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Posts posted by Pugilist

  1. As long as they're good tattoos, I don't really care what suddenly takes off as a trend. What sucks is that trendy stuff invites a lot of imitators who copy without knowing what they're doing (there's a lot of really wonky mandalas out there, for example). But I find it hard to care, particularly as a client, what images are "trending" as long as they're done well. None of us are all that original.

  2. I bought an epilator recently, I recommend those. Although I lost mine so I haven't gotten to use it before a tattoo. I always shave before the tattoo, but I'm female so I'm used to shaving my legs without cutting them. Shaving cream is enough to avoid rashes for me.

    You TOUGH. When I was a preteen and wanted to start shaving my legs, my very Old Country mother was absolutely anti-leg shaving and compromised by buying me one of these. Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch.

  3. @Lance that is how Seattle FEELS to me right now!

    @Colored Guy it's nuts. I feel like Seattle may have more aggressive crows than in other locales? Also because I've only been swooped by hawks before, so...

    @MadeIndelible now you know it's not a curse, you were just near some babies! Hahaha

    @polliwog @Fala I have a friend who has been attacked by swans on 3 (THREE!) different occasions!! Wtf.

    It's amazing the bird stories that come out.

    Swans are fucking monsters.

  4. Oh my god, those are horrible. It kinda looks like you're wearing an anatomical illustration of ovaries.

    More seriously, my friend got a life-ruining, seemingly incurable case of carpal tunnel and god knows what else from working in the shipping dept. of ModCloth, so I don't buy from them now. I imagine a good deal of warehouses are as bad, though. (And H & M has its own set of serious problems. I hope one day to be able to buy ethically-sourced clothing without a hassle, but that's another discussion...)

    I didn't know this. That sucks as I have bought some nice stuff from them before, but I will stop now. We stopped buying off Amazon a few months back when all those exposes came out - it is a huge bummer to generally have it confirmed that "too good to be true" shopping websites stay speedy and huge on other people's backs.

  5. Hey guys!!

    Long time no see, eh? ;)

    I was just thinking about y'all, about how much I missed LST.

    I've slowed way down the past few months but I'm still hard at work on the squidpants project.

    It is *super* hard to get good pictures of one's own legs... the best I can do at this moment is link back to a picture I posted in the fall. You can't see all of them in it, and there are 2? (maybe 3?) more since then.


    Heeeeeeeeeeeeey lady! How are you? Your gams look great - who did those peonies?

  6. Oh yeah maxi skirts on short ladies are tough, although what I like about maxi skirts is they are basically like wearing PJs only they seem fancy. On your calf-though any wide-leggish pant should be ok, and yes, boho cotton wide-leg pants seem to be everywhere at the moment!

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