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  1. Like
    Wedge reacted to asradin in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Got back a few hours ago after the final session on my back piece with Stewart. He was kind enough to put it up on instagram:
    I'm stoked. By far my favourite tattoo and incredible that it was done in 15 hours. I now have the fun of healing two leg tattoos and my back at the same time. I'm a very happy man :D
  2. Like
    Wedge reacted to embers in Tiger tattoos   
    figured id post my tiger in here.

    bryan burk
  3. Like
    Wedge reacted to Scott R in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    just done this afternoon by David Bruehl Twitter Thinkinkhome.com norman oklahoma
  4. Like
    Wedge reacted to NathanShearer in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    I got tattooed last weekend by Chad Koeplinger when he was visiting Frith Street Tattoo. Such an awesome guy and an amazing tattooer, I will be geting more tattoos from him in the future. Apologies in advance for the poor photography skills, the tattoo wraps around a bit because it's really swollen but i'll post a better photo as soon as it's had chance to heal properly!
  5. Like
    Wedge reacted to CultExciter in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    I just finished this yesterday. Two two hour sittings. Matt Brotka, Salvation Tattoo, Richmond, Virginia.

  6. Like
    Wedge got a reaction from hgiles in Great shop experience   
    It wasn't much but I had a nice experience with Joe Capobianco at Hope Gallery in CT. I was getting tattooed by one of his co workers and it was getting late and Joe was watching a little. He was finished for the day but stuck around and brought me a drink and just kept asking if there was anything I needed or anything he could get me. Just having the great Joe C. hanging around and complimenting the tattoo and bringing me juice, etc. was real cool. I admit I was a little uncomfortable and starstruck but he was so humble and such a cool guy.
    Speaking of starstruck I was also getting tattooed by Shane O'Neill while he was doing a guest spot in Mass. and Bob Tyrell was there, also, ending his guest spot. Bob wasn't tattoing but sat and watched Shane (I guess they're good friends) and those two were talking about tattoing, various shops, Kid Rock possibly buying into Bob's place, etc. Having Bob compliment my tattoo and shake my hand and just have a normal, friendly converstion was pretty cool to me. It may not mean much to some people here but for me it was a special experience.
  7. Like
    Wedge got a reaction from hogg in Great shop experience   
    It wasn't much but I had a nice experience with Joe Capobianco at Hope Gallery in CT. I was getting tattooed by one of his co workers and it was getting late and Joe was watching a little. He was finished for the day but stuck around and brought me a drink and just kept asking if there was anything I needed or anything he could get me. Just having the great Joe C. hanging around and complimenting the tattoo and bringing me juice, etc. was real cool. I admit I was a little uncomfortable and starstruck but he was so humble and such a cool guy.
    Speaking of starstruck I was also getting tattooed by Shane O'Neill while he was doing a guest spot in Mass. and Bob Tyrell was there, also, ending his guest spot. Bob wasn't tattoing but sat and watched Shane (I guess they're good friends) and those two were talking about tattoing, various shops, Kid Rock possibly buying into Bob's place, etc. Having Bob compliment my tattoo and shake my hand and just have a normal, friendly converstion was pretty cool to me. It may not mean much to some people here but for me it was a special experience.
  8. Like
    Wedge reacted to Shadow in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    I also visited Smith Street during our trip to New York and got this from Steve Boltz.

  9. Like
    Wedge reacted to jade1955 in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Tattooed by Brad Fink, yesterday, on my left titty.

  10. Like
    Wedge reacted to Shadow in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Just spent a week in New York and got a couple of tattoos. Here is the one I got from Sarah Schor at Kings Avenue Tattoo.
  11. Like
    Wedge reacted to hogg in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    I just got home from our little trip to LA, and I brought a friend:

    I went to Bob Roberts and asked him for one of his tiger heads. He saw the spot I had open and furrowed his brow. "That's gonna be tough." He tried to sketch something on, but I could tell he was kinda flustered, so I said, "Ya know, I also really like your spiders." He lit up and said, "Now you're talkin'!" He drew it on and knocked it out in half an hour. All in all, it was a great, great experience. He and I chatted about music and, of course, tattoos. He asked to see my back, then said, "I got a snake on my back, too." He then proceeded to melt my face off by showing me his Ed Hardy backpiece, as well as his Horiyoshi III torso pieces. Coolest fucking dude ever, and I am beyond stoked on my black widow.
  12. Like
    Wedge reacted to dirbab in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    got this lady from brad stevens @ ny adorned tonight.

