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Rob I

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    Rob I reacted to ItsNewport in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Picked this one up from Marc Nava at the London tattoo convention yesterday. Such a nice guy and i had a great time being tattooed by him. Really wish i was at the convention today/tomorrow as there seemed to be a LOT of artists taking walk ups that had time (Frankie Carracioli, for example, was in the booth with Marc and didn't do a single tattoo on Friday, at least not by the time i left around 8pm).
    Bumped in to a few LSTers too, wish i knew their names here but it was a pleasure seeing you all, even managed to stumble across my main man @Iwar when i was literally on my way out of the convention.

  2. Like
    Rob I reacted to Dan in Hello, advice request for aged tattoo   
    Hi and welcome,do you mean you regret not having the whole tattoo done in white ? because if you had it would look like total crap by now,personally I would stay away from white other than used for highlights.
    anyway,IMO any good artist could easily enhance and renew that tattoo by adding some to what's already there,re-hit the black a little,maybe add some small color  flowers and a little bit of feminine vines.
    my wife has an ankle tattoo that didn't look just right and we went to a better artist and she added some cool little things to it and retouched the color and it looks great now. 
  3. Like
    Rob I reacted to mtlsam in Hello, advice request for aged tattoo   
    Hi there. The skin in that area is quite thin and delicate, and that tattoo is in there.
    There isn't really much to be done unfortunately. You could try to find a skilled artist to re-outline it in white, but that will not likely accomplish much for you. A shadow in white will just make the whole thing seem bigger still.
    I recommend you just accept the tattoo as a reminder for where you were in life at the moment you got it, and move on to the next one.
  4. Like
    Rob I reacted to DJDeepFried in Need ideas to improve it   
    Yeah, this has been coming up a lot. Calls for caps lock I think.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Like
    Rob I reacted to mtlsam in Need ideas to improve it   
    Hi there, this forum is going through a bit of a shakeup at the moment, so instead of giving you a smart ass remark, I will try to steer you in the right direction.
    My first suggestion would be to tell us where in the world you are. That way people can recomend good shops and artists near you. That is your next step, go talk to an artist whose portfolio you like. Have them create a design for you. What you draw is rarely going to be a good tattoo. Let them help you make a good decision.  
  6. Like
    Rob I reacted to marley mission in In need of your artistic abilities   
    go to the artist who did your roses is one idea
  7. Like
    Rob I reacted to polliwog in Hello!   
    Also, maybe once you're feeling more confident from looking online, don't hesitate to look at portfolios in a shop! The pictures are so much better even if you've seen some of the same images on Instagram, plus you can get a sense of whether your prospective tattooer will be kind and helpful for your first tattoo.
  8. Like
    Rob I reacted to oboogie in Can blows/hits damage a tattoo?   
    I'm very clumsy. Said clumsiness and propensity to run into things and get bruises has never affected any of my tattoos. Quit worrying.
  9. Like
    Rob I reacted to Bigboy67 in Tegaderm/Saniderm/Tatuderm healing process   
    Healed many many tattoos now over the last few years with tegaderm. 
    The only time I've had the red irritation issue on the edge of the tegaderm was when it was applied too stretched in the first place, or at a weird angle on a spot that moves a lot. 
    (This is yet another unfinished piece, more coming shortly to finish in a last session for background, etc.)

  10. Like
    Rob I reacted to oboogie in Tegaderm/Saniderm/Tatuderm healing process   
    My shop was closed on Wednesday, and I was tattooed on Tuesday, so my artist gave me the saniderm to put on. I wasn't particularly successful, even though I followed his directions closely. Reminder to self: Don't get tattooed on a Tuesday. I need him to apply it because I am not good at it.
  11. Like
    Rob I got a reaction from Kurgana in Tegaderm/Saniderm/Tatuderm healing process   
    @a_beukeveld  I'm sure it will all be fine. The tattoos look great in the pics. 
    This is just my experience but I do not change the tegaderm out once I put it on. Some people do, but I haven't. I get bandaged as per the usual method after getting tattooed and leave that on overnight (no matter at what point of the day I get tattooed. I always leave bandage on overnight). Then shower that next morning and remove bandage and clean the tattoo. Then, since I have no confidence in my skills, I walk back to tattoo shop and have the tattooer give one last wipe down with green soap and have them put the tegaderm on. Then I leave it for 5 24 hr days.  If fluid builds up I leave it. Once it actually leaked out but then sealed right back up. I have not tried changing out the tegaderm to a new piece. Sucks enough removing it once. 
    The derm always has stuck to my tattoo by day 5. It just won't stick to a fresh seeping one. I just pull it slowly with gentle soap and tons of water. And I try to remove in the direction of the hair, not opposite. 
  12. Like
    Rob I got a reaction from tatB in Tattoos around/incorporating many beauty marks?!   
    Did any of you read her post?  She's not looking to cover them nor is she insecure about them. 
    @Jamie  the best bet is to talk to a tattooer about your idea. If you let us know where you live, someone here can point you to a great black and grey artist who can work with you and let you know if your idea will work. 
  13. Like
    Rob I reacted to Padji in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    So, this turned out way better than I could have expected. Got it finished in two sessions with the second one at Allstar Ink in Limerick, Ireland. Chris Stuart was guesting there for a day prior to the London convention so I was lucky enough to grab the spot.

