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    gougetheeyes got a reaction from AlannaCA in slang terms that make you cringe?   
    I kind of secretly love when I see someone with upside-down script. I am obviously a jerk.
  2. Like
    gougetheeyes got a reaction from andrea in Tattoo Outline Raised   
    And also maybe a xanax.
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    gougetheeyes reacted to Stewart Robson in hardest artist to book   
    Man, everybody already used my smart-ass answers but the Greg Irons quip was funnier than I could have come up with.
    But back to the original question.
    This is one of the newer approaches to tattooing that makes me slightly uncomfortable to be honest. Myself and a few tattooers I know and work with have noticed the trend of customers finding a sense of pride in how long they had to wait for their tattoo. As if that makes the tattoo more worthwhile.
    With some of the currently living/working tattooers mentioned in this thread, I personally know people (not even on the internet) that have tattoos from all of them. Filip, Horiyoshi III, Shige and Mike Rubendall. Yeah, they had to wait a little while for some of them but not as long as you'd think for others. Mike Roper is a different situation because he makes it deliberately difficult to get in touch with him, which answers the question posed above. But that wasn't really the question that was asked and it's rarely the question that gets asked. The question, or at least the implication, is "who has the longest waiting list' or "who has appointments booked furthest into the future". If I were to be snarky "who gives me the most bragging rights".
    For me the hardest people to get a tattoo from are the tattooers who are located furthest away from me. The ones where I have to get off my ass and do something about it. Time is easier to overcome than distance although patience is a different matter. It astonishes me that people call our shop from the outskirts of the city expecting us to change the way we work because they are catching a train to get here. On the other hand, we are humbled and honoured by the people who cross seas and continents to get tattooed regularly with us.
    But that's aside from the issue.
    Why is it a trend that makes me uncomfortable?
    Because I've heard people brag about how long they had to wait for 'x' artist and wear that information like a badge of honour. It feels almost as distasteful as bragging about who charges the most. Yeah, tattoos are for tough guys and tough buys like to brag and maybe that seems harmless, but it makes me uncomfortable and I have trouble clearly explaining why.
    Maybe it's because it's a phenomenon spurred on by the internet and the gossipy world of hearsay. Nobody calls and checks with the artists or shops they want to get tattooed at. Nobody travels down to the shop to ask the question. They just ask random strangers on the internet who have a lot of time on their hands and like to talk about something they know nothing about. Then the reality gets lost or twisted and in the end the real information is lost. I see this a lot with regards to the shop I work at. Forums are (or certainly used to be) bursting with 'facts' about how much we charge, how long we take, how far 'x' and 'y' are booked or how long their waiting lists are. Nobody calls the shop to ask and nobody suggests that the person calls to ask.
    I know that happens with a lot of things but it seems like this is starting to have a real-world effect, however small. People who wanted tattoos that we would love to do heard that we wouldn't tattoo them at our shop because we were so cool and busy and booked up for decades and rolling around in money 'n' bitches or something. We've heard of this a few times and it seems to be happening more. Yeah, we're busy, you may have to wait a little, maybe not. If someone has contact information, especially a phone number on their website it means that they want you to call.
    I'm not really going to touch on the tone of the "are they a fad or are they really worth it?" comment, except to say that if you have to ask, the answer is "no".
    Sorry to jump on this fun thread with a rant. I look forward to more witty quips.
  4. Like
    gougetheeyes reacted to ShawnPorter in hardest artist to book   
    I have an appointment with Irons on Sunday, Rapture permitting.
  5. Like
    gougetheeyes got a reaction from calbee in Tattoos and why   
    No idea, just keep waking up with new ones.
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    gougetheeyes got a reaction from Gia Dobson in Tattoos and why   
    My spite tattoos are the tiniest but possibly the most gratifying.
  7. Like
    gougetheeyes got a reaction from dari in Tattoos and why   
    No idea, just keep waking up with new ones.
  8. Like
    gougetheeyes got a reaction from AlannaCA in Tattoos and why   
    No idea, just keep waking up with new ones.
  9. Like
    gougetheeyes reacted to Perez in Tattoos and why   
    Because I am literally and absolutely no fucking good at anything else.
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    gougetheeyes reacted to irezumi in Apprenticeship Questions   
    the 2 things that stand out to me the most that have been said;
    draw draw draw draw draw and spend a lot of money at the tattoo shop getting tattooed. a lot of tattoos. that in itself is one of the first big steps. invest in your (possible) future career.
    real talk.
  11. Like
    gougetheeyes reacted to MsRad in Apprenticeship Questions   
    pandora's box has just been opened.
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    gougetheeyes reacted to MsRad in Tattoo silhouette and negative space   
    i'm striving to achieve those legs.
