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13 minutes ago, DJDeepFried said:

I've seen some mediocre to bad tattoos in the lowdown but nobody talking shit just crickets. On the other hand if you ask for an honest opinion you just might get it. That's the internet for ya

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 fried crickets ?




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I first found this forum years ago. Mostly lurked and learned. Watched all of the video interviews. And read a lot. Now it seems like a lot of the people who started this forum have little to no association with it anymore. Many amazing tattoo artists used to post here and I miss their opinions and insights. I used to get excited to check out the contest page, lowdown and upcoming tattoos. In my opinion this place isn't what it used to be.

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  • 4 months later...

You said it so well, Intomyskin! :)  What you described is exactly the reason I find myself here, now.  Although I do walk past many people daily who are tattooed, I do not have any personal friends, family or acquaintances who share the passion or interest I have for the art.  Actually, no one in my circles even has a tattoo! lol.  Reading about tattoos and watching videos on the subject is interesting and invaluable .... but there is something special about exchanging thoughts, experiences, knowledge and ideas with other human beings. At the least, it fuels the fires of motivation ... at it's best it brings the whole experience to life in a unique way~ 

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  • 5 months later...
On 9/16/2016 at 11:22 AM, a_beukeveld said:

Its very difficult to be sensitive when you know exactly why the question is being asked. Most people come here to have their ego stroked about their design, their ideas or their tattoo, and its plainly obvious. They ask for opinions on their ideas, or they ask you to critique the design they made or had someone else make, and when they recieve answers they dont like, it becomes apparent why they were asking.

If they truly cared about the questions they ask, they will be receptive of any response. If I have a question about healing a tattoo, I want to be told off for asking if its cool to let my dogs lick my leg. If they get offended or sensitive about the responses that they're given, its just an indicator that you're wasting your time answering them, and being sensitive about it will only encourage them.

This forum is an amazing resource filled with heavily tattooed people, with years and years of experience. If you want some of that knowledge, you're going to have to put on your big kid pants and realize you're not going to have your hand held here, or anywhere in tattooing. 

"Make tattooing scary again."

I really enjoyed reading this again. So spot on. :-)

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On 9/5/2016 at 0:42 PM, Intomyskin said:

Any forum, even those that are "must be a member to post," is going to have people who are going to make negative comments. And some people are going to be blunt in their honest responses, and maybe sometimes a little too blunt.

For example, there are two ways to tell a newbie that traditional tattoos hold up well over the long term:

  • "That watercolor s**t is going to look like dog puke smeared on the carpet in ten years, so if you decide to get something stupid like that, don't come back here whining about it and asking how to fix it. Get a REAL tattoo instead of some trendy impressionistic crap that you saw in some fancy magazine."


  • "Tattoos without outlines often don't hold up well over time. The ink fades and the images might become indistinct, expecialliy if you spend time in the sun. Take some time and look at some tattoos that are 20 or 30 years old and see what happens to the colors vs. the line work, and then make a decision."

I think the second is a more helpful response. But you are probably going to get some responses like the first one, so you have to have a filter. I have certainly seen some mean spirited responses to sincere questions.

For the most part, I think LST is good and supportive environment.

Needless to say, the members spoke with their feet!  There is definitely a lot less activity here now then there was even six months prior.  No one cares if the ten active members supporting this forum feel that someone's tattoo is "shitty".  :13_upside_down:

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