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Posts posted by Tight-Lines

  1. Hot Water Music - "Live your heart and never follow" in banners around a heart on my chest.

    Jawbreaker - "Yell it out before it kills you" on a rose inside my arm.

    I have other tattoos loosely inspired by Kid Dynamite and The Lawrence Arms, but they're not obvious lyrics or logos or anything. I am trying to book with Civ for a small "Start today" tattoo at the Richmond Convention, as well.

    I also have a straight edge tattoo, and a plan to get at least one more before I'm no longer XXX years old.

    I like your style.

  2. If all goes as planned......I will be flying out to Oakland toward the end of March for 3 days to be tattooed by Dave Gibson!

    It's a milestone tattoo for me and he is the man I have chosen to do it because of all the advice he has given me over the years I have been getting tattooed....as well as the advice he has been giving me now that I am tattooing and painting!

    I could care less what he tattoos on me....it's all about him being the tattooer....not the tattoo!

    That's what's up in my world.....

    Where is Dave tattooing now? Last I saw it was somewhere in Dublin or somewhere more central. I've heard some pretty awesome stuff about the guy. Congrats!

  3. @RoyQ Thanks for the write up on Cambodia! That was perfect. All the places you recommend going are on my list currently! I'm pretty scared of diving, so I wont want to do any of that business. The Temples are my primary reason for going to Cambodia since I hear that there is nothing else quite like that in the world.

    @Slester Thailand is going to be mostly a relaxing stop during the trip. I dont want to stay in a big city like Bankok for any longer than I have to. The Islands are what I am looking into now as my main get away for that area.

  4. I am planning a trip to South Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand and ending in Singapore for April of next year and would like anyones opinion on a few basic things.

    -General Budget (I'm comfortable at around 35-45 dollars a day)

    -Housing (Thinking mostly Hostels in big cities, huts on islands)

    -Modes of transportation (Plane/Bus/Train)

    -Cool fuckin' places to go (anywhere)

    If you have anything to add please feel free. I'm making the trip with the lady for my quarter life crisis... so I want to exprience as much weird shit as possible. No Thai ladyboys though.


  5. @hogg I finished The Sisters Brothers today and was really impressed. I got the Cormac vibe from a lot of it, but it lacked the intensity that Cormac brings to his writing. I guess you cannot expect that from too many people.

    I will say that it was a lot more comical though. Good read.

  6. People constantly ask "What do they symbolize?"

    First off, depending on which piece you ask about I will give you a straight answer. But most of the time, I just make stuff up about what they mean to simplify the conversation. 2nd, some people seem amazed when I say they don't mean anything. I am pretty sure the people who are blown away a tattoo doesn't have any meaning are the ones who watch inkmasters for the stories behind the tattoos.

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