  13. Like
    gougetheeyes got a reaction from calbee in 2011 Most Popular Tattoo Designs Projections   
    Dude, cmon those stars represent my cousin's girlfriend's struggle with strength. And also honor.
  14. Like
    gougetheeyes got a reaction from Turquoise Cherry in Preferential Treatment   
    Ok, so the Feminism and Tattoos Thread got me thinking a bit about something positive: preferential treatment because of tattoos. This could also be seen as a negative by some, though I'm guessing most folks on here have experienced this as a plus. Maybe you got a deal on a lawn mower or a free cup of coffee or just had a really nice talk with someone you otherwise wouldn't have spoken to.
    For example, I mentioned I most likely showed my wife-to-be some preference in serving her drinks when we first met because we got to talking about tattoos. That, and she's hot.
    So, good experiences with preferential tattoo treatment??
  15. Like
    gougetheeyes got a reaction from byzantine in Black Work   
    Petri, great topic with a lot to think about. That's a really good Cliff Raven quote, too! It's strange, too, because I've been thinking a little bit about blackwork tattooing lately as I've been reading up on plains Indians (this is a really fantastic book on the Blackfeet, by the way if anyone has any interest) and learning about some basic things, especially how artwork reflected their beliefs and what was important in their lives.. seeing some old photos of the men and women, and gathering little tidbits about the importance of tattoos across different groups. Which also ties in to the sun dance that the Blackfeet participated in, incorporating some serious piercing… Anyway.
    I think this topic is pretty huge but I'll try keep it short. In my opinion, with tattoos, we're all struggling to apply ten million things to our bodies, most of which we’ll never fully understand. Aside from our struggle to reconcile our own mind and spirit with our physical world, we obviously latch on to art that we can identify with, be it music, tattoos, or the argument could even be made for clothing. And so much of it is ingrained in our culture and subconscious, it's tough to step outside those parameters, tattoo or otherwise. I do love blackwork tattoos and I do appreciate what those (growing) few have done and are doing by exploring different styles of the artwork. I do think it suits a lot of people but I think there's a certain... not problem, but maybe an uncertainty, when it comes to co-opting various styles and designs from other cultures. It's powerful and striking and instantly more "meaningful" or "exotic" than traditional western tattoos, but sometimes what happens is just a bunch of borrowing from other cultures. Now -- there's not necessarily anything wrong with it and, in fact, there's something very American -- and very human -- about that. We consume and incorporate and for the most part it's to understand and gain knowledge. And in that way, we create a new tattoo language, which is really exciting and maybe even necessary.
    All of this is to say, I’ve had a real, growing interest in blackwork/native tattooing as I’ve gotten older. And I think it’s because I’ve made myself think about things a bit more, try to understand the whys of tattooing and expression; whys that probably won’t ever be fully answered. I think folks that exploded the possibilities for our modern times, like Leo Zulueta, and those that are building on that foundation, like Thomas Hooper, have the right idea. When I mentioned “co-opting” and “borrowing” I didn’t mean it in the negative, I think that’s just our nature because we’re all trying to understand something we can’t put our finger on. Who knows – maybe as I get older I’ll get really into black-only tattoos. I identify a lot with both Celtic and American Indian designs but maybe that’s my own subconscious connecting slivers of my ancestry to my geography to my own search for meaning. I’m glad for the renewed interest in tribal tattoos, I just keep my fingers crossed people will treat it with respect.
  16. Like
    gougetheeyes got a reaction from ChrisDowning in slang terms that make you cringe?   
    I've always felt there was a huge disconnect between the tattoo and piercing communities, with a very small crossover, though folks outside of them like to wrap them up into one. Which I guess has a lot to do with the combo tattoo and piercing shops. I had my ears gauged for about ten years but recently took those out. Other than that, I never felt like I was part of any piercing community -- nor did I ever want to be -- and while I think the two are very loosely related at some kind of basic level, I think they're pretty far apart.
    In conclusion, the term BOD-MOD makes me cringe.
  17. Like
    gougetheeyes got a reaction from nicky papers in slang terms that make you cringe?   
    I've always felt there was a huge disconnect between the tattoo and piercing communities, with a very small crossover, though folks outside of them like to wrap them up into one. Which I guess has a lot to do with the combo tattoo and piercing shops. I had my ears gauged for about ten years but recently took those out. Other than that, I never felt like I was part of any piercing community -- nor did I ever want to be -- and while I think the two are very loosely related at some kind of basic level, I think they're pretty far apart.
    In conclusion, the term BOD-MOD makes me cringe.
  18. Like
    gougetheeyes reacted to ChrisDowning in slang terms that make you cringe?   
    I don't care for industry either, there's nothing industrial about what I do.
