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I started running via Couch to 5k back in 2007. It totally works! I felt bad at the beginning, not being able to run more than 30 seconds at a time without feeling totally overwhelmed, but in 2012, I ran a marathon. I always recommend Couch to 5k to anyone who tells me they want to get into running. I think it's the perfect way to start, because you can start as slow as you need (for example, intervals of 30 seconds running, 3 minutes walking).

I also picked up cycling a year or so ago as some cross-training. My latest obsession -- as of this summer -- is rock climbing. I've never done anything to work or strengthen my upper body, mostly because I LOATHE the gym, and I LOATHE the idea of picking up weights and doing "reps" -- seems so boring to me. But rock climbing is actually an amazing full-body workout, and it's fun! I'm totally geeking out about it right now :)

Dude how's the rock climbing going??!! It's my fitness passion too. Been into it for a year or so now and into it a lot, so much more fun than the gym, I'm in much better shape for it

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Dude how's the rock climbing going??!! It's my fitness passion too. Been into it for a year or so now and into it a lot, so much more fun than the gym, I'm in much better shape for it

It's going well! I'm worried I'll lose some of the progress/fitness I made over the next few months because I'll be traveling til December, and likely won't have as many opportunities to find gyms. I'm going to make an effort, though, and then just get back into it when I'm back in the states at the holidays.

Have you been climbing outside at all, or just in gyms? I've still yet to venture outside. I want to, though!

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It's going well! I'm worried I'll lose some of the progress/fitness I made over the next few months because I'll be traveling til December, and likely won't have as many opportunities to find gyms. I'm going to make an effort, though, and then just get back into it when I'm back in the states at the holidays.

Have you been climbing outside at all, or just in gyms? I've still yet to venture outside. I want to, though!

Take your shoes travelling for sure! I've been to awesome gyms while on holiday.. haha, I've ventured outside only a couple of times, it's tough!! Lots of fun but a felt like a complete newbie again when I was outside, definitely give it a go though!

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  • 4 weeks later...
@polliwog a couple of friends have had great success with the Couch to 5km program for building up their fitness.

Couch to 5k - C25K Running Program

I blame you for posting this...I got curious, had a look at the link and decided pretty spontaneously to give it a try. Never ran in my life (except in primary school I think) and always thought I'd hate it. But I need to get fit and this sounded doable. So I downloaded the C25k app, bought some shoes and off I went for my first ever run yesterday! I must be going crazy, because I'm actually looking forward to the next one tomorrow now... :-)

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I do obstacle races regularly for fun but I condition doing MMA. It's great for helping lose weight. Jiu Jitsu will do conditioning like no other work out i've ever done.

- - - Updated - - -

I do obstacle races regularly for fun but I condition doing MMA. It's great for helping lose weight. Jiu Jitsu will do conditioning like no other work out i've ever done.

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Been doing aikido recently in a really nice dojo.

Having two-and-fro'd from Japan over the past few years I wanted to practice a Japanese budo again... Something that I could tie in with my last few visits over there.

Judo was too similar to BJJ. Karate too different to the boxing and MT I did, so I settled on aikido.

It's not really the sort of martial art you do if practicality is your first concern, but it's aesthetically very pleasing and relatively easy on the broken-down ex BJJ player (like me). There's a really big focus on posture, which is good for me.

I feel like I already did a lot of 'hard' training in the past and don't really think about things like self defence anymore, so it's been quite enjoyable.

Next time I'm in Japan I plan to hit up the HQ morning classes.

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I just had my second BJJ class...was great... tons of fun and kicked my ass. Boy am I glad I was running and strength training even a little bit before I took the class. People are really helpful. I didnt take the into class so Ive been kinda thrown into it but I dont feel so lost that Im wasteing my time but I see I have tons to learn. First time gassed and knee on my belly/diaphram...ohh boy wont forget that feeling.

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  • 4 weeks later...
baltimore marathon coming up on 10/18 - philly marathon on 11/23

any chance we have some marathoners in here??

I'll be doing the half at Philly. Comin off a year-long series of injuries left me with minimal base. I figured I'd play it safe and stick to the half this year. I've been getting my mileage back up, and I'm really hoping to break 1:30. You gonna be there? How's your training?

