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Posts posted by ShawnPorter

  1. I don't know where exactly I should post up.... But, the party is next weekend, I am keeping my word to my old man... I'm on a flight to JAX, FL... to get the artwork, and taxidermy, and neon, and home furnishings with two fellow Texans in tow....

    This last week has been a true testament to the saying Mi Vida Loca.... The only thing I am thankful for is the tattoo family that has created a protective circle of love and support around Richard. It's opened his eyes as well as mine to how precious life really is, and how we are blessed. Crazy. Mad. Love.

    Love. Loyalty. Respect. Take care of tattooing, and it takes care of you. It's TRUE.

    Making this last run is about all the energy I have left, then I want to party.

    The party will be epic, mamma.

  2. Last weekend I ran my first group 5k.

    I had three hours of sleep and a pot brownie in my system, but I crossed the finish line at 25:04, which is a personal best for me.

    A year ago on 9th May I was 240lbs. I was unhealthy. I was in a relationship with someone who cheated on me, lied to me and stole from my family and I. When she left, I got healthy. Going from that lifestyle to 5ks and being a coach to my friends trying to get healthy has been a weird and wonderful switch.

  3. I started wearing a shirt and tie to work for no other reason than I reached a level of maturity where I now realize that the nicer I dress the easier it is to convince other people that I know what I'm talking about (even when I don't have a clue).

    Yesterday the rain in Philly was crazy and my jeans got soaked commuting in.

    So I spent three hours at work in my underwear. Dealing with vendors. USPS. Staff.

    I was going to put a tie on, but that would have been weird.

    Random musings.

  4. I've added running into my routine and will be doing my first 5k this month.

    I've also been organizing a memorial celebration for my friend Shannon Larratt here in Philly with approx 200 people signed up so far. On the same day as my 5k. Going to be a long day.

    But the upside is we've had a lot of vendors donate raffle items, with 100% of the monies raised going to his daughter Ari, so... totally worth it.

  5. any chance you have that zeke owens movie??? i used to have it on vhs, but would love to get a dvd of it.

    Turns out that yes, I do. Some of it is on OV now.

    - - - Updated - - -

    New Dave Lum stuff on OV. People driving 200 miles to wait all night for the chance of a walk-in. So rad.


    Been a while re: new captured video, explanation is in the post.

  6. Rad thread, thanks for starting it @Delicious ! I never knew there were so many awesome beards here. It's funny to see how different some people look to how I imagined them (or, conversely, how similar).

    Anywho, here's me being all Cheesecake recently in celebration of losing 10kg/getting more tattooed.

    What's weird is...this is how I always imagine @dcostello dressing...

    Maybe it's just me.


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