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Boiled Dove

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Posts posted by Boiled Dove

  1. Speaking of The Doctor, I was out in Denver working this week so we finished up the time vortex around the TARDIS. Went with a red/orange/yellow palate because the blue/purple one would have made it all look like a blue blob on my arm. I only have one really crappy pic from the hotel I sent my wife. I hope to have one worth posting after I get all the way home.

  2. So we got finished on my leg at about 5 PM yesterday and my guy wrapped it in plastic and had me leave it wrapped until I went to take a shower before work in the morning, about 17 hours. It has not oozed or seeped anything all day. He said to start putting lotion on it in about 5 days or so after it had crusted over.

    I think I like this routine. I think I had always over gooped in the healing process.

  3. @MadeIndelible Awesome to hear you are doing something about that problem. Remember that many of us here have gone through similar struggles and have come out the other side all the better for the experience. There was a lot that i missed out on while wallowing in my addictions but I would not really change any of it because, as hard as it was to come out of, that is what made me who I am and gave me the perspective I have. I also learned a lot about humility, pride, and how to ask others for help and none of that was easy or came naturally to me. It does get better if you stick with it.

    One of the awesome things I did recently was to go to a live performance of Welcome To Nightvale with my wife and daughter (15). That was a lot of fun.

  4. [ATTACH]10710[/ATTACH]

    This looks rad as hell. A lot of bands I'm not interested in, but also atleast a dozen I'd love to see. Im definitely gonna make this happen this year.

    Went last year, and on the last day, when all the bands I really wanted to see were playing, it started storming and we were told to leave (this was right after the really bad flooding in denver last year) Turns out they all came back on and played short sets after the storm, but we were already too far out to make it back.

    We went to Chicago and got rain on Sunday, Day 3, But that was nothing compared to what I heard happened in Denver. We had such a good time I bought the whole family tix again at the pre sale at Thanksgiving without even knowing what the line up would be. They still have a bunch they won't announce until early August. Some will drop off too. Motorhead and Bad Brains had to drop off last year due to health issues. Sucks getting old.

  5. I should throw some Op Ivy in there to complete my high school set; it's sort of a given.

    I saw them in a tiny little club in Lafayette Indiana. I was there to open the club for them when they showed up. The funk that came out of that van when they opened the door is something I will likely never forget until the day I die. fucking awesome show though, He kept jumping around between songs saying "We just want to be your friends!!!!"

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