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marley mission

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Posts posted by marley mission

  1. i mean to each their own right

    but i really dislike those microscript tattoos

    i mean - i generally love most tattoos

    and the execution can be off

    and the design can be off

    but when its too small

    not readable

    well - i just dont get that at all

    i know that its kinda popular

    i'm on a cruise right now and there are tons of these microscript tattoos walking about


  2. @Devious6 hey man funny you should mention those blue skies - i was working in a school in northern NJ at the time - and to this day - any day that demonstrates the most ideal of weather conditions - crystal blue skies, crisp, yet beautiful temps...reminds me of 9/11 - it was the most wonderful of weather days i can ever remember in my life - and so oddly it is that it reminds of the most surreal and horrible of days - i still get the chills thinking about it

    good luck with your tattoo - i look forward to seeing it

    btw - i laughed at your mentioning the appt to your wife - rmeinds me so much of how i drop the news of yet another tattoo appointment

    god bless

  3. @shaga85 your tattoo will lighten up - they all do - if you arent happy with the design and execution - it'll just sharpen your eye for researching your next tattoo and artist - i wouldnt suggest adding to it - not every tattoo needs to become something more - just leave it be - i'm sure it hit the mark with its meaning - good luck with future tattoos 

  4. @Oiocha there have been times when i was waiting for that return email - what i usually do is send a second one that says that i'm sure they got the email and are probably swamped but...you never with emails maybe something happened and they didnt get it - hence the check in - that has always worked to get the timely reply - i mean - i treat it like any communication i am making with any other person - the way i look at it - i'm serious about getting tattooed and it is after all - the beginning of a business transaction - so the 2nd communication is just an effort to make arrangements for the tattoo - the key is to be polite 

  5. i scab too most of the time - sometimes a little - sometimes alot - to me - location is the biggest factor - but - its just a part of the process - best thing is to leave it be leave it be the best you can - its never been a factor in my overall satisfaction with my healed tattoos

  6. hmmm - i'll be honest - thats an interesting reaction that your leg is showing - i might wanna see the doc on this one to be on the safe side   

    anyone else have a thought on this pic

    good luck of course fingers crossed for ya

    would like to see a healed up / better view / pic of this tattoo later on

    looks like its an interesting one

  7. @bloodsport well I really wanna see that first tattoo :)

    but upper arms are great spots for beginning tattoos

    easy spot to get tattooed imo

    chest and inner bicep are also great tattoo spots though both of those spots are a little more painful to get tattooed - not that this should deter you from hitting those spots

    myself - i have bounced all over the place with my placements - i kind of like trying to balance out my placements

    anyway - rooster, monkey dragon! sounds like some cool tattoo imagery to me - throw up some pics partner - let us know if you have questions about artists etc

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