    Anyone said body-mod? That word makes me want to slam my face into my desk. I guess thats more of a piercer thing... Come to think of it, I feel the same way about most piercers.
  19. Like
    gougetheeyes got a reaction from AlannaCA in best TV series   
    Also: Roseanne and I Love Lucy. UNASHAMED.
  20. Like
    gougetheeyes reacted to Big Rupert in Your Latest Tattoo Story   
    Being that I am an engine builder and have blown up my fair share of them, I figured this one was appropriate lol.... Work done by BIG5

  21. Like
    gougetheeyes reacted to shaneenholm in Customer Respect. Does it exist?   
    CUSTOMER RESPECT...OF COURSE IT EXISTS...WHERE WOULD WE BE WITHOUT CUSTOMERS.... It is very varied...like someone said there are all kinds of people..so there are all kinds of tattooers....Most people when they first come in the shop think i am scowling at them...but i cannot see past 15 feet so I am trying to discern who it is....
    I work in a street shop..I always have worked in a street shop...I like it.....I always liked Mikey perfettos(pronounciation..not spelling) way of running a shop...the dry erase board you put your name on...whether you want a back piece or a litlle kanji...you get your name on the board..you will get tattooed that day... he takes the board away at a certain point and you gotta come back tommorrow...Also his customers are fiercely loyal...people go there with sleeves or work from really great and well known artists and his customers will look at it and say.."those are nice...but look at the ones Mikey put on me"
    Tattooing has turned into a real whirlwind...more people today getting tattooed than ever...more tattooers tattooing than ever...more personalities....I promise i will not go into a "back in the day" rant.. I am not sure if it was better back then anymore but with the tattooer and tattooed population exploding that adds alot into what is happening...With all these people comes all these personalities and egos and behavior....
    It is a imperative for a tattooer to remember that his customer may have worked 40 hours for the 200 bucks you are gonna get in an hour or two...and it is also hard to have 6 or 7 18 year old girls ask you'what place hurts the least on the body and i can hide it from my parents" naturally I think...if you want a tattoo you will get it where you want it regardless of the pain...it is a tightrope or have people coming at you all day asking"how much would you have charged for this?" rolling up their sleeve...
    but it is important for customers to remember that a tattoo machine is not a magic wand...(well Id swear it is in some peoples hands)Like all the young tattoo-ologists that come with their friend to get their first and you put the pattern on and they ask their friend rather than look in the mirror...or the facebook thing...tattooing with people trying to film it to put it on line with their phones...or when you go to dip your machine in ink they slip a camera in and take a shot of a pattern with one line....I mean it is alot....
    then the memorial tattoo.... they are going thru the biggest changes in their life and you are poking holes in them...there is so much going on that people do not realize....and while all that is going on you may have had a fight with your significant other, or your kid or grandkid is sick....but you have to leave all that outside of what you are doing..
    Then we have that all too ga-narly EGO...on both sides of the fence...Like in sobriety at the end of a 12 step meeting they say the lords prayer and I heard a guy say "deliver us from ego" rather than "deliver us from evil"...ego is a huge thing...more now than ever...Opinions(like mine i am typing out now) are a big factor too....what was it rollo said"alot of tattooers are building monuments to themselves rather than doing what the customer wants"
    people get tattooed for all kinds of reasons..and sometimes people think a tattoo is gonna change their life...its not...it is just them with a tattoo...
    Then the cool factor... right??? I had a guy tattooing for a couple of days at the shop who used to have a serious attitude...not anymore..and i asked him about it.and he said he learned it..like watching more 'experienced" tattooers act bothered by the customers...Its actually pretty funny when you think about it...but he realized that is what he thought he was suppose to act like...and you tattooers would laugh if you knew they guy he learned from...this guy was notorius like sitting behind a counter with his hands hidden smiling and talking to the customer while flipping them off with both hands
    Most Tattooers start hanging around shops very young...they are very impressionable...it is the old nature versus nurture arguement..and one day the nature wins over if they were nurtured liked the guy i just mentioned...unless they are naturally nitwits to begin with...but they may have learned that arrogant behavior....but usually they will lose it if it is in their nature....
    Or how about they act like they think they are suppose to act because they heard some story about a big noise tattooer acted towards a customer...the story is completley blown out of proportion and when you get the real skinny on what happened it all made sense....
    Tattooing is hard work...most people that spend an hour in a shop that you spend your whole life in probably get the perception it is easy....IT IS VERY DRAINING.....I mean ass kicking as hard as running a jack hammer or ditch digging(I guess i still am kinda)ass kicking...
    but the customers are the real reward...that is why it gets good...and I have a alot of friends that agree...However the customer also makes it the biggest struggle...
    what is that saying..'people only ask how your doing so they don't let on how little they care"...Ok a customer books an appointment(thats why i like walk ins..I tell them i will get em tattooed if they can wait...for the people in front of them or the hours it takes to draw the picture they showed you on their phone...)is every single customers printer always out of ink...
