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Posts posted by Reyeslv

  1. Perhaps this is my film snobbishness rearing it's head, and really, it's more about clarification than anything so forgive my nitpicking...

    but I have to throw out there that it's not a remake of the Swedish version; it's an American adaptation of a book that happened to be made as a film in Sweden. Did it 'need' to be made? Maybe, maybe not. But the film is it's own entity. One could argue that the Swedish movie didn't need to be made, that the book on it's own is enough. Fincher is a talented dude, and putting his lens (pun intended) on the source material was great. The book still exists, as does the Swedish version, for folks who love them.

    (I just got into an extended argument about the Fincher version at work, and I'm still all fired up! :D

    I saw the US version last week and watched the original last night on netflix. The original was better in my opinion. It had a better flow and it didn't leave any gaps in the story.

  2. Today I managed to score TWO cancellations with Valerie at Frith Street for early Jan 2012. What a great start to the year....

    Congrats!! I saw the post on twitter and it was filled quick. Way to be quick and snatching up those appointments!!!

  3. Make an apt with @Stewart Robson and do a road trip then share it with us! I know many LSTers, my self included, would be very stoked to watch a big tattoo by him be shared with LST. As you saw from his blog he sometimes shows progress of his larger tattoos and it's fun to watch unfold.

    In my opinion, Japanese and traditional tattoos look the very best years later AS LONG AS it is done by a good tattooer. I think they look even better aged than when brand new. The key component is finding a good tattooer after that everything else works itself out......

    As for color portraits, not a fan of them though have seen a few yes a few good ones years later.

    Totally agree with @Lochlan if you think Stewart is the best, take a trip tosee him. I and others on this site have done that and have NOT been disappointedAT ALL. Good luck in your decision!

  4. haha, that woman also has the butterfly i did on El Wood's arm. i remember seeing this a while ago, think a customer pointed me to it over twitter. i dont really know what to say on the matter other than i think the biggest shame is for the owner of the original tattoo, they put their trust and money on that piece to have someone else get a nastier cheaper version.

    ive had a couple of customers bring up this point after seeing a bad copy of their own tattoo online and the only thing to say on this matter is that at least you got the original and best.

    i havent crossed words with customers that pass through frith st who wear bad copies of my work, i stay away from it and leave them to get tattooed by the other guys. i assume that when i open up my book at some point the people who wish to get work by me will, and the ones that keep getting cheap copies wont.

    a while a go i finished a black and grey girl/tiger head backpiece and i remember stumbling across another artists website with a tshirt they designed and selling with a near enough tracing of the original design i did for my customers back with a tweak or two. ive since had the fortune to speak to said artist face to face and tell them how unhappy i was about it but they didnt apologise and instead chose to lie about it. but whatever, i told the owner of the backpiece and he was at first upset then kinda laughed about it thankfully.

    I def post less and less work online, not purely through these type of happenings but they certainly do not help. my newest funnest work is now printed in photograph form and added to my physical portfolio at work/conventions. it is sadly a very much double edged sword, i just try to toe the line and not disappear entirely.

    What bugs me when people poach is it hurts the rest of us. I enjoyed looking at Valerie's blog and seeing her work evolve. Sometime ago the entries slowed and I understand why. You aren't original if you want someone else's EXACT tattoo or if you trace it and apply it to someone else.

  5. any links would be awesome, i have no I phone and when I pull up instagram on the internet it just wants me to download nad make account

    The only way to access IG is via the iPhone App....

  6. Having more sessions on my back. Going to NY and planning a visit to Smith Street. Also planning something on my forearm. Lastly, I am going to the bay area tattoo convention!!!!

    Oh yeah, before I do all this "tattoo" stuff, as my wife refers to it, I'll be looking forward to February. My wife is expecting our second (AND LAST) child. It's a boy and we are stoked!!!!

    Bring on 2012!!!!!!

  7. So I've tried to answer this thread a couple of times and haven't had a good response to post. I'm a few glasses of wine into the night so let's see if that helps....

    BEST/WORST of 2011:

    1.) Personal high of 2011?

    Traveling to London twice and going to Frith Street. My wife and I really enjoy traveling and she's super supportive of my tattoo addiction.

    2.) Personal low of 2011?

    Unfortunately, my mother is very sick and this year has been stressful.

    3.) Best LST Thread?

    Tattoo Lowdown

    4.) Worst LST Thread?

    All the ones that I end :( I've nicked name myself "THREAD KILLER"..... I'm trying to get better on my contributions.....

    5.) Favorite tattoo (on you):

    Skull with Roses on my forearm

    6.) Favorite tattoo (on someone else):

    There is some great stuff in our gallery, the Valerie Vargas sleeve Gent with Lady.

    7.) Favorite artist?

    Stewart Robson

    8.) Best/Worst movie:

    Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, we have a little one and we haven't gotten out to the movies that much....

    9.) Best/Worst album:

    With iTunes I don't really do albums.... Just song after song....

    10.) Biggest guilty pleasure:

    Food.... I love all types, love restaurants and cooking!

    11.) Best show/concert you did and did not attend:

    Went to Phantom of the Opera in London.....It was fun and I have seen it a couple of times but it was my wife's first time and she loved it.

    12.) Sum up the year in one word:


    Add whatever questions you want. Lets get to postin.

  8. Just goes to show you how funny gun laws are. Usually based on "scary" factor. In some states you can buy an auto glock pistol but NO semi-auto TEC9, based simply on scary factor not damage factor. I personally are for silencers (suppressors) as they would cut down on gun range noise and help save my damned hearing!

    In Arizona, the sky is the limit on what you can own. With the proper background check you can get large caliber, fully automatic, suppressors, sawed off shotgun. There isn't much you can't get here. There is a gun store next to the range I go, and it reminds me of the scene in the Matrix. They have EVERYTHING... really crazy.... Full auto are ridiculously expensive to own but not to bad to rent....

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