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Posts posted by Johannes

  1. so, if let's say me myself would get a sugarskull tattoo...it means that i'm totally hating on hispanic people and are responsible for them not getting paid as much as white folks? oh i'm also stealing culture. I better only get viking tattoos since we haven't really got any other tattoo related imagery in sweden thats part of our "culture". or maybe an ikea or abba backpiece? atleast I would'nt be rascist!

    and yeah occult vibrations is cool. those old videos! excellent!

  2. i didn't even think about it when i started getting tattoos but now i'm trying to get as much as possible as fast as possible done...i hate getting tattoos since i have more or less only painful spots left...so get it done, never bother again!

    starting to fill my head next week...should be awsome! :p

  3. i've tried a bunch of different methods but re-wrapping only happens on my legs so i don't have to care about fibres from the cloth getting stuck in the tattoo...thats what i would call a bacterial death trap!

    but i think different methods for different people. no ones immune system is the same so no tattoo will heal the same.

    i guess you have to find what suits you the best.

    for me(except legs as mentioned), wrap....come home, change it for the night...off in the morning..wash, bepanthen...the usual. works everytime. i also drink alot of orange juice or similar since vitamin c helps your body heal faster. read somewhere that smoking weed will help the process with it's anti inflammatory effects but haven't tried that. a friend claims it to be amazing...but he thinks everything is amazing after smoking a fatty so...

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