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Posts posted by Iwar

  1. This little clique here is so passive aggressive. If you are going to address me, quote something I said and not something someone else said to me. And when you address me don't exagerate what has been said. I have not shit on anyone's tattoo. I gave an honest opinion about an octopus tattoo that I did not care for, in a gentle manner. I don't think I was mean spirited towards the owl tattoo either, but i guess it came off wrong.

    Obviously I have offended people here and that was totally not my intent, as this "motherfucker" has worn out his welcome. I am sarcastic by nature and some of my jokes have been misinterpreted. Maybe it is the language barrier or the sometimes difficult nature of conversing on the internet? But I see that i'm not going to be well received here in the future.

    With that I will say @Graeme thanks for the lead on Walter's in Brooklyn, and kiss my ass you grumpy Hobbit wannabee :)

    And Iwar "They're shit flowers IWAR, from here they look like regular flowers but when you get down and poke your nose in them you realize they're shit flowers, and there's a whole fucking bouquet of them!"

    *Can a mod IM me how to delete my account can't figure this fucking thing out

    Hey man, I didn't even see your octopus comment untill just now, when I searched it up. I was merely making a general statement as the thread was derailing. I hope you change your mind and decide to stick around.

  2. Oh, you are completely IN fashion with the tattoos you are rocking!

    I think the original question was more about moisturizers after the tattoo has healed.

    Oh, my bad! Guilty of just skimming through the thread before posting :rolleyes: I even read the thread title a little too quick, haha.

    I have never used any specific post heal moisturizer. I don't mind that they look kinda "settled" and a little lived in.

  3. It's been a good amount of time since I've posted here. The only real interesting news in the tattoo world is that I have an appointment with Chad K @ Rock of Ages in April. Big ol' tiger on the knee.

    That should be a fun flight home.

    HELL YEAH!!!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Hello, new poster here! I'm starting my back with Chad Koeplinger next week, extra super stoked!

    You too!?! haha... Nice!! At the Paris convention then, I presume? I need to travel to that one some time. What are you getting?

  4. Hello Randy,

    We try to promote professional tattooing on this forum. You shouldn't expect getting any tips or tricks regarding amateur stick'n'poke tattooing from this community. Please refrain from asking questions like this in future posts.

    Please read the forum rules. Thank you!

  5. Here are the results of the first session with Rubendall at the Kings Ave Manhattan shop:


    I have a few more pictures to share but I want to organize my thoughts and write a little blog entry to post along with those photos.

    Holy cow, that is going to be epic!! Stoked for you dude. Feel free to send me a dm of the full thing on instagram ;)

  6. The subject matter for your tattoo is awesome! Skulls and fire make for great tattoos, but I would suggest skipping the google image searches for now, and instead concentrate on finding the right man or woman for the job. When you find a tattooer whose work you like, get in touch, present your idea, try to have an open mind and be a little flexible if they have any advice or input on your design, then let him or her do their thing. That's usually a good recipe for an awesome tattoo.

    If you like the look of bold, traditional tattoos, this looks like a nice shop with a solid team of tattooers: HERO TATTOO - Home

    Good luck!

  7. Time for another contest folks!

    We thought it would be fair to let the t-shirt prize go the second runner up if the winner has already won a shirt in a previous contest. Sound good? Please don't let this discourage you from entering your new tattoo though!

    The rules:

    The tattoo picture that gets posted in this thread for February 2015 with the most 'likes' for the month wins! The contest starts on the first of the month and ends on the last day of the month.

    • Your tattoo picture must be posted in this thread (both tattooers and tattoo customers can win) in order to qualify.
    • Include with your photo/post...tattoo artist name & tattoo shop.
    • You MUST be the one who has the tattoo or did the tattoo.
    • You can 'like' as many tattoos as you want.
    • It can be a finished or in progress tattoo.
    • You cannot enter the same tattoo in more than one contest.

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