    A great experience again. I couldn't speak highly enough of Chris and the atmosphere was enhanced with the liked of Nagle, Peck, Topper, Noble, Arment all working there on the same day.

    Anyway, I'll let the pic do the talking ?

    Sent from my D5803 using Tapatalk
  14. Like
    Rob I reacted to Kurgana in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    My little birthday present from me ;). "Borrowed" the pic from the artist's Facebook since I 'dermed it as soon as I got home and didn't think to photograph it first. Hand poked (by a licenced tattoo artist at a professional studio). I found the technique super relaxing & interesting, and this will probably not be my last although I'm craving some colour next.

  15. Like
    Rob I reacted to marley mission in What are tattoo appointment essentials?   
    i usually just bring the body part thats getting tattooed
  16. Like
    Rob I reacted to Transplant in Can blows/hits damage a tattoo?   
    i don't think you have too much to worry about. I have been in car crashes, bike crashes, i spar with martial artists much better than me every week. People always comment on how fresh and new my tattoos look.
    You need to live life my friend!
  17. Like
    Rob I reacted to AverageJer in Your First Tattoo   
    I got my first tattoo about 5 years ago when my wife decided it was time for her to get a new tattoo after a long break. 
    We decided to get matching tattoos of a terrible drawing I had done on a Mother's Day card of the two of us and our daughter all holding hands. Think of those stickers people put on their mini vans except drawn by someone who can't even print his own name legible most of the time. 
    It is by far my worst tattoo and one of my favorites. I never thought that it would lead to all these other tattoos. 

  18. Like
    Rob I reacted to Devious6 in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    I've now lost 33 pounds and stabilized around my goal weight. I may try for another 5 pounds but, who knows? All of the college social functions make eating healthy difficult...but I'm determined to hold the line. I've learned that I can have a splurge from time to time, and then just get back to my routine. I am feeling so much better - but now need to buy some new clothes including 34" waist pants....which I have not worn since high school.
    The weight loss and tattoos have made me much more confident to wear sleeveless shirts and tank shirts..something I've never done before. Why did I wait until I was 61 to do this? Ugh.
    By the way, did I tell you how much I love this new tattoo?

  19. Like
    Rob I reacted to iowagirl in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    got my brown belt in Taekwondo a couple weeks ago. 
    performed my second wedding ceremony. 
  20. Like
    Rob I reacted to Devious6 in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    Want to know what 1000 backpacks filled with school supplies destined to be given to needy elementary and middle school children look like? Here they are

    Our College's Registrar Office has been doing internal fundraisers for the past 4 years to fund giving the backpacks out - as well as other supplies when possible - to schools that have needy students. We started with one 3rd grade class and are now up to 3 schools and multiple classes in each. We've given out over 450 backpacks so far this year.
    But, a local church, Parker Hill Church, contacted us recently to say they wanted to help. Today, the delivered 1000 backpacks filled with supplies. This will allow us to outreach to schools that surround our 4 extension campuses - something we've not been able to do before. It took about an hour for us to carry them in to the storage room - but what an experience. If this doesn't put a smile on your face, nothing will.
  21. Like
    Rob I got a reaction from Iwar in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Had a blast at the convention!  Was great to meet @polliwog @Fala and was also great seeing @Graeme and @Pugilist.  Briefly saw @Shaun1105 which was cool but missed @BrianH due to walking past every booth except the one he was being tattooed at. Feel pretty dumb about that since it was directly behind the one I was hanging out at. Also bummed to have missed seeing Sam  whose handle name eludes me at the moment.  (Mitslam??)
    Got this by Nick Colella on Saturday in the same booth and at the same time as @Graeme was getting an awesome tattoo by Robert Ryan. Absolutley love it and had a great time talking to Nick. Such a great dude and awesome tattooer. This is my first leg tattoo. On the side of my left calf. 

  22. Like
    Rob I reacted to otisc in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Iowagirl -- love your large piece, especially the back portion... but your husband's tiger/cherry blossoms kicks ass. Can't wait to see that one come to completion. Classic.
  23. Like
    Rob I got a reaction from suburbanxcore in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Had a blast at the convention!  Was great to meet @polliwog @Fala and was also great seeing @Graeme and @Pugilist.  Briefly saw @Shaun1105 which was cool but missed @BrianH due to walking past every booth except the one he was being tattooed at. Feel pretty dumb about that since it was directly behind the one I was hanging out at. Also bummed to have missed seeing Sam  whose handle name eludes me at the moment.  (Mitslam??)
    Got this by Nick Colella on Saturday in the same booth and at the same time as @Graeme was getting an awesome tattoo by Robert Ryan. Absolutley love it and had a great time talking to Nick. Such a great dude and awesome tattooer. This is my first leg tattoo. On the side of my left calf. 

  24. Like
    Rob I reacted to marley mission in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    haha what i meant was that the latest tattoo lowdown is really what its all about - people getting tattooed and showing those tattoos off - like if this forum could only have one thread - this would be it :)
    i think i was deep in the ipa's when i posted that though so i understand it sounds like a confusing post :)
  25. Like
    Rob I reacted to viezure in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Hey everyone, here's my latest tattoo, Joker :) It's two weeks old, so it's still healing (2nd phase of sking flaking) and a little waxy.
    Also, another pic with how the arm looks so far (half sleeve yeey). I'm loving it and can't wait for more!

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