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Colored Guy

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Everything posted by Colored Guy

  1. Mine aren't complete. But so far I have all oriental work. I'm thinking of throwing something traditional into it as well.
  2. I've spent most of my adult life trying not to be my father, so tattoos were part of that direction. I mean he was basically a good person, just not a good provider and that kept us from doing things that kids should do. I also got into motorcycles, stock cars and the lifestyle that went with that. Most of my family was okay with it and I was the only one tattooed for many years. Now more in my family have them, my kids, nieces and nephews, cousins too. My wife's brother married into a jewish family.. tattoos... a huge no-no. Plus these are real stick up the ass people in general who don't venture too far from their comfort zone. A good friend of mine, his wife and daughter went out and got matching tattoos a few months back, he was very upset at first. Someone I know from the beach I go to, his daughter has some huge pieces on her, nice work but he is far from pleased about it. So in the end, you can't make everyone happy. And the compulsion to get a tattoo is a strong one, not to be entered into lightly. I think that almost everyone gives it a lot of thought before getting one.
  3. Its all about the flow. The dragon head on my chest faces in, the bird on my upper arm faces in. They would look awkward otherwise.
  4. Cut out the middle-man and get a dragon.. the bigger the better.
  5. I have one piercing below the belt that I had done years ago. I may get one ear pierced one day, but that's as far as I would take it.
  6. The peony on my left arm was done over a very dark older tattoo with a lot of black in it. This was done in 2011 and the white and blue have held up well since then. I'll have the white touched up on a future appointment. I would have never guessed it was possible and was entertaining a chemical peel or having it lasered off.
  7. The subway is the way to go, the morning and evening rush can be crazy though. I used to be in and out on NYC years ago, I'd be starting all over if I had to ride the subways again.
  8. Very cool, thanks for finding that. Cattoo.. I coined the phrase back in 2009 or so... I been robbed...
  9. Even tail-first, she spreads out her back toes and grabs onto the grate on the door, that's when I got hooked for the 2nd time. Cat carriers definitely need some re-design.
  10. Me & my son just took Chloe the cat to the vet for her check up. We had to hide the cat carrier until the last second. My son picked her up, which she hates. Then we went with head-first into the cat carrier... no go. The cat made herself 36" wide in a flash. Then I stood the carrier up on end and lowered her tail-first into it. About 8 scratches between us, we were off to the vet. $383 later, we were home in about an hour. No big problems with the cat, she had her rabies shot, various imunizations and 8 months of flea protection.
  11. Penises are like boats... you're probably better off to have a friend that has one rather than owning one yourself.
  12. Get a polar bear eating vanilla ice cream in a blizzard... ez as pie to cover up....
  13. I was at pain management a few weeks ago, on my off day and I run into a lady I work with as she came in. So she gets to see me in a t-shirt and shorts... she had no idea. She has some tattoos I've seen, but never talked to her about them. She was thrilled to see that I had so much ink on me. So we talked for a bit, I gave her a card to a shop I use. But again, she's in the minority that knows I have any tattoos on me.
  14. They're called "cattoos". Someone I know from the beach has her cats (past and present) faces and names up and down her arms, looks great! She gave one of the cats to a friend, but she's keeping the tattoo. I'd like to get my cat Chloe's face somewhere on me. She's so cute.
  15. Like little kids playing with Sharpies... only it don't wash off!
  16. And I thought the guy with the panther head on his face I used to see @ unemployment was fucked for life....
  17. I may tune in Ink Masters now and then for the elimination (elimination... nice word for taking a carp..) tattoo. I can do 20 minutes of that. All of the otehrs shows, they're pretty bad or worse. Definitely not doing anything positive for the art.
  18. I want to see a dagger with a dagger thru it...
  19. I saw some girl with a Hello Kitty with the head in a hangman's noose on her foot....
  20. I really don't tell anyone what they cost that I don't want to. Plainskins... never. Anyone who hadn't gotten a tattoo in 30 years... never. Everyone makes their own deal with the shop so what I pay doesn't mean that's what anyone else will pay for something comparable. People who aren't into the art, they just have no understanding. Explaining my position is like mooning a blind person, the translation is lost.
  21. I work with a guy whose son bought the farm that way, positively creamed... and only age 22. He was devastated and there wasn't much left that could be harvested.
  22. I see this all the time, almost always at night too. And often its a group of 10 of them, or more. All on crotch rockets. They blow past at well over 100 mph. Amazing there are few accidents from the practice.
  23. I was talking about the show with an artist and she said it looked like any time he had $50 in his pocket, he went out and got a tattoo. The only reason he's on the show is that he brings a heavy douche-bag presence to the table. This is a key element to a "reality" show. If anyone has ever played "house" as a kid, there was always one girl who sent everyone home if things didn't go her way. He is that girl.
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