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first tattoo - mixed feelings


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Hi everyone.

This is my first tattoo, the picture was taken immediately after the session a few days ago.

I love the subject and position, but I have mixed feelings about the amount of black ink used to shade the tattoo, as well as the size.

The artist told me that some of it will fade over time. It's been 5 days since the session and it's still fresh but I'm worried it will remain so much dark on my pale skin. I showed it to few friends, they say it looks good but I'm sure they wouldn't say negative comments for the fear of making me feel bad. That's why I want honest opinions from tattoo enthusiasts 🙂

I think the problem is the fact that I created a certain tattoo image in my mind in the last few months, visualising my personal version of it on my skin for a long time. Now that it looks much darker than what I've imagined (the stencil had no shades), I'm questioning if I even like it. It's been a strong commitment, it covers most of my calf and it's very visible. Also no relatives or friends with tattoos (I live in southern Europe, very few people have tattoos), I'm afraid everyone will keep looking at it and judge it as far too dark. I know that people's opinions shouldn't bother me, but it does... It's also my first tattoo, so all my feelings are multiplied by 100.

What do you think? Is it really too dark? Will the shades fade away? Before the tattoo session, I explicitly said I like the contrast between dark and light lines/areas with no ink, it gives a tri-dimensional feeling that I really enjoy. When I look at my tattoo, it don't see it. Thank you


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I want to say three things:

1 - It will "fade" a little bit over time, tattoo always do.

2 - It's a very nice tattoo if you ask me, but in any case you should try not to worry about what people think: it's your tattoo on your skin, and your opinion is the only one that really matters.

3 - Southern Europe and tattoos (or any other kind of body modification, for what matters)... I can empathise with you: as a person coming from the southest part of Europe (I'm from Sicily, if you're wondering), I know how reactionary and judgemental our peoples can be. Again, just try to ignore all the shit people will throw at you (explicitly or by just looking at you with disapproval in their eyes): your tattoo, your skin, your choice.

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On 8/30/2021 at 10:45 PM, warrug25 said:

I want to say three things:

1 - It will "fade" a little bit over time, tattoo always do.

2 - It's a very nice tattoo if you ask me, but in any case you should try not to worry about what people think: it's your tattoo on your skin, and your opinion is the only one that really matters.

3 - Southern Europe and tattoos (or any other kind of body modification, for what matters)... I can empathise with you: as a person coming from the southest part of Europe (I'm from Sicily, if you're wondering), I know how reactionary and judgemental our peoples can be. Again, just try to ignore all the shit people will throw at you (explicitly or by just looking at you with disapproval in their eyes): your tattoo, your skin, your choice.

Thank you, really appreciate it 🙂 I'm Italian as well by the way.

I agree, my problem might be the fear of judgment (bad tattoo) from other people.

I hope I'll simply get used to it, feeling it as part of my body without overthinking it.

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On 8/30/2021 at 11:54 PM, dalinar92 said:

Thank you, really appreciate it 🙂 I'm Italian as well by the way.


Ok, then I will say it to you in italian (sorry for all the folks who don't speak it: I promise I will try to translate and convey the spirit of what I'm going to say if you ask):


Fottitene di quello che dicono le persone, in tutta onestà siamo nati in un paese già morto e dominato da una mentalità in cui il giudizio e soprattutto il pregiudizio avvelenano qualsiasi tentativo di umanità. Qui parliamo di un tatuaggio, che è una cosa comunque "piccola", ma è un ottimo esempio di quali spiriti e quanto odio serpeggino nella nostra società... se prendessi due italiani a caso e li mettessi in una stanza isolata, probabilmente nel giro di due ore troverebbero un motivo per discriminarsi a vicenda. Ormai questo veleno è proprio nel tessuto sociale, nella struttura stessa dell'Italia in quanto nazione, e probabilmente - se qualcosa la storia ha da suggerirci - c'è sempre stato, aspettando nell'ombra i momenti più propizi per esplodere in tutta la sua violenza.

Stando così le cose, io te lo ribadisco: fottitene di quello che dice la gente, o almeno cerca di imparare a fottertene, perché nulla di buono può venir fuori dal rancore, dall'invidia e dalla continua ricerca del nemico da odiare. Magari tutto 'sto discorso ti sembrerà eccessivo per un tatuaggio e ti chiederai se io non mi stia solo sfogando, e in effetti se fosse solo il tatuaggio il problema ti darei pure ragione... ma purtroppo questa è la realtà in ogni aspetto della vita degli italiani, e se inizi ad affrontarla nell'ambito comunque limitato della gestione dei pareri sul tuo tatuaggio stai già facendo un passo avanti per essere diverso e forse poter contribuire alla costruzione di un'Italia migliore, un'Italia da cui la gente come me (che oltre agli attacchi per il tatuaggio ho dovuto subire - per altri motivi, ben più gravi e radicali - letteralmente aggressioni fisiche e psicologiche) non sia costretta a scappare.

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    • First let me say I've never seen exactly that related to tattoos. Second, I am NOT a doctor, so take any advice with a grain of salt and follow it at your own risk. I do have something like that which appears on my face from time to time. After multiple visits to the dermatologist, which didn't fix it, I finally came up with my own treatment. Whenever it flairs up, I just wipe the area down with plain rubbing alcohol three or four times a day to keep it dry. That usually works within a couple of days. Again, I'm not a doctor, but I don't think it would hurt anything for you to try that. Good Luck.
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    • welcome ! relax and hangout with us.
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