    But lets go with an appointment..Ok the guy works all week and he has an appointment at 5 on friday...he is running a little late but figures it is his time anyway so what is 15 minutes...at the same time at the shop the artist has a guy there with the cash that wants a small one...well is the appointment coming?...if i tell the guy at the shop no and the customer does not show up i am out both tattoos and cannot pay my starbucks debit card(yeah right...somethin important like that)...whatever...so you take the guy there and then the appt. shows up... he flies right up to your station and you tell him.."i got this one infront of you and then i will get to you..."he is pissed...pacing...but he will get over it....He shoulda been on time..I am a nut about being on time....it is all about the individuals personality...
    Ok or you are working on a tattoo that some guy worked all week for the $ and another customer comes up and wants to ask you how you can add on to a tattoo..and you try politely to tell them.."hey i gotta do this right now when i get to you you will have my undivided attention" in which the customer replies.."do you think cherry blossoms will work?" like you did not say anything....usually we are guarded until we see where they are coming from...
    there is a whole lot going on before you walk in the shop....
    The customers are usually intimidated to begin with...they think their questions will be dumb...but i always ask them what they do...lets say they cut hair..i do not know anything about that..like they do not know anything about tattooing...of course they have questions....fire away....but when you get the customer that wants you to give them the answer THEY WANT..not the truth...tattooing is so overrun now they will find someone who will give them the answer they want...maybe not the tattoo but the answer....
    People love their tattoos....I was told that very young by a great tattooer....remember people love thier tattoos...I have seen a perfectly good reaper done on a customer by someone and had a tattooer look at it and say 'who did that reaper?...they shaded it backwards..." (actually it is that cliff raven reaper..it is not shaded backwards it is like that on the flash) so a week later i get a call from the customer"shane can you fix my reaper?"...Why? whats wrong with it? it is because that guy told you it was shaded wrong? it was fine and you loved it for 2 years until some nitiwt says something about it...you loved it when you picked it....that is so sad...
    Anyway....It is a fine line......but there are all kinds of tattooers..like there are all kinds of customers...
    Another older tattooer told me when i was young that it is the experience...the whole of it...someone who bumps into a world famous guy tattooing them may do a beautiful eagle but they like the one that we, as tattooers, may not think is the best technically because they dug the experience people get tattooed for all knids of reasons and art is relative......
    My longest friendships are with tattooers...in spite of us being tattooers..some i may not see everyday or every year but when i do it is like not a day has passed....and in every tattooer there is a customer...WE ARE CUSTOMERS...all of us....and regardless of what they may portray they all put there pants on one leg at a time...noone truly shits beige....
    I do not take breaks....not rest breaks anyway..i may have to pour some color..but I usually do not stop to smoke or coffee or eat...I barely do that between tattoos...and i know i am not as good as my peers...but i have been around it and done it since i was a little kid and i know part of the reason i am so swamped every single day is customer relations...THANK GOD I AM SO SWAMPED....
    gratitude...being grateful that we have the best job in the world...in spite of the bad backs,neck extra 20 pounds the lack of privacy,the hurt hands and wrists,bad eyes,the judgements,bad diet,the intra industry personality wars, who knows who, thousands of people chasing the same nickel....the cant get to sleep because i crossed that line on the eagle feather...,is my dick too small( where did that one come from) the IRS,state laws,the internet etc...etc.etc...it is still the best job in the world....
    The customer is the most important part of all of this....no question....it is a two way street and keeping your side clean is the best thing you can do....
    PS i did an article/ interview with Big bad Jack Rudy that is coming out in TAM #25...check it out....
  22. Like
    gougetheeyes reacted to Jake in Do you like Color? or Black and Grey?   
    depends on what's appropriate for the piece, where it is in relation to other tattoos, and WHO's tattooing it. case by case basis for sure. love em both in good context
  23. Like
    gougetheeyes got a reaction from Bunny Switchblade in Your Latest Tattoo Story   
    Nice! Looks like good times. This might prompt a neck tattoo thread..
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    gougetheeyes reacted to MsRad in April Fools Shenanigans   
    there's this video that a co-worker sent me, that seems like it might be fake, but so happens to be addressed to a Ryan, and we just happen to have a Ryan who works with us.... so we're thinking about calling and leaving him a message with the audio. seems pretty harmless but should be entertaining.

  25. Like
    gougetheeyes got a reaction from Bart Bingham in Lady Heads   
    Mr. Bingham, was taking a look at some of your ladies the other day and I'll second Romance&Worship's comment!
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