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Sunscreen/sun/vacation threads


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Although I cover and sunscreen my art on the shoulders and upper arms, I'm not adjusting any more of my lifestyle for them. Never been a sun "worshiper", but enjoy the sun on my skin and getting a nice tan. I don't go out-of-my-way to sunbathe, but if boating, swimming, etc. I'll avoid burns but not the sun. At 63, my skin looks its age, perhaps even a bit more youthful due to my oily complexion. A radiation worker, asbestos worker at one time, past smoker, non-athletic type looking forward to enjoying retirement, not worrying about the odds some insurance company guy calculated.

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About the Vitamin D. I've heard you need about 20 minutes of sun per day to get your needed amount. But I guess it depends on how strong the sun is and which parts of the skin you expose. I think that the palms and insides of underarms are the best at absorbing. Second best is the upper torso. But a lot also goes in through the eyes, I think about 40 - 60%.

PS. Don't know where I got this information from. Don't quote me on it ;)

...and I proceed to quote you on it, sorry! But only because I know that the eyes are the most important part. Ideally, you want sunlight going into your eyes from an angle slightly above you. (Like the sun, natch.) We thought I had S.A.D. for a while, and I tend to be D-deficient if I'm not careful, so I had to learn these things. This is what I get for living and working in front of a computer, indoors, with no pants on, for years. :rolleyes:

I'm having to wear a lot more sunscreen than usual this year, @beez. Where is this constant rain I was promised when I moved to Seattle? All of the grass on the island is dying!

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...and I proceed to quote you on it, sorry! But only because I know that the eyes are the most important part. Ideally, you want sunlight going into your eyes from an angle slightly above you. (Like the sun, natch.) We thought I had S.A.D. for a while, and I tend to be D-deficient if I'm not careful, so I had to learn these things. This is what I get for living and working in front of a computer, indoors, with no pants on, for years. :rolleyes:

I'm having to wear a lot more sunscreen than usual this year, @beez. Where is this constant rain I was promised when I moved to Seattle? All of the grass on the island is dying!

Are you in Seattle? LST hang out?!

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Related, has anyone noticed the skin where they are tattooed feels warmer than non-tattooed skin under the sun? I felt that my tattooed skin was really burning under direct sun but thought perhaps it was my imagination being used to SF weather. The last 2 years, LA really is much hotter than I remember it being previously when I didn't have much coverage. When everyone is wearing scarves and a coat, I'm still wearing a tee cause I'm freaking boiling. Then a friend who was visiting from Seattle mentioned the same thing about her tattoos heating up. Anyone else experience this?

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Are you in Seattle? LST hang out?!

Almost! I'm on Bainbridge, so practically in Seattle. I'd definitely be down for LST hangout time! I'm lazy, so I barely ever go across the water unless it's to get my hair cut. It'd be good to see some more of the city.

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Related, has anyone noticed the skin where they are tattooed feels warmer than non-tattooed skin under the sun? I felt that my tattooed skin was really burning under direct sun but thought perhaps it was my imagination being used to SF weather. The last 2 years, LA really is much hotter than I remember it being previously when I didn't have much coverage. When everyone is wearing scarves and a coat, I'm still wearing a tee cause I'm freaking boiling. Then a friend who was visiting from Seattle mentioned the same thing about her tattoos heating up. Anyone else experience this?

Oh definitely. When the sun shines directly on my lower leg tattoos in midday, it gets uncomfortably hot really fast. They're relatively new tattoos, though, so I'm not sure if this'll change as the pigment migrates. I also tend to use chemical sunscreens, so I dunno if a good layer of zinc-based sunscreen would make a difference or not. I find it more comfortable to wear pants in the heat now.

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Related, has anyone noticed the skin where they are tattooed feels warmer than non-tattooed skin under the sun? I felt that my tattooed skin was really burning under direct sun but thought perhaps it was my imagination being used to SF weather. The last 2 years, LA really is much hotter than I remember it being previously when I didn't have much coverage. When everyone is wearing scarves and a coat, I'm still wearing a tee cause I'm freaking boiling. Then a friend who was visiting from Seattle mentioned the same thing about her tattoos heating up. Anyone else experience this?

I DEFINITELY notice this. Especially if I'm riding my bike in a tank top or something. It BURNS! I freak out!!

- - - Updated - - -

Almost! I'm on Bainbridge, so practically in Seattle. I'd definitely be down for LST hangout time! I'm lazy, so I barely ever go across the water unless it's to get my hair cut. It'd be good to see some more of the city.

We will figure something out! Either when I leave the city or you decide to come this way! I'm on cap hill. Would be nice to get out of the city! Prob not this weekend tho..Sea-fair, Blue Angels...ahh Seattle.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A couple of days ago I jumped on the chance to get my leg tattooed next Friday. It wasn't until I had booked and paid my deposit that I realised that I'm going to a music festival in Croatia 5 days later.

Obviously I'll stay out of the water completely, and the sun as much as possible. It will most likely be around 30 degrees celcius (85F) though, so wearing jeans the whole time might be hellish. Trying to think if there might be some other type of trousers that I can buy that will help cover up my calf, and keep me cooler than jeans would. Damn!

