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Rob I

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Posts posted by Rob I

  1. Grew up in ny in the 80's and had a cousin that was super into New York hard core. He explained to me back then that straight edge skin heads (as they were known back then) were the opposite of nazi skin heads. I took that to mean they weren't racist. He also said they abstained from booze and drugs. A noble course for sure. 

    But they were also super into their lifestyle and weren't always nice to those who chose a different path. But still I appreciated them way more than the nazi skin heads. 

    Ive met a lot of straight edge folks through the tattoo world. Funny story... I follow a guy on Instagram who happens to be straight edge. I didn't know this at the time. He was always posting pics of himself in front of strip joints. I remember thinking, "wow, this dude really loves strip clubs" until I realized it was the XXX from the strip club that he was really showcasing. The whole "edge is everywhere" bit. I laughed pretty hard cause for the longest time I thought he was just a bit of a perv. Not that there is anything wrong with that. 


    As for myself, I am more of a wiggly edge dude. 

  2. @Kracov you clearly have a talent for art. That doesn't always translate to tattoos. 

    Plus as @Charles.M articulated, you will be extremely unhappy with your tattoos if even the slightest detail is off. This is your artwork and it will be difficult to find someone to replicate it exactly and my guess is that you will find fault and flaws in details that may go unnoticed by others.  Think about that. Really think about it. Do you think you would be able to notice slight flaws if someone re-drew your artwork on paper?  Yes of course you would. Now imagine it permanently marked in your skin. 

    Just trying to help. 

    Btw- I like you artwork. I think it's really good. I can't draw worth shit, but i always admire those that can. It's a gift. One that few have. 

  3. You shouldn't have changed it. I was just pointing out that those tattoos, and skin for that matter, are no longer his. 

    I used to think it was pretty cool to have tattoos preserved for generations to admire and still think it's kinda cool to be able to see it but it's the one thing you CAN take with you to the grave.  I can't imagine i would ever consent to it. 

    Anyway, not trying to be grammar police. I was just trying to be funny. @Ducky15568

  4. I got my second tattoo a week after my first. A little black and grey wolf head. I was convinced it wasn't great despite the fact it really was. I asked a very old school tattooer in another shop to cover it with the red hot chili peppers logo and he sternly explained to me that the tattoo was very well done and he wouldn't cover it. 25 years later I am thankful for his gruff advice and adamant refusal and realize how completely off base I was. Just because a certain detail doesn't look 100% dead on doesn't mean it isn't a good tattoo. Super glad I left it alone since I really can't stand the chili peppers at all anymore. 

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