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Brock Varty

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Posts posted by Brock Varty

  1. What's up with getting this Snapchat started? I changed my name from "Beefycock" to "danandout".

    No one would add me with the name beefycock. not sure why.

    Pretty sure I don't want you or @Jack to get drunk and Snapchat me your balls. Not going to lie, the struggle is real.

  2. So it seems like the general concensus i to just pack as many tattoos in as I can, leavina a little negative space around each one?

    Just keep getting rad tattoos. Eventually, you will get to a point where you won't care about the fairly minor specifics of that part of your arm. Don't worry, let it happen, if you have a cool little piece you want to get and it feels right to stick it in there...then do it!

  3. Age of Empires will always be one of my favorite older computer games from my childhood. I cant tell you the countless hours i've spent playing it.

    Have you tried The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim?

    I have not played that actually. I know it is very very good. I just don't have the time to dedicate to playing that and Fallout at the same tiome. When I am done with Fallout, I may purchase Skyrim though. :)

  4. As has been mentioned before, talk to the artist. He is getting paid to give you his best, most informed opinion; use that source of information and run your concerns by him. Put the tattoo where YOU want to put it. It is your body and your choice. Use your artist input to make a decision on where YOU want to tattoo. Cheers and good luck!

  5. A good friend of mine is slowly getting a traditional Fallout sleeve ,so far he only has the fallout boy but has an appointment soon for Primm slim(the sheriff robot) and I think he wants a Rad scorpion and the nuka cola bottle cap. He's still figuring out the rest but it will be awesome. This probably makes no sense to someone who hasn't played it.

    Recently started playing Fallout 3 thanks to the recommendation of some of the fine folks from here. Only have about 15 hours into the game but I really enjoy it so far. Very much worth the $15 I payed for it on sale on the XBox online games service.

    Also, got back intio Age of Empires 2 on PC. Anyone play that at all? I am a huge RTS geek....

  6. Cheeks have healed pretty well so far (I'm not fully covered yet), my problems have been the hamstrings with regards to sitting. Right about the spot where the edge of the chair/seat would be. I was told that those spots should be lotioned a little extra since they dry out quicker to prevent major scabs from forming. You might still get scabs but just do what you can.

    My problem has been the hamstrings. Cheeks heal just fine. Hammies require some TLC.

  7. If you get the game of the year edition, it's all included. But, I mean, they are fun, I wouldn't say a "must" for the storyline. Dude, you'll really enjoy it. It's fun. Nothing more exciting that blasting a big ole super mutant with Lincoln's repeater rifle. One shot. One kill.

    I'm going to get a new console for the Mad Max game....when that comes out.

    I will have to try out the Game of the Year edition. What console do you play on duder?

  8. I'm about 16 hours into Fallout 3 (for the third time). Man, this game is fun. It's the first RPG (albeit action) I've ever really gotten into. I'm gonna play Skyrim next.

    My mentor bought a PS4, and he is kinda "meh" about it. I think his kids are into it more than him.

    I played the original Fallout on PC. Is Fallout 3 worth buying? Are the expansions a must?

  9. I was massively unimpressed with everything the new generation of consoles has to offer so I built a very nice gaming PC instead....couldn't be happier! Been playing Metro - last light, which is excellent, and Assassins creed 4, which has its faults, apart from sailing the high seas with shanties, which is ace. Also playing through Papers, Please, and Spelunky, both of which are fantastic.

    I picked up the Witcher 2 as well on the steam sale - not got around to playing it yet, cant wait though!

    I think when I finally upgrade from my current gen xbox and high end laptop, i will go the "build your own gaming pc" route. There is just so much customization and such a cost/performance/use ratio that you cant get with consoles. I am actually really excited to build a pc. I should think about the fact that my laptop has the power to run any game at 60fps so maybe I should just use my laptop.

  10. Is it against etiquette to bump up old threads? Thought I'd try to revive this one, with the new consoles coming out and all.

    Currently playing Witcher 2, which I picked up on a Steam sale for $5... great game, I think I'm about 20 hours in now. Can't believe it took me so long to get around to playing it.

    Perfectly okay to bump old threads. some good ones get forgotten in time and it is always appreciated when someone finds them and brings them out of the depths of LST!

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