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A couple of days ago I jumped on the chance to get my leg tattooed next Friday. It wasn't until I had booked and paid my deposit that I realised that I'm going to a music festival in Croatia 5 days later.

Obviously I'll stay out of the water completely, and the sun as much as possible. It will most likely be around 30 degrees celcius (85F) though, so wearing jeans the whole time might be hellish. Trying to think if there might be some other type of trousers that I can buy that will help cover up my calf, and keep me cooler than jeans would. Damn!

if you use the word "trousers" i think you've given up on being cool :)

i've used an ace bandage to cover a new tattoo when wearing shorts in warm sunny weather, worked pretty well and didn't interfere with healing

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if you use the word "trousers" i think you've given up on being cool :)

i've used an ace bandage to cover a new tattoo when wearing shorts in warm sunny weather, worked pretty well and didn't interfere with healing

Haha, it was only a matter of time before I ran out of coolness. Ace bandage, that's a great idea - will cover it, and should be breathable as well. Cheers.

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It will most likely be around 30 degrees celcius (85F) though, so wearing jeans the whole time might be hellish. Trying to think if there might be some other type of trousers that I can buy that will help cover up my calf, and keep me cooler than jeans would. Damn!

Jeans are generally not the coolest (temperature wise) thing to wear...

How about something like these (even if they do look a bit dorky)??

Ultra Athlete® Pants

Athletes will go crazy for these pants. They’re so well-ventilated—from mid-thigh to lower calf—that you’d think you’re wearing running shorts.
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I was going to suggest linen trousers, but I really like that ace bandage idea. I wish I'd known about that earlier.

I got tattooed on my calf in Barcelona last July and I wore jeans for the rest of the holiday after getting the tattoo. It was about mid way through the trip so I at least got a couple of trips to the beach in before getting the tattoo. Jeans in July in Barcelona wasn't the most comfortable experience ever, but I dealt with it and the tattoo healed great and super bright, so it was worth it.

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How about something like these (even if they do look a bit dorky)??

Ultra Athlete® Pants

I think I'd prefer sweating in a pair of jeans over wearing those in public... haha.

Jeans in July in Barcelona wasn't the most comfortable experience ever, but I dealt with it and the tattoo healed great and super bright, so it was worth it.

Discomfort is temporary, tattoos are forever.

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There are very light-weight nylon pants made for hikers that have zip-off legs so they can turn into shorts. Plenty of pockets and they will rinse out in a hotel sink or a stream and be dry by morning. I have about a half-dozen pair that I wear under my armored mesh gear on the motorcycle in hot summer weather. Still good looking enough to wear while teaching. Best prices I've found is at Academy sporting goods, but Bass Pro has them on sale sometimes.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I am normally pretty white skinned and have come back from vacation tanned, I will soon be getting a tattoo and I am wondering if getting a tattoo on my tan skin makes a difference. I am not sun burned just tan, so should I wait awhile for my skin to return to its normal whiteness or is it ok to get a tattoo while tan? Does it make a difference?

Thanks for advice,

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@LDesp - as long as you don't have a burn and your skin is healthy, get the tattoo. Just going forward, it's best to keep it under wraps or under sunscreen. I have to admit that this summer I've been extra liberal with sunscreen on my leg where my next tattoo is going!

My skin is not pealing or anything but if it does peal after the tattoo is done would that be a problem?

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My skin is not pealing or anything but if it does peal after the tattoo is done would that be a problem?

A healing tattoo normally peels. If the peeling would be from tattoo healing, you are fine.

I am wonder why you think your skin would peel later - did you truly just get a tan, or did you get a burn that turned into a "tan" and will likely peel in a few days? If that is the case, then wait. If your skin has to heal from being in the sun recently, let it finish healing before you beat the crap out of it with a new tattoo - that is your best chance to heal without problems. But you do not wait for a "tan" to "fade" to get the tattoo. I hope that makes sense.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Two days short of 5 weeks..you think enough time healed for chlorine in public swimming pools and general everyday sun exposed? I doubt I'll be applying sun cream unless I'm spending more then 30mins or so in the sun. Coloured Tattoes are on both forearms.

Also is a 8 week old healed tattoo getting exposed to these elements going to age (fade less) better then a tattoo 4 weeks old before sun and chlorine.

Can't imagine the old schoolers and tribal being this dedicated to post care.


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5 weeks - good enough for chlorine, but not healed enough to provide the same protection against sun. Comparing 4 and 8 weeks with sun and chlorine variables is probably not possible to state a difference, although 4 weeks is likely fine for chlorine if it healed ok - I would still make sure to wash with soap, probably antibacterial, afterwards. For some reason I recall 3 weeks being a good number to shoot for.

Use of sunscreen regularly is a newer phenomenon with the growing knowledge of skin cancer and the sense that the sun is stronger since we were kids, so yeah, those with newer tattoos might be taking better care of them as a result of that as well.

Aftercare - everyone is probably different. I suspect the folks on this board are more likely to protect their investments.

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