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Posts posted by JAC1961

  1. 20 hours ago, DerryCZ said:

    Oh I thought this is a site, where i can find some advice or something.

    You did get some of the best advice possible, go earn an apprenticeship and do it the right way.

  2. I'm no doctor, but I don't see how a chemical would affect the tattooed skin and not the surrounding skin.  Anything is possible though.  There was a recent thread discussing bumps on black ink.  You might want to check this out.

    As far as a doctor, you're the only one that knows if it's bothering you enough to need a doctor's help.

  3. I'm going out on a limb here, but I doubt that many if any here have enough knowledge of chemistry to know whether that's what caused your problem.  If you really believe that's what caused your problems, I'd still recommend trying a different artist for your next tattoo and find out which ink they use.  It could be a cleanliness issue at the place you got your existing ones.

  4. 32 minutes ago, joethelion said:

    Now, how to decide where to get the tattoo?

    Lots of research. Look on Instagram, read reviews on goggle, Facebook, etc., talk to people. Take your time and be sure. Go into the shop and check it out and talk to the artist.

  5. 5 hours ago, Dan said:

    let it heal for 3 months before you take too close a look at it,

    THEN maybe you could get a touch-up if needed.

    for now,keep Aveeno on it daily,

    enjoy it,

    and start planning your next bad ass tattoo.

    and stop looking at it with a microscope !  it looks fine.

    Listen to Dan.

    And welcome.

  6. 46 minutes ago, Dan said:

    it could be fun to makeup different explanations for different situations as to what the symbols mean when asked about them ! LOL

    That's exactly the thing that I'd do, making them more ridiculous based on who asked. Since they are something that mean a lot to you, that's probably not the thing to do.

    Possibly put them on your thigh. More room to make them a decent size and would be covered the majority of the time.

  7. I completely get you wanting it as a tribute, but if it where me, I'd put it out of plain view.  Tattoos of Asian characters having become a running joke as of late because of so many of them being... well, enormous.  Hope they come out well for you no matter what you decide.

  8. Joe, being new I don't think that you'll be able to post there until you have a certain amount of posts. If you go ahead and post it here people will respond.

    Also, welcome!

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