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Posts posted by cltattooing

  1. So I now own a company (yea!) and this topic creeps into my head every once in awhile, but now from a slightly different perspective. I'm moving toward the slightly heavier tattooed situation week by week and personally keep by my motto "when in doubt cover it up". Then again i generally am wearing a suit, so moot point as I don't have anything below the wrist or above the collar.

    I did just recently run into I guess an issue...I have an employee who is getting tattoos, which is all cool by me. Hell show em off when you get em and if you want to burn a PTO to get one, all cool by me. The problem is the same guy has mentioned he wants to get some more visible tattoos, and generally the themes are a bit, eh, black metal. It's a no-go by me just because customer relations standpoint but man is it hard to push that when your employees know I am covered in skulls, demons, snakes and daggers.

    On a more refreshing note, it was wicked awesome to walk into a clients office and see people with tattoos galore! I was like YES! Can't wait to be able to wear a polo again to work on casual events. The industry I moved to seems to have a much more relaxed set of people in it, as far as tattoos go. Even met a guy with his hands/neck done. Not the usual but nobody seemed to care all too much.

    That rules, congratulations! What sort of company is it?

    Perhaps you could use your own tattoos to set an example for this dude. Like "hey guy, I'm in your boat, here's how to do it right." But yeah congrats, that's really awesome that you are able to be more relaxed with your tattoos in a professional environment.

  2. I've never personally had an uncomfortable experience with anyone who has tattooed me, thankfully. I don't know if that's because I've only been tattooed by good folks or if it's just been professional courtesy. I definitely have overheard old coworkers make highly sexually inappropriate comments to customers and it's never been ok in my book. I really can't even imagine thinking it's ok to do anything less than having your clients leave totally stoked on their tattoo. It's really in everyone's best interests because your client will always remember the experience well and you build a loyal clientele through doing right by the people who support you. I do believe that that factor is one of the most important in building a successful career as a tattooer.

    I can't say that I'm shocked or even surprised that this nonsense happens, but to abuse your upper hand in a power dynamic is straight up predatory.

  3. Although I did not actually see the image you posted, SeeSea and CultExciter gave intelligent and mature responses. It seems like a shame that you chose to focus on what may or may not have even been a rude response by one poster, which in my opinion wasn't. If you're gonna ask for opinions and critique, you have to take the good with the bad and laugh at yourself a little. Life isn't so serious, and honestly man, it's kind of silly to delete your work just off of that. Take pride in your work, even if it's not the best job. Learn from your mistakes and take feedback gracefully or don't put it out there cause nobody wants to hear "poor me" when you ask for critique, naw mean?

  4. HULA BUG!




    She's looking far better than the last time I posted pictures. A lot of her yellow has come in and it appears as though she is a Super-Hypo. Short for super hypomelanistic leopard gecko, meaning that she has none of the spots that standard leos have, save for the tail and a few on the head/face. I'm thinking she also might be a carrot-tail (30% orange tail), cause with each shed a little more orange shows up.

    Basically she is an adorable tiny dinosaur. :o

  5. I wouldn't really recommend moving here until you already have a job lined up, although it's pretty competitive in that arena as well. Rent is climbing in both SF and the surrounding areas on account of the tech boom. So pretty much, it's definitely possible to make it, but it's probably going to be a hustle.

  6. I don't think anyone would argue that. I certainly didn't. But I'm sure someone will take that as being a racist or sexist /sigh.

    You make body image out to be more important than it is. When I buy a suit or shirt my body or build places a massive role in style and cut. I feel that it does in tattoo selection, quantity, and placement as well. But in the end I wouldn't give two shits about anyone disagreeing with my assessment of my choices as long as I am happy with them. Not sure why anyone else would care what I would think of them either, but apparently my opinion carry's a lot of weight. I can tell you that it shouldn't if you are a confident person. I bet those who attacked me were just unhappy with their tattoo quantity or projected that I would think negatively of their tattoos which is more than likely FAR from the truth. I would probably love em. Oh well. Take it it for what you will, but be ashamed for throwing out names that you clearly don't understand the impact. Douche is fine. But anyone who calls an old fart with an opinion of this topic a sexist or racist clearly has never experienced that very dark side of life and you only highlight your ignorance.

    I get what you are saying Hayden. But why do you care about what others think about your body? Who gives a flying truck. Just do you. Shitty semi-appology accepted. :) Feel free to call me a douche anytime, it won't change who I am at this point in my life lol.

    I am pretty sure that what everyone is trying to get across are those points exactly and that they apply to the same people that you are imposing your preferences upon.

  7. I see where everyone's coming from with this, especially in regards to the healing aspect of it. However, with the amount of people that I personally know to have purchased dogs from puppy mills and breeders coming out exclaiming how this is some cruel and heartless act and he should be put to death and yada yada yada, I can't really take very many people seriously when they get up in arms about this.

    Why is this any more cruel than a dog in a shelter having to be put down instead of rescued because someone wanted to have a name brand dog or because Mr. Macho didn't want to have his dog neutered?

    Just cause problem #2 is more messed up than problem #1, does not mean that problem #1 is not messed up...

  8. @TrixieFaux It's been soooo cool watching your class work on these projects! It always makes me proud when I see young children getting into art, so especially rad given that they have all captured the essence of each artist's style so well. Such an exciting thing to see. One of my best friends has a 2 year old son and he is always drawing, every day. She's been posting his drawings and paintings on facebook and it's really nuts to recognize the real talent that toddlers and pre-school/kindergarteners have even though they are still learning cognitive functions. @hogg we went to Taqueria Cancun :cool:
  9. Got to see Russian Circles at the Great American Music Hall last night. It was intense, very cathartic. I went alone, which I sometimes prefer with bands that I'm really into. The opening bands were great, but I feel like I wasn't able to get that into them on account of the two girls in front of me who wouldn't stop talking, farting, and taking selfies (I kid you not). By the time RC went on, however, I was able to get to the front and enjoy the performance and the pit. They played Death Rides a Horse for the encore and it got me all emotional, they're just too good. By the time the show was over, I had 12 minutes to get the last train home, so I booked it to coat check, grabbed my stuff, and ran all the way from GAMH to the civic center which was no easy feat given that I had been screaming and thrashing all night and was generally exhausted. Ended up missing the train anyway and had to take the "drunk bus" back to Oakland.

    I have what my coworker refers to as a bang-over. If your ears ain't ringing and your neck ain't hurting, it wasn't a good show.

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