn't feel like they had to get tattooed. My two cents.

  3. And in a weird (and awful) twist of fate, I've been trying to cut my coffee consumption to just one cup a day in the afternoons which I don't think I've done since...before I drank coffee. So 15 years? It sucks but it's proved pretty successful.

    Also, I've been meaning to post a photo of my coffee cup tattoo but keep forgetting! Will try to remember soon.

  4. The other problem, is the new old deli is closer to the Union Square stop but I get off at 6th ave now because I'm a borderline agoraphobic and can't handle the people on the platform, and barely the train. I've apparently made my choice by going to the cart guy in the morning, but usually I get a small there, so I can duck out around 11 and get a second at the deli, before lunch. When I go back for my lunch coffee.

    Now you're not missing New York are ya?

  5. So heavy for a Sunday morning. I fail at this all the time, but for me, at a really basic level, comes back to treating other people with how you want to be treated. Call it the Golden Rule that's so often associated with Christianity but it's an idea that has pervaded almost every religion, past and present.. Buddhism, Hinduism..

    It applies to almost anything you can think of: holding back some negative comment, giving a homeless dude a cup of coffee and a bagel, working an extra few minutes to get a job done, not trying to swindle anyone. And I've found those days I really make an effort and try to stay positive it makes a huge difference in my own quality of life.

    The joke about me between my friends and girlfriend is that I'm an angry, grumpy old man stuck in a 27 year olds body. But so much of the time I'm angry or grumpy because of something I perceive as not treating others (or myself) right. Cable companies trying to bilk the last dollar out of everybody, advertising trying to sell poison to the public, even someone just being blatantly rude or offensive.

    I can't think of how to boil it down, really. I do have "Faith, Hope, Love" tattooed on me..maybe that's it.

    I'm surprised I replied to this post -- thanks Jake for making my brain work on a cloudy Sunday morning.

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