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Posts posted by ShawnPorter

  1. A friend of mine got in touch and said he's considering being on the show. He knows how much I hate it, so he thought I'd be the perfect person to talk to about doing it. We talked for a few hours via text and I couldn't, at the end, tell him NOT to do it.

    I was going to go with 'no one will take you seriously if you go on it' then I realized the we as a community/industry/whatever seem to make exception for the the judges, Shane O'neill, Jime Litwalk and whoever else we decide is 'ok' but the rest of them are a joke.

    I was going to go with 'they're going to make you look like a jerk' because it's easy for me to say that, since my livelihood doesn't depend on tattooing. Lalo said that after being on S2 he had a significant increase in interest for appointments, which Im sure is true for even the worst of the bunch. So internet commentators (like me. Just like me) can comment on you looking silly, but you're going to be too busy tattooing and making a little bit of coin while it's there to be made.

    I dunno. I think the show is a joke and I hate it, but I couldn't think of a reason for a young tattooer who wants a little adventure and some extra coin NOT to be on it other than for selfish, shallow reasons. So when someone who hates it says 'why not'... I'm curious to what he'll do.

  2. I've known Josh Burdette (aka THAT GUY, WALL OF BEARD and OBMF) for almost 20 years.

    He passed away this week. It's been a rough year; after my friend Shannon of BME died a few months ago Josh joked that we should take a break from our friends dying for a while. Strange how it all works out.

    For those of you who knew Josh- pretty much anyone who's seen a show at the 9:30 Club since 1997 has surely seen him...

    The services will be held as follows:

    Visitation with Family:

    Friday September 6th 2013

    3:00-5:00pm and 6:30-8:30pm

    Memorial Service:

    Saturday September 7th 2013


    St. Paul's United Methodist Church

    10401 Armory Avenue

    Kensington Maryland 20895

    The family is finalizing details on where contributions can be made in lieu of flowers.

    OBMF: Remembering Josh Burdette | BME: Tattoo, Piercing and Body Modification News

  3. I know I started my own thread for it, but I since it's an awesome thing, too...

    I was trying to raise $500 for my AIDS walk, with the team goal of $1000.

    As of yesterday... I raised $1000, taking my team total up to $2040!

    My amazing girlfriend raised $525 of the team total, which means that the rest of my team is slackin!

    I only used two of the premiums that were available- a bar tab at my bar and a 'Shawn will cook you a super unhealthy dinner' option that someone spent $100 on... Simon Erl is doing us a shirt... which means I could even get more than the $1000.

    It's going to help so many people in my area!

  4. I definitely wouldn't have gotten any "buddy tats" had I known what I know now.

    Almost 25 years into getting tattooed and I'm just STARTING to get bro-tats! Haha. I love it.

    I'd probably change a lot knowing what I know now, but I don't have any regrets. When Aitchison did a HUGE biomech piece on my leg before I was old enough to get into a rated r movie I thought those spikey giger biomech pieces were the coolest thing out there. I had all the Giger books, I lived and breathed hard scifi. Now... I have the books. Love the movies etc but it just doesn't match my aesthetic. I don't regret it, design or imagery, but IF I could clean slate? I'd probably have had Higg actually do something on me, have more open space for Robert Ryan etc.

  5. I don't prepare too much for small tattoos, other than making sure I've eaten. Big ones, I'll make sure that I don't drink the day prior, go to bed early, drink tons of water, eat a big breakfast, and bring snacks to the appointment. I also don't get tattooed on days that I have anything else I have to do. Go home, eat, water, sleep.

    Ive been using David Bruehl's 'nibble and sip' during the tattoo with great success.

    Nibble and Sip Revisited: Tattoo Nutrition | Occult Vibrations

  6. I'm getting tattooed this week (Thursday!) and part of my tattoo 'process' is using one of those horseshoe shaped travel pillows to make myself more comfortable than the standard roll of paper towels they give you. Specially if you're getting worked on laying on your belly. Couldn't find my pillow, freaked out and just had to run to Marshalls to pick up a new one!

  7. Awesome, lots off people talk about causes but its rare people actually get out and do something productive.

    That used to be me.

    I'd give money but I never actually did anything other than that. (not that there's anything wrong with giving money. specially since I'm currently soliciting it :D hehe) Now I just want to pay back all of the advances I've made in health- mental and physical- with something more than just a lil money.

  8. I made my $500 goal!

    Woot! There was at least one LST member in there- I really do appreciate it!

    I'm going to raise my fundraising goal but be far less aggressive about it.. our team is trying to raise $1500 and right now, I'm a 1/3 of that. Let the other five members sweat, I say.

    Did I mention we're going to be wearing matching 'seventies gym teacher' shorts? Oh yeah. It's going to be uncomfortable for everyone running behind us.

  9. The "trying too hard thing" is something that the other people that hate him have brought up.

    Great minds and all.

    I'm a fan of experimental film; guys like David Lynch and Stan Brakhage- but I think they're genuine whereas Korine seems incredibly planned in his looseness.

  10. This October me and a group of friends are going to be raising funds and running a 5k in support of the 2013 Philadelphia Aids Walk. In my life I've lost too many people to this horrible disease and while things are better than they've ever been with meds and hopes of vaccines and cures.. people are still dying.

    I'm not sure if a lot of folks here on LST know what I do for a living; I work in a gay bar in Center City Philly and every day I see people who's lives have been affected- directly or indirectly- by HIV/AIDS. My own mentor, Jack Yount, died of complications due to AIDS. It's something that hits very close to home with me and this year I've decided that instead of just donating money to the walk... we're going to run.

    I'm going to hit up some of my tattooer friends and see if we can't get a donation of artwork for an exclusive Occult Vibrations shirt design, something non-related to the event but available only to folks who donated, as well as whipping up special OV dvds of deleted footage that I can't show on the blog. Those of you who've seen the unedited ROYBOY tapes know how out of control they got...

    Here's the pitch: AIDS WALK 2013: 5k TEAM OV! | Sacred Debris

  11. I'm not sure if this is a violation of the rules; I could easily see how solicitations could get out of hand, so if the moderators think that it's out of line, I'll remove it. Until then...

    This October me and a group of friends are going to be raising funds and running a 5k in support of the 2013 Philadelphia Aids Walk. In my life I've lost too many people to this horrible disease and while things are better than they've ever been with meds and hopes of vaccines and cures.. people are still dying.

    I'm not sure if a lot of folks here on LST know what I do for a living; I work in a gay bar in Center City Philly and every day I see people who's lives have been affected- directly or indirectly- by HIV/AIDS. My own mentor, Jack Yount, died of complications due to AIDS. It's something that hits very close to home with me and this year I've decided that instead of just donating money to the walk... we're going to run.

    I'm going to hit up some of my tattooer friends and see if we can't get a donation of artwork for an exclusive Occult Vibrations shirt design, something non-related to the event but available only to folks who donated, as well as whipping up special OV dvds of deleted footage that I can't show on the blog. Those of you who've seen the unedited ROYBOY tapes know how out of control they got...

    AIDS WALK 2013: 5k TEAM OV! | Sacred Debris is the pitch.

    Again, if this breaks the rules fell free to remove it. No hard feelings.

  12. Lessons From Ink Smith & Rogers: Week 2 | TAM Blog

    Week 2 of my son Nick's month long stay with Inksmith and Roger's

    On tattooartistmagazine blog

    - - - Updated - - -

    Lessons From Ink Smith & Rogers: Week 2 | TAM Blog

    "Watched video of 1990 National Tattoo Association Philadelphia Tattoo Convention"

    I think I have home video of that show somewhere in my OV rubbermaid.

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