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Posts posted by Dan

  1. 1 hour ago, a_beukeveld said:

    Same thing happened to me a week ago where I had tegaderm on a very mobile part of my upper thigh. The blisters havent gone away yet. Unsure if they will scar.


    In the past Ive experienced irritation and cuts from normal tape when my artist bandaged my chest. Its just sonething that happens when adhesive is put over mobile parts of your skin. The cuts lasted a while but didnt scar.


    I have used Saniderm for a long time now,and I do get the red marks from the edges too,fortunately they always go away eventually,but I have never gotten blisters, ! ouch !

  2. 12 minutes ago, MoistTowelette said:

    Anyone else get scarring from Saniderm, especially on the "edges" or "border" of the Saniderm? I get it at a pretty frequent rate and I am getting tired of it. The problem is I love the convenience of the Saniderm so much that I am almost willing to live with the scars... this really bums me out. The picture is 3 weeks after my session and I have been putting bio oil and other stuff on it. Anyone else have this issue and a possible remedy?


    ya,I get that too,I don't have a remedy ,but it goes away ,

  3. 56 minutes ago, Linda Miller said:

    Hi, I have a great item that helps heal a new tattoo and was trying to list in sale stuff on your site but that area is not working for me to list the item.

    Thank you,


    those parameters are set in place to prevent bonehead spammers from posting useless spam links here on this site. :1_grinning: Linda,I'm sure you understand and agree with this policy.I am sure you dislike bonehead spammers as much as we do,seeing from your avatar how you are such a hot cool chick with no tattoos ! :27_sunglasses:

  4. 45 minutes ago, oboogie said:

    I don't want to be catty here, but mice doesn't begin to cover it.

    I love a good pun.

    I am deciding on what's next on my legs. I don't have an anchor, and I love a good American traditional anchor. That or a lighthouse. That may be what happens next! Better get on Josh's schedule!

    upcoming for me I have a large traditional anchor from Oliver Peck on my right thigh in October and a traditional tiger head on my left hand on 08/25 from Alycia Harr  planned. I have been getting back to some good old fashioned american traditional lately. 

  5. On 8/14/2016 at 9:54 AM, a_beukeveld said:

    So I had to run to the pharmacy and bought some tegaderm. They only had the smaller pads so I had to do piece work over this tattoo on my thigh that I got yesterday. This is the second bandage. I took the first one off this a bit before applying this one.

    There are allot of overlapping areas to make it fit. Should I be fine? Are the areas where its overlapping 1 or 2 times not able to breathe because of the extra layers?

    Right now it feels pretty warm to the touch.


    it looks fine,the overlapping is not a problem,I put mine on in pieces sometimes,as long as there is no pockets of fluid under it,I leave it on for 3 or 4 days after the tattoo,it will already be at the peeling stage,I love that stuff.the warm feeling is also normal.it looks fine.


    Saniderm(the one I use) says this " For large areas, pieces of Saniderm may be overlapped  ".

  6. 2 hours ago, pidjones said:

    Wrecked my GoldWing this evening. Really lucky to just have bruises and a cracked wrist. Heavy I-40 traffic downtown Knoxville, looked to right lane to make sure it was clear to move over as my exit was coming up. Someone cut off the SUV in front of me meanwhile, and when I looked back he was getting large FAST. Grabbed too much brake and went down, rolled, Didn't know about injuries, so I laid there (guy behind was alert and giving me space). Took the ride of shame to the ER and outcome is just a lot of bruises and a cracked wrist. Don't know about the 'Wing - hauled by wrecker and I'll check on it tomorrow. Probably totalled. Doesn't take much on these to total them. And I only had 105k miles on the Black Pearl! I'm really not hurt badly because of divine intervention and wearing all the gear all the time. Helmet worked (ruined), gloves, boots, brand new first-time worn armored pants - all but the boots ruined saving me inside.

