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Everything posted by Hogrider

  1. I wouldn't go boxing the day after a tattoo, but I usually resume my workouts no more than two days after the tattoo. I've never had a problem. How exactly does anyone think that working out is going to hurt a tattoo?
  2. Unless it's very painful and has a bad odor, I wouldn't worry about it. I don't see anything that indicates any kind of problem.
  3. Not everyone works at the same speed. Faster is not always better.
  4. A tattoo take 4-6 weeks to heal. You won't know what it's going to look like until then. NO tattoo is perfect. If you go over it with a microscope you'll find things "wrong" with it and make yourself miserable. Look at the big picture when looking at your tattoos. It looks good to me.
  5. No, some people dry heal. I use A&D ointment for about three days then switch to cocoa butter. Everybody has an opinion, use what works for you.
  6. Hogrider


    The world has enough scratchers.
  7. Tattoos take 4 - 6 weeks to heal. Until then you don't know what it's going to look like. Cloudy/milky is not uncommon in a brand new tattoo.
  8. I usually keep mine wrapped for a couple of days, changing it when I wash it 3 or 4 times a day of course. In addition to keeping the dirt out, it also keep the moisturizer on the skin and the tattoo from drying out. I think the truth is that it's hard to ruin a tattoo. There probably isn't a lot of difference in the finished product regardless of whether you baby it or ignore it.
  9. At least with tattoos you get to choose the size!
  10. Small, thin lines on thin, delicate skin are prone to blow outs. Small tattoos with lines close together can turn into blobs. If you really think he is just blowing smoke, get a second opinion from a really good artist. Don't go to a hack, they'll just tell you they can do it and you'll wind up with a mess. Your next post will be, "Can this be fixed?"
  11. Your skin isn't paper, you can't erase and start over. I don't believe there is any way to fix this without making it worse.
  12. Typo. Ankle is thin skin in general.
  13. I have well over 200 hours in the chair and I've never had or heard about staining. No need to worry, there is nothing you can do about it anyway. As said, 4 - 6 weeks to heal and see what you have then. That is on some really thin skin which is more prone to blow-outs. Good luck.
  14. Tattoos never look as black as the day you get them. It takes 4-6 weeks for them to totally heal, so you won't know what it's going to look like until then. The cloudy is not abnormal, but the spots sound like it is being over moisturized. I wouldn't use Vitamin E on a new tattoo just because it's so heavy. I would use something that would let the tattoo breath like cocoa butter, just a tiny bit to keep the skin from drying.
  15. Just being heavily tattooed definitely burns some bridges so I'd be really careful about an all-the-time visible throat tattoo. I'm about 3/4 of the way through a body suit, but I can cover all my ink with long pants and a long sleeved shirt, buttoned up. If I wanted to go back to the corporate hamster wheel I could cut my hair too. You can remove your piercings, dye your hair and cover your tattoos, but a throat tattoo is just out there for all to see. There is no going back from that. Not saying you shouldn't do it, but it's something I'd really have to think about.
  16. I don't dry heal, but I've reduced the amount of aftercare exponentially from what I did when I started getting tattoos. I don't notice any difference in healing. The only think I do that has really helped from a comfort level is that I take a really hot bath as soon as I get home and again the next morning. My artist got this from Filip Leu's shop when he was being tattooed by him. Apparently it's also very common in Japan, although for some reason it's frowned on in the US. My tattoos haven't healed any differently since I started doing this, but there is a huge difference in the amount of discomfort.
  17. Two weeks in you aren't going to affect the healing process one way of the other. The goal of moisturizer is to keep the skin from drying out. The most common mistake newbies make is using too much. As previously posted, you won't know what it's going to look like until it heals - four to six weeks.
  18. Maybe you should learn some manners and understand that newbies shouldn’t act like ass holes. 🙂
  19. You might want to know what a tattoo means BEFORE you get it. What if it means "kick me"?
  20. As others said, cut WAAAAAAAAAY back on the lotion and give it 4-6 weeks. If you still aren't happy, see the original artist. Cover ups aren't perfect. Thin, delicate skin like the top of the hand are particularly tricky.
  21. Hogrider


    Next time let's all just tell him it is a masterful tattoo that he should wear proudly and maybe he'll go away. You gotta love people that ask about the same schitty tattoo ten different ways to see if they can't get someone to say that the hot mess isn't as bad as they know it is.
  22. This is how many tattoo disasters start out. One day in you can't really tell anything. Give it 6 or 8 weeks. Then if it needs to be fixed, get it done right even if it takes a year. Good luck
  23. Hogrider


    I guess someone didn't get the reply they wanted.
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