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Rob I

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Posts posted by Rob I

  1. It CAN be done. One of my more recent tattoos went over a very raised 30+ yr old scar on my arm. It was a visible and puffy scar and I can't even find it anymore. In fact when the tattooer posted it on instagram, he billed the tattoo as a "scar coverup". It worked perfectly and healed fine. Best of luck to you!

  2. Very interesting concept. Part of me loves the idea, while the other part of me rejects the notion based on the fact that tattoos are the only possession that you can litterally take with you to the grave. Silly thought perhaps.

    Still, an amazing concept as I could see an entire museum filled with tattoos from deceased collectors. Morbid, I guess, but still pretty cool concept. Nice work!

  3. This is what I was able to sit for today with Dave Cummings at PSC tattoo. About 3 hours, and not nearly as intense as my 1 1/2 with Chad on my other side, thank goodness! We stopped there because the next step was colour for the tiger, and I didn't have it in me. Next session next week, healing permitting.

    So stoked on this!

    Dude!!! This rules!!!! Gets me excited to get my ribs done an if it doesn't hurt like Chad then all the better!!


  4. Had to cancel our trip to the montreal convention pretty last minute due to a number of reasons and was pretty bummed to miss out this year. I didn't have any appts lined up but was hoping to score a quick walk up. To make sure the weekend wasn't a total bust, my wife and I spent Friday night in portsmouth, nh (one of my favorite places in new england). I was able to get a walk in with Billy Rocha, at one of Jason Scott's fabulous shops, Hobo's. I was hoping to get either a cross or dagger in the weird spot between my snake and dragon on my left arm. We found a cool piece of higgs flash that was both. Billy added a bit to it and made it really cool. Had a great time getting a nice little small tattoo and Billy is an excellent tattooer and a great dude. I hope to get another from him. First time being tattooed at hobo's which is pretty funny since I've been tattooed at their sister shop, Congress St Tattoo, soooooooooo many times now. They are literally 3 blocks away from each other on the same street.

    this tattoo covers a really nasty scar, so if the skin looks a bit weird in certain areas in the pic, that is why.

  5. @idyllsend WOW! that is really beautiful. I can't wait to see that finished.

    Here are a few pics from my last session with Chad K. We are essentially finished but he does want to do one more session in November for some touch ups and stuff. For all intensive purposes though, here is my finished back! I am so stoked!!! It is so vibrant and bold and I think you can read the image from a few miles away :)

    Chad put in some really neat little details in this last session. Not sure they will be visible in these "just finished" pics, but I will try to remember to post a healed pic. He did some really cool things with the tongue and the teeth that I am pretty pumped with.. LOVE the eyes as well. I am super grateful.


    attaching pics from gallery as that seems to be the only way for me to edit them from being sideways. If they look sideways at first, just click the pic and it should right itself.

    finished_chad_k_back_piece_2_thumb.jpg finished_chad_k_backpiece_thumb.jpg

  6. I always assumed it meant fuck the world. Crazy optimist that I am. I was very leery of seeing this tag on my 11 yr old nephew's Instagram page. I then was told it could also mean "for the win". I guess I'm not a huge sports guy cause I had no idea.

    Free taco Wednesday would be my preference though.

  7. I am typing this on my phone, so please excuse any mistakes or odd auto corrects.

    I apologize if I started a bit of a crap storm on this thread. I didn't mean to at all. It is of no relevance to anyone else's tattoo in regards to how long mine is taking and I never intended any.

    One of the first things that folks seems to ask about my back is how long it has taken so far. I am assuming that is because Chad Koeplinger is notoriously fast and everyone knows that. I put that info in my post because I assumed it would be asked. I wasn't trying to brag or insinuate ANYTHING other than my experience.

    My back cannot be compared to those with a full back piece or even those with background in a biker back piece. I have a big back tattoo that has so far taken less time than I would have thought. Whatever. Who cares? I guess I do because I am happy with the progress in the time we have spent. I salute all of you. The back is very painful and it takes real dedication and humility to commit to.

    Please understand that I didn't mean anything negative. I fled odd posting in this thread and even moreso now.

    All the best to you folks with in progress pieces. They are amazing to watch unfold.

  8. Checked out the work on insta, I can't believe that was all done in only 8-9 hours total...that's awesome!

    Just out of curiosity, those on here that have completed a full backpiece (or are in the process), what timeframes did it take? I have seen everywhere from 15 hours - 60 hours

    To be fair, mine is not a full back piece. It's not nearly as complex or layered as some and I'm 5'6" and 150 pounds. Not to mention I'm being tattooed by a notoriously fast tattooer.

    - - - Updated - - -

    A reminder, every backpiece is different.

    Design, subject matter, linework, colours, details, finer details, ink saturation...your stamina, that tattooers stamina, your height/weigh, your skin and health, the tattooers' experience, work flow, skill and speed, the needle clusters used, how many smoke breaks you take, the frequency of sessions...a lot of variables at play.


  9. @clttattooing congratulations on starting your back piece! I would also like to see the progress if possible. My instagram is @robieva

    A few here know that I had my fifth session with Chad Koeplinger on my back last Saturday at Congress St tattoo in NH. This past session he shaded and colored all of my lower back. Whew! I am glad to get that part over with! There are blood drips in the tattoo, and one of them is mighty close to my butt crack. That spot felt like FIRE. I can't IMAGINE the horror of getting the full butt tattooed. I salute ALL of you with your full back tattoos!!!!

    @BrianH I read your comment about your tattoo being finished faster and cheaper if you were shorter. I am so happy I am short for this endeavor!!! I've never particularly been bummed about being short or anything, but in this case, it's a super advantage.

    I am super pumped with what Chad has given me and he thinks one more session, maybe 2 small ones.

    Total time so far, tallying up these sessions is about 10 hrs and that is rounding UP. It's probably closer to 8.5-9 hrs, but i'll call it an even 10. IN the end it will probably total 12 hrs.

    It has been an absolutely awesome journey. I love Chad like a brother and cherish the time spent with him. I am sad to think we are winding down, so I will probably have him tattoo something else on me soon enough (not my ribs. I told him never my ribs). Also the time spent hanging out with Jason Scott and Jebb Riley during these sessions have been awesome. I feel very at home at Jason's amazing shop. He employs only the best people. They are all great tattooers, but even more, amazing and awesome people. He's clearly got a good "douchbag radar" and hires accordingly.

    Next session is in August, and will possibly be my last, but I am certainly not putting pressure on it to be so.

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