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marley mission

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Posts posted by marley mission

  1. instagram - to me - love it or hate it - is a game changer for evaluating what to expect from a tattooer

    its not everything - but its huge

    i like when artists post regular work

    not everyone does this but when i can go a year or 2 deep into someones IG and i see hundreds of tattoos they did

    well that says something

    if you see a consistent body of work that pleases you then you can feel confident that you will probably be pleased with the outcome of your tattoo

    like i said - its not everything but its a big thing in the current processes of choosing an artist

    i personally love IG

    i have mentioned to a few artists that i liken it to growing up and looking at the sports pages

    following your favorite athlete

    well - i dont follow sports these days like that

    but i like going onto IG with a cup of coffee

    and checking out the latest pieces of awesomeness that my favorite tattooers have posted


    good luck in your search

    i also am a big fan of the LST interview section

    fun stuff and you'll get some good perspective on the world of tattooing 

  2. slowburn the drift your not catching is that the subject of tattooing in the technical and professional areas is generally frowned upon here

    not that your question isnt interesting or important i think it probably is

    but its just not a discussion that will be entertained in these forum sections 

    anyway - its a cool site - lots to enjoy 

    good luck in addressing your questions hope you find the answers that bring you success

  3. 49 minutes ago, Graeme said:

    Stomach just seems so bad.  I've heard from a few people that it's not as bad as the back...but the back had some truly brutal spots, so that's not saying much, you know?

    you're good man - you know it will hurt - but who cares :)

  4. @Patrick Bateman i think i seen most of those

    there are some documentaries / interview stuff i really like

    -the LST interviews - doesnt get better

    -true love tattoo series - fun / cool

    -vice tattoo age series - also awesome

    -gypsy gentleman - also top notch

    -frith street documentary series - on the shoulders of giants - 1,2,3 out 4 coming - amazing

    -sailor jerry doc - hori smoku

    -ed hardy doc - tatoo the world



  5. both my forearms were easy tattoos

    but tough slower heals

    in the end they are fine but was lots of scabbing on the one

    what makes it worse is that you kinda end up looking at it way more than you should because my forearms were always exposed during the healing

  6. the artists on the show right now are pretty good - was excited last week when they finally had an american traditional challenge

    unfortunately i think most people on shows like these are portrated unfavorably - who knows what we would look like on a reality show right

    sarah does some amazing color portraits if you follow her on IG

    anyway - i watch basically because i'm sucker for tattoo type programs - but i would rather watch LST interviews all day long over anything spike has ever put out there

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