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Posts posted by Gingerninja

  1. Whoa, sugar. All good here! You posted in a very passionate forum. No one is attacking you (at least I'm not). You led with the fact that you are a minor...we most of all want to protect you and all involved. Very sorry for your loss. Truly. @rose094

  2. Hey Rose, please wait. I can empathize with your desire to get a memorial tattoo for your sister. Please realize that your may be asking an artist to break the law. There's nothing cool about that scenario. Wait until you can find a great artist that can do a proper tattoo. If you post photos of a tattoo and heaven forbid that someone puts together that you are under age, that's a pretty crappy position that you just places everyone in - you, your parents and the artist. Do you really want to do that?

  3. Oooo...what's the bigger tattoo and are you on his/her list yet? I'd invite you to consider getting something bigger if you are serious about dipping your toe in the water. There is so much good info on this forum and check out the photos in the gallery, too!

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