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Posts posted by cltattooing

  1. Hey, welcome to LST :)

    I think you're in good hands. To draw on an age old cliche, a picture's worth a thousand words. Images draw meaning because they tell stories, and it seems like you're found the right image for your internal dialogue. You're in the hands of a great artist, so just trust that their vision will collaborate with yours and I guarantee that you'll get a tattoo that will bring you great happiness for years to come. Good luck on your next piece and be sure to post up some pictures!

  2. I have experienced some of this before. My thoughts are that it's probably scar tissue which has not fully settled in/healed up. A lot of bolder work can create scarring even if it's a really clean tattoo and it doesn't necessarily look off or out of place. Peoples' skin scars differently and heals at different rates, and I've had some tattoos that took several months to fully settle into the skin even after the scabbing and peeling is over.

    Anyway, that's my guess given some of what I've noticed with healing my tattoos. It might not necessarily be what's up with hers, but if it is, it'll probably go away within a few more months.

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