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Hands On

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Posts posted by Hands On

  1. i guess he's committed himself to tattooing and it seems to be his passion... that and Disneyland. but who doesn't love Disneyland?!!

    something about LA makes some people do strange things to gain fame or notoriety. haven't met him, so it's hard to tell if he really loves tattoos and wants to be a tattooer... but initial reaction seems like he just wants to be "that dude."

  2. everyone's different and tattoos are for each individual. i'm sure lots of folks think thru their first tattoo long and hard, while others might just get whatever's on the wall, on a whim. the "do you" advice is really the best advice there is, because no one else is wearing the tattoo but you... however, i believe the artist's advice should also be taken into account... at least artistically, but not necessarily with regards to the subject.

    i can't remember which interview it was in, but some artist said that you start off super serious and picky about your tattoos, then you just start to get whatever... just to fill up space... then, once you're out of space, it comes full circle and you have to be serious and super picky again to make sure you really get what you want.

  3. hey @wrazz ... just wondering if you ended up getting a tattoo... whether it was something discussed here or not. it kinda sounded like you already had an idea in your head, which is a hard place for folks on the interwebs to get into. most of the folks on here are just wrazzing you. don't take it too personal. but yeah... tattoo? yes?

  4. I only do friendly games, AC was okay since it had some structure to it and things never got out of hand. Play... cash in (maybe) and go home. We played couples poker too, husband and wife teams. My wife is a good player so we won our share.

    that's awesome! my wife literally just learned, so she's one of those people ruining the game! hahahhaha... if she plays in my friends and fam game, i have an unfair advantage because i can read her like a book... sets up my stack to be able to mess around with the rest of the table.

  5. I used to go to AC (Atlantic City) with my bro inlaw's 90 year old neighbor to play poker. This guy taught me a lot about the game. We'd go in to play at the same table and not let on that we knew each other. I did okay.. he always came home with a lot of loot. The home games are a lot of fun, agree that it's better to play with friends and the total stake is maybe $120 with 5 or 6 guys playing.

    Sounds like the scene in Rounders when Ed Norton gets outa prison and all the players at the table said they might as well have played a home game... then a couple fish show up.

    5 or 6 friends is a perfect size... especially if they all know what they're doing.

    HORSE is pretty fun, but it racks your brain and Razz is such a bitch.

  6. i enjoy the game of texas hold 'em, but i don't really play for big stakes. i'd rather play a friendly home game for $5 or $10 with friends than risk $100 or $200 at a casino. if i could invest time and money into getting good and make it so that 1 or 2 hundred isn't really getting put "at risk" but more so an investment, i'd play more often... but there's never really any sure bets. there's always someone better, with more money and more balls to chase and catch. kinda fuels that hate in the love/hate relationship of poker. it's easier when there's less at risk and you're losing to your buddies.

  7. I shouldn't have watched it. It might be the worst thing to ever be on TV. And that's saying something.

    yep. that about sums it up.

    as i was flipping thru the guide, i saw it. reluctantly pressed enter and watched about 15 seconds of the show. abruptly turned off the TV, went on a short rant to my wife about how horrible it is, then put on some music and drew. shoulda been doing that in the first place.

  8. I'm hoping this doesn't start any sort of trend. Inflation's a motherfucker! Another thread was talkin' about Grime being pricey, but this takes the cake.

    Dear other tattooers reading this or hearing about C.C.'s rates,

    Please keep your rates reasonable and sane.


    Your Loyal Clientele

  9. I've been spoiled by the State of Grace convention. There aren't many other places you can go to see that caliber of tattoo artists at work and selling goodies. I have to agree with prior posts about conventions being a great place to get work by tattooers you wouldn't normally have a chance to get tattooed by.

    I've been to a few other conventions and they all have a different vibe... it really depends on what you're into. If you've got nothin' better going on, they can be a cool place to just look at people's work and chill out for a day. I try to know what to expect beforehand, based on the list of artists and vendors... then base my attendance, excitement, and vibe on that.

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