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yup i'll be there

doing the full

1:30? fast half! awesome

philly is a blast - cant wait

baltimore was tougher than i thought

lots of hill

honestly - i wasnt thrilled with the course either

from an aethetic point of view

but no regrets cool experience as always

this is my 3rd philly though

and i plan to keep on coming back

my training is unorthodox i guess

i did a bunch of long runs for baltimore

but i wont be running again until philly

just some road bike and skateboarding

i dont follow set plans - kinda just do what i feel like doing

which i probably should look at if i want to improve my PR

which is a pretty slow 4:53

but i did do three 20 milers prior to b'more

also of note is i run in the five fingers - seeya model - ultra minimalist

my dream is to do one barefoot but you gotta build that base from zero

its easy to rip holes in your feet if you get too ambitious :)

been there done that

good luck in your race!

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@marley mission Thanks man! Philly is a great race. I've never done the half, but I did the full three years ago, and paced someone through the second half two years ago. I love it. And it's pretty much right in my backyard. I do most of my longer runs on the river loop anyway. Have fun and good luck.

If you're looking for a plan at any point, let me know. I've got a handful of books and have followed plans from a variety of them for a number of distances.

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awesome - yeah that finish along the river is beautiful - with my type of finish time those last 4 or 5 miles along the river have a thinned out field so you are running with a certain degree of solitude - soaking in all the pain along the river towards the finish is quite a dramatic moment - i feel - despite taking it in alone in your head - its beautiful - so stoked for buddy who is doing it for the first time with me - he's gonna kill it - he's fit and will probably come around the 4 mark

anyway - yeah i'm a bit of a free spirit when it comes to training - i'm allergic to plans and just like to be physical outdoors all the time - last winter i was skateboarding most of the time 5 degrees @ 4am - talk exhilarating!

so look for a guy about 6'1" with a giant tiki on the outside right calf and a big ram head of the left - its probably me!

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  • 2 weeks later...
baltimore marathon coming up on 10/18 - philly marathon on 11/23

any chance we have some marathoners in here??

Two marathons in two months! Intense :)

One of the things I hate most about getting any tattoos from the waist down is that I have to put a hold on running for at least a week after. I'm thinking of getting the tops of my feet tattooed next year and am already bummed about all those missed runs :(

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One of the things I hate most about getting any tattoos from the waist down is that I have to put a hold on running for at least a week after. I'm thinking of getting the tops of my feet tattooed next year and am already bummed about all those missed runs :(

This back killed my entire running year. That, and some pelvis problems which contributed to long term overuse injuries, my base is gone. So depressing!!! I'm allowed to start running a couple miles at a time now when I can sneak it in. Shaking my head.

BUT! When my back is finished, which at the latest is Jan 2, I get to start training. Next year's big race - a team of us won the lottery for the Hood-to-Coast 197 mile relay in Oregon! I've never run a relay, but I am soooo excited! Anyone else run long relays?

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SeeSea that sounds like a blast

i bet you are itchin to run - take care of that piece though

you gotta find the right gear to show it off while your racing though

tons of ink on display in philly today - of course i always like to check out the other runners ink

a nice diversion from the pain :)

edit: i want to getting some running related ink but cant bring myself to get the standard "26.2" tattoo like so many runners have

for me it will probably be something quirky - my own inside joke that relates to my experiences doing marathons so far

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Even though i've been going to the gym, i haven't been able to run.

I decided to go jogging for the first time in August and my hips have been feeling sore on and off ever since. I just decided to re-order Krill Oil in hopes that maybe it can bring down inflammation, which my doctor says is what i have. Since I never really took off from working out, i never gave it time to heal. So i'm taking the next week or so off and start taking the Krill Oil vitamins in hopes this damn soreness would go away. UGH frustration /rant

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Even though i've been going to the gym, i haven't been able to run.

I decided to go jogging for the first time in August and my hips have been feeling sore on and off ever since. I just decided to re-order Krill Oil in hopes that maybe it can bring down inflammation, which my doctor says is what i have. Since I never really took off from working out, i never gave it time to heal. So i'm taking the next week or so off and start taking the Krill Oil vitamins in hopes this damn soreness would go away. UGH frustration /rant

did you ever try minimalist shoes - vibram five fingers - most people think it would exacerbate an issue but i found it to be quite the opposite - of course a lbreak will do you right also

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