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Posts posted by ian

  1. I've talked to many places that offer laser removal by now.

    Fade Fast in Dallas wanted $450 which would treat half the area at a time- decent price but half way across the country

    Karl @ Jinxproof gave wanted $250 which would treat half the area at a time- excellent price but clear across the country

    Dr. Ho was off his rocker and wanted $1000 which would treat 1/4 of the area at a time- $4k to treat the whole back?!?

    With these prices all over the place I wasn't sure what to expect today at the local dermatologist. I was ready to do some serious reasoning with the Dr. about why he should give me a decent price and was pretty disappointed when the appointment conformation call lady told me that I'd be seeing the Nurse Practitioner and not the Dr.

    Well, she turned out to be a super cool lady! She brought the Dr. in for a second opinion as not to charge to little and he told me that he charges an hourly rate of $600 and to treat half the area would take a half hour. I hoped that meant I'd pay $300 per session but the lowest he said he could do for a half hour of work is $400. Considering it's a 5 minute walk from my house I gladly accepted, my first appointment is on Thursday :D

    I'll be sure to keep the progress updated in a new thread......

  2. Marcus just began to travel from the East Coast to the West Coast in his RV making stops at numerous shops on the way for short guest spots. From what I understand he'll be filming the whole way and is hoping to get enough film for a couple of new episodes. He should land in Santa Barbara, where I live, in early January and he'll be here for around a month... hopefully long enough to do all the color in my sleeve! :D

  3. I'm getting ready to have a consultation with a local dermatologist which is going to cost me $100 and if I decide to go with them that will go toward the first treatment. I'm a little worried though, the receptionist told me over the phone that the least she's seen someone spend is $250 and I'm sure that was a tiny tattoo... I'm looking to lighten my whole back :(

    I'm willing to pay a little extra for a local convenience but at the same time, I don't want to be bent over on the price.

    I'm in Santa Barbara but I'm willing to drive to LA if it's worth it. Any suggestions?

  4. I've been really into the geometry/3 dimensional tattoos lately. Though I'm running very low on space I'd love to be tattooed by Thomas Thomas and/or Xed Le Head.

    Sometimes I wonder if the more 3D ones will become the 'tribal of the 90's', I'm still diggin' it :D

    Unfortunately for those of us in the States, Thomas Hooper seems to be the only guy known to do it here.

    Here's some cool ones....

    Thomas Thomas




    Chisaki's back done by Tomas Tomas


    Foot done by Chasaki


    Joe Munroe



    Cammy Stewart done by Xed Le Head


    Tattoos by Cammy Stewart




  5. You're my hero @ian !!! Thanks a million for sharing these. Agreed with @hogg, that Roper backpiece is stunning!!! Is that on Seth Wood by any chance?

    No worries, it's the least I could do :)

    That piece wasn't on Seth, i was on a random attendee I believe. It was also featured in the new Bloodwork:Bodies book...

  6. Unfortunately I only brought a fixed lens, I'm really kicking myself for not bring a wide angle lens but it is what it is.

    Here's what I got for those of you that couldn't attend.....

    Shige tattooing, I heard him say that he worked on this guy for 8-9 hours



    Tomo tattooing




    our own Mario Desa tattooing


    Chad Koeplinger


    Oliver Peck


    Chris Trevino


    Kim Saigh


    Shawn Barber


    Henning Jorgensen



  7. @ian, do you happen to have a mum on your left elbow? If so, I think I talked to you while you got tattooed by Hooper today. If not, then, you know...mums on the elbow are rad.

    I have one below my elbow, near the bottom of my 3/4 sleeve. I got tattooed by Thomas on Friday though, at the opening of the show.

    I did get tattooed by Jondix mid day on Saturday though. What a rad dude he is!

    If you were there on Friday I actually thought I saw you, I noticed what I thought was that little Grillo spider on your arm but by the time it registered the chance had passed. The guy I saw had a bread and no hand or neck tattoos :D :D

    I'll go through my pix in a bit and hopefully post what I have tomorrow...

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