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Posts posted by oboogie

  1. On 9/16/2016 at 11:22 AM, a_beukeveld said:

    Its very difficult to be sensitive when you know exactly why the question is being asked. Most people come here to have their ego stroked about their design, their ideas or their tattoo, and its plainly obvious. They ask for opinions on their ideas, or they ask you to critique the design they made or had someone else make, and when they recieve answers they dont like, it becomes apparent why they were asking.

    If they truly cared about the questions they ask, they will be receptive of any response. If I have a question about healing a tattoo, I want to be told off for asking if its cool to let my dogs lick my leg. If they get offended or sensitive about the responses that they're given, its just an indicator that you're wasting your time answering them, and being sensitive about it will only encourage them.

    This forum is an amazing resource filled with heavily tattooed people, with years and years of experience. If you want some of that knowledge, you're going to have to put on your big kid pants and realize you're not going to have your hand held here, or anywhere in tattooing. 

    "Make tattooing scary again."

    I really enjoyed reading this again. So spot on. :-)

  2. Welcome, Ken! I think if you start researching artists in your area, you'll find the right artist for you. They will come up with something that conveys what you want for your tattoo.

    If you tell us where you are, we can certainly try to help with artist suggestions. There are great resources here! Glad you have joined us!

  3. 4 minutes ago, Dan said:

    LOL , I don't see anyone bullying anyone here.

    remember you only get back what you put out.

    Maybe if you had started out here with a more friendly vibe,you would have gotten that back in return.

    Bless. He really thinks anyone gives a damn what he posts? How precious. ?

  4. There is a great deal of knowledge to be found here by people who are experienced in planning and getting tattoos. There are also some people who have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. Keep that in mind, Missyblue, and enjoy your weekend! :-)

  5. Look. You got a tattoo on a body part. When you move that body part, the tattoo won't look straight.  That's just how it works. You shouldn't regret it. It's really tiny, and no one will know it is there unless you show them.

    If you hate it that much, let it heal, then get laser removed. You are worrying far too much about this very, very tiny tattoo. Either enjoy it or start making plans to get it removed. It isn't a big deal.

    Stop worrying. I promise that you'll be OK. :-)

  6. What Mark said. I had to get an antibiotic shot when one of my tattoos got infected. And it was from a reputable shop. Don't take a chance. Get to the doctor ASAP. End of.

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