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Status Updates posted by Lochlan

  1. I enjoyed your squid pants drawing on your blog the other day and just wanted to say thanks for continuing to be a part of our new project here!

  2. I have not heard from Hbomb but do know many are trying to locate him and the word is getting out that way so hopefully he pops up alive......

  3. I was just checking in on your tumblr blog and love the Rock of Ages backpiece as well as the photography. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Is your new avatar pick Jake Phelp's old ramp by Thrasher? If so, is this when Jake or Pat Duffy owned it? If not, where and when was this Steve? That place used to have some badass parties!

  5. It was nice to finally meet you a few weeks back, thanks for supporting the site.

  6. Just wanted to say thanks for taking part in the site as well as welcoming new LSTers!

  7. Loving all the tattoo pictures you've been uploading, thanks for sharing!!

  8. Nice profile picture for your career, haha!

  9. Perfect timing...we are actually having some discussions and looking at new options around the gallery for user friendliness for both members and visitors. But this one we didn't know so thanks. I told the other LST Admins.

  10. Scott said he spoke with you. Thanks for contributing and understand that life is busy but hope the site willallow for some more humor and much more positive to your life!!?!!

  11. Shane, thanks for posting that badass blog and continuing to contribute by writing and spend time with us!

  12. Shawn, thanks so much for your contributions to the site from tattoos to food as I/we are really enjoying them. Also saw you gave us a link on your blog so thanks for that as well and hope you will continue to enjoy your time with us!!!

  13. So when are you moving out here? It is cheaper......though I understand the grasp NY can have on you. If I could afford to live there I would and have thought about it many times over the years but the finances always get me. What is your trade/profession of desire by the way?

  14. Thanks again for the info and follow up. I googled trabants and see they could be fun street legal go-karts, haha. Thanks and until next time...have a good day!

  15. Thanks Alex and as mentioned previously we look forward to your contribution to this new tattoo community!!

  16. Thanks for joining and welcome to LST!!

  17. Thanks for joining homie and welcome to Last Sparrow Tattoo Forum. I hope you'll look around and add stuff to your profile, photos, blog, and the forum! I know you've got lots of great tattoos by great tattooers down there!! Until next time....have a good day!

  18. Thanks for joining Last Sparrow Tattoo and posting some tattoo pictures by Scott Sylvia right off the bat. Look forward to more words in your blog and the forums.

  19. Thanks for joining LST! I was just looking at your photos and tattoos on your Facebook page and hope/look fwd to you showing more of that great work here!?! Until then....have a good evening.

  20. Thanks for joining us and glad to hear you're enjoying yourself as much as us!

  21. Thanks for posting the new tattoo pictures as I really enjoyed the tattoos.

  22. Thanks for posting up your tattoo pictures. I'm really enjoying the flash!

  23. Thanks for signing up and joining our tattoo forum. If you would like your post with your websites info approved/posted you'll need to post a prominent link on your site to LST then let us know and we can approve. You can find the link to us options here. Thanks.

  24. Thanks for the heads up.

  25. thanks for the plugs on your site!

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