    So, shitty because of a little pain and expense and probably loosing the 'Pearl, but awesome for limited injury and the love shown by family and our minister, who drove Judy to the ER to see me and brought us home.

    yep ! glad no other major injuries,crazy stuff !

  7. 3 hours ago, ligatortat said:

    Considering an inner wrist tattoo - heard it might be a painful area since the skin is thin there - any experiences?

    my wrists were not necessarily worse than any other parts for me,IMO all tattoos hurt.


    don't let the pain level of a certain body part steer your desire to have a tattoo.

  8. 46 minutes ago, WildDonald said:

    I have couple of ideas about hand tattoo. Which you like?

    more ideas for hand you can find here - http://thewildtattoo.com/powerful-roaring-lions-tattoo/





    sure,if you find the right artist,and I would stay away from palm tattoos,I love back of hand or top tattoos,but not the palm.

     palm tattoos are guaranteed to "fall out".

    and the pain level is insane,(from what I have heard).

    I have a  rose on the top of my right hand and have an appointment to get a tiger head on my left hand the 25th of this month actually.


     that web site,it's yours ? right ? are you trying to sell designs or is that your work ? 


    are you looking for ideas for your self ?  what is the point of your post ?


  9. 5 hours ago, Dado said:


    This is my first tattoo ever. How long do you guys think it will take for it to completely heal. Do you have any tips on healing? Im using an ointment called Fucidin (antibiotic).

    Any help is appreciated, thanks

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    that small of a tattoo in all black ink will heal easy,just keep it clean and use something like Aveeno fragrance free lotion lightly a few times a day.that tattoo should mostly heal in a few weeks,most tattoos take months to fully heal though,

  10. we just got back from a few days camping  here http://www.schoolhousecanyon.com/Home.html near https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guerneville,_California ,it's about 130 miles from home,but the highlight of the trip was seeing the 1000 to 2000 year old giant redwoods here http://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=450 , here is a couple of me and my wife and our kid, 


    pretty amazing trees,we hiked a couple miles in and out.




  11. 10 hours ago, sophistre said:

    I am closing in on finishing my first-ever computer build, yaaaay. I am quite proud of it, considering all of the things I chose to tackle for my first time building one. I crimped and sleeved my own extension cables, repainted my mobo thermal armor, hand-sawed, champfered, and routed my cooling loop with acrylic tubing, and I installed waterblocks on my CPU and GPUs. Now that I've done it all from top to bottom, I don't think I'll ever be paying anyone else to build my gaming rigs for me again. :)

    Still got a little distance to go yet, but I can't wait to start using it, not least because my current box is in its death throes (and I've been sitting here staring at my HTC VIVE box for two months without any ability to use it!).




    that is beautiful ! very nice job,I would love to see more pics of it.

  12. 1 hour ago, bostonlucy said:

    Hey, I was in yesterday for a back tattoo and have a question. I did something stupid and went to the gym today and laid on the mats and the bench press without thinking (my tattoo was not covered). Then my friend mentioned MRSA so I freaked out and put some Purell on the tattoo. Obviously not a great idea. I ran home and washed it with antibacterial soap. The Purell was on for maybe 25 minutes. Should I be worried about MRSA or the Purell?

    .like was said,it's too late now,


    considering how dirty and germ infested public gym/fitness centers are,


    all you can do is wait and see if it got infected or not and deal with that at the time.


    and yes, I agree with you,that was a pretty bad idea.

    there is a great reason why every one says to "keep it clean".

    put it down as "live and learn".

  13. 7 minutes ago, pidjones said:

    Rocky, our daughter's dog, was attacked by a pack this morning and we had to take him in for emergency suturing and a drainage tube. We can bring him home this evening. I suspect the pack is actually a bunch of dogs that hick neighbors just leave running free and feed about once a week. One of my tattoos is a heart like the one on Rocky's ear.

    :(  poor baby, best wishes for a speedy recovery for him.

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