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Posts posted by cookietruck

  1. @hogg

    same guy i get most all my work from, jaie devore in austin, he's at diablo rojo again, was at perfection.

    he did a really badass wolf head a few days ago that he showed me.

    its on this facebook page, and there's a pic of the tattoo i just got i see now...


    edit: oh sick, march 29 and march 22 they posted (^ on that page) pics of a butterfly/ladyhead thing and really badass cathead that are both on my brother by jaie.

    another edit: just noticed he has an album here, some really good stuff, i think 3 or 4 of my other tattoos are in here too


  2. I got some ghost flames near my armpit from Horimasa of the Horitoshi family. He hand-shaded it (tebori), and believe it or not, I barely felt it. I asked my wife if he was putting in color. She couldn't believe I had to ask her.


    I'd also like to nominate not Chris Treviño as the lightest handed tattooer.

    got my first tattoo on the inside of my left bicep, thought it hurt so fucking bad.

    got one a while later same spot other side, by jaie and really it felt pretty good. not bad at all. was kinda dreading it.

    both tattoos with big solid lines and pretty solid color.

    bob at perfection seems to take it pretty easy i think. the little spider i got on my bicep just above the ditch on my arm was pretty enjoyable.

    cris cleen wasn't bad but that thing was also on the outside of my arm.

    jaie devore put something in the same spot on the other arm and that was an easy sit too. jaie put something on the inside of my calf, midway between the ankle and knee, kinda rotated towards the shin bone a bit and that thing hurt. alot. so sharp and hot there.

    dammit, i want a piece from chris but hearing you say that...makes me feel no rush to get that done. lol.

  3. ^ sucks to hear about jordan, wishing him a fast and complete recovery. also, this post above is excellent, gives many details i was curious about and also reaffirms how awesome the dudes at FST are. really glad to read the part about remainder of the funds going to charity. high class dudes.

    as far as drivers, mutherfuckers need to open their eyes, put down the fucking phones and treat driving like the responsibility it is. pretty much seein dumbass drivers all day everyday. pisses me off so much.

  4. i know lots of people care mostly about having tattoos from guys who are hot shit at the time, or just care to be at the hot shit shop

    i don't really care about that, i prefer to have an enjoyable experience, hear some good stories and have some laughs...i'm lucky that i know of a place that i can do that and still get a great tattoo.

    i'm also lucky that all the dudes i've been tattoo'd by have been pretty ok guys.

  5. I was told the history of George when I was at congress st! Very cool, yes hes another old schooler who id love to get a tattoo from. The hobos/congress st people are GREAT people. I also think Jason Scott is terribly underrated. I will be getting some stuff from him in the future as well. its a new england classic and important in tattoo history IMO.

    the way i see it

    get some work from the old school dudes while you can

    even if it's just some flash or something

  6. I haven't made an addition to this thread since page 30 something. My time has finally come!

    Richard Stell, guest spotting at Smith Street Tattoo in NYC. It was an awesome experience. Richard is hilarious. He had my abs cramping up at one point from laughing to much... or it was the hypoglycemia setting in. Regardless it was a lot of fun.

    if it was like my experience

    the cramping was a little of both

    stell is an awesome dude, nice, good stories...also in tune with how much pain he was causing me

    at one point he said "alright, don't hate me now. atleast you're not bruised and bloody..."

    and atleast it was over in a little under 2.5 hrs.

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