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Everything posted by Hogrider

  1. You won't know anything until it heals. I think that's on some really thin skin and more prone to blow outs. When you think of all the variables involved in tattooing, it's easy to understand why all tattoos aren't perfect.
  2. I've had both of my shoulders done and I just about slept through it. Sounds like it may be time to move on.
  3. You feel you were overcharged by $200, but you left a $100 tip?? That'll teach him ... NOT 1 hour prep, 30 minutes lunch, 15 minute break each hour, I'd look for another artist. I don't want to sit for 6 hours to get four hours worth of tattooing. Also, every time he takes a break, you have to get into the zone again. My guy usually goes about 2 hours between breaks.
  4. At this point I would let it dry out and see what it looks like in a couple of weeks. Tattoos take a month or more to totally heal. I wouldn't go back to that artist for any reason.
  5. I would try using vitamin E oil rubbed lightly on it once a day for a month or two.
  6. The back is a lot of real estate to waste. I would recommend stopping until you figure out what you want to do. What's the hurry?
  7. I hope things work out for you. Sometimes life just sucks, but you plow through. Not the same, but 10 years ago I was in a bad motorcycle accident. A month in the hospital, a year in physical therapy (then periodic PT for about 5 years), surprise divorce, move from my home of 15 years, new job, my dog of 15 years died. Almost everything that could go wrong did go wrong. I just hung on, my parents didn't raise any quitters, things started to turn around and I've been on a pretty good roll ever since. Attitude is everything.
  8. Happened to me 10 years ago. It turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me. I didn't realize how unhappy I was until I got away from that mess. Now I'm covered in ink, playing music, restoring an historic house, married to a great woman. Hard to figure how it could have turned out better.
  9. Got my first one at 52. I started with a sleeve and I've been working pretty steady for the last 7 years. Now have two sleeves, two chest panels, full back and working up the right leg to tie it in with the chest and back. May wind up with a body suit. All by the same tattooer, Japanese theme. Go big or go home.
  10. Maybe you're nervous because it's going to hurt like a bitch ... maybe. What's very sensitive on one person may not hurt bad on someone else. As my artist always says, just because it hurts is no reason not to get tattooed.
  11. Looks over moisturized. I'd let it dry for a three to five days and see how it looks.
  12. I've got some really bad Karma from my younger days that I'm trying to make up for so I always tip well.
  13. What is it that you don't like? If you can't define the problem, you probably can't come up with a solution. That's a nice tattoo, I'd leave it alone. IMHO you are more likely to make it worse than better by screwing around with it. The best thing you can do is use this as a lesson to put more thought into future tattoos, if you are unsatisfied with this one for some reason.
  14. Just say no. She's going to sit there and watch for 5 hours??? Just one man's opinion.
  15. That's rough. As @Gingerninja said, if you think it's infected, go see a doctor. If not, let it heal, do your research and see a professional about getting it fixed. This 'bargain'' tattoo is going to be very expensive.
  16. Thanks. Jesse Tseronis in Winchester VA is my artist. We're working on a piece that goes from my ankle up to connect to my chest panel and back piece.
  17. I had my calf done and the only issue I had was that if I was sitting for a while, when I first stood up, the first several steps were painful. Other than that, I guess I was lucky because I didn't have any problems. The leg ditch wasn't fun, but I've had way worse. The stomach for example - ieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Good luck!
  18. It's a very good looking tattoo. I wouldn't think about changing anything until you've had if for a couple of months. It takes at least a month to six weeks to completely heal. I would stick with that artist, they are doing a great job.
  19. In that case it IS very unusual and I would talk to them about it. I would also never go back. In tattoos, it's one strike and you're out.
  20. It's more common with home tattooers, rare with professional tattooers. What is the story here? Was this done in an actual tattoo shop? Did you thoroughly research the tattooer? Did you have multiple recommendations for this person? Did you review their portfolio? Good luck with the heal.
  21. Any motorcycle accident you walk away from is a lucky one. I spent a month in the hospital and years in PT after some day dreaming ass hole swung a quick right turn into me. Motorcycles can be replaced.
  22. OUCH. True, but OUCH. In all seriousness, don't do death by a thousand pin pricks. Get it lasered and find someone else to fix it right. Putting a big splotch of black on your leg is not how a coverup is supposed to work. That thing is like a panther in a cave eating a chocolate bar. Good luck, the idea is actually kind of cool, just not well executed.
  23. Yup. A crappy outline is something to worry about. Color not being solid, not so much. Did you know this tattooer before the expo? The last three or four expos I went to, I wouldn't let 90% of the 'artists' near me. I finally just stopped going. It's all about filling booths and getting the shitty Ink Master rejects to show up and mug for the camera. Expos stopped being about quality tattoos a while back.
  24. i am worried that : people will disapprove - definitely, but who cares people will laugh at me - see above I have damaged my body - you changed your body I won't be able to wear half my clothes now - why? if you don't want anyone to see the tattoo, get new clothes that cover it. the arm one is much bigger than i should have got it - go big or go home (see my avatar) I will suddenly become a different person in other people's eye - you will, but once again, who cares my kids might think they are embarrassing when they are older - good, payback for all the times they embarrassed you people at work will disapprove - good way to figure out who your real friends are they will get infected - very unlikely if you do proper aftercare. If you think of anything else, let me know. :-)
  25. What are you worried about? If you like the tattoo you can always have someone else fix it.
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