  13. Like
    Wedge reacted to embers in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    from bryan burk yesterday
    3.5 hours

  14. Like
    Wedge reacted to slayer9019 in New guy with some questions   
    Disclaimer: No offense intended. My expressed views are not a reflection of this website as a whole.
    After reviewing this thread (especially your last analogy), you sound like you don't really want a tattoo, you just want a "tattoo". I know that sounds confusing but it's the best way I know to say it. If you really wanted a good tattoo you would loosen your hard set belief that you won't venture far and you won't spend even a decent amount of money on it. It sounds like you like the idea of a new tattoo but don't care enough to actual go and get a good one. If I am correct this is a viewpoint shared by more people than I care to admit that I know. They love the idea of getting tattooed but could care less who does it as long as it's cheap. For them it's similar to going t-shirt shopping. You kinda killed it for me when you said you dropped 2k on a bike, but before you were talking about having to pay for your family... It's either you are trying to be cheap on a tattoo and you are doing pretty good financially or you are reckless with money and dropped 2k on a bike and now want to get tattoo as well.
    I think anything that was going to be said was said, and a ton of good advice was given. I feel that you are just trying to get justification from us here on going cheap, and/or trying to find a cheap tattooer in your town.
  15. Like
    Wedge reacted to slayer9019 in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Here is my outline got done yesterday
    Regino @ Invisible NYC

  16. Like
    Wedge reacted to Ursula in New guy with some questions   
    @Blank you're starting to sound more and more and more like the customer everyone can't stand.
    Quit posting and GO TO A TATTOO SHOP
    Then come back and tell is what happened if you want.
    At this point you're not going to find out anything new without going into a shop.
    As far as the guy who charges $200 an hour and has a two month wait VS the $70 an hour walk in guy. I shouldn't have to explain this because it seems obvious to me but the $200 an hour, booked till the moon guy is probably a much better tattooer than the other one.
    If driving around all day to find someone competent to do the work is too much of a hassle, you don't need to be getting tattoos. Put the $200 you plan on spending towards a nice day out with your family.
  17. Like
    Wedge reacted to missStark in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    My horse from Zach Nelligan and my boyfriend's bat lady from Civ. We got them at the Salt Lake convention this weekend!
  18. Like
    Wedge got a reaction from JBHoren in Pin Up Girls   
    Here's mine. It's from a Gil Elvgren painting and tattooed by Shane O'Neill in two LONG sessions. It wasn't fully healed when these pics were taken, and no the front tire isn't flat it just looks off in the picture.

  19. Like
    Wedge reacted to hogg in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Well, in that case, here's the other link that @dirbab asked me to post:

  20. Like
    Wedge got a reaction from cltattooing in The Swastika symbol in tattoos   
    Here's something (sorry for the length) taken from the blog of a fairly well known and well respected tattoo artist. I think I'll omit his name for now.

    "I've always found anti-social imagery compelling. It challenges ones common sense; a persons sense of decency and their idea of "Good & Evil".
    It also can adversely reaffirm ones core instinctual concept of right and wrong and, if you are so inclined, bolster a persons "Fuck You" attitude about the world around them. So in this regard such "taboo" subjects prove to be different masters for different servants.
    I find the hazy margin of ambiguousness an image commonly held as offensive exists in fascinating. How is it that one image is acceptable to one person while it causes another to shrink in terror or sneer in disgust? Inside this line in the sand so to speak are the real questions.A question that cuts to the core of the subject matter itself. What is right and what is wrong? If there is such a thing why can't everyone agree what it is in the first place? And more over an even deeper question arises from that as well. If we are merely animals then wouldn't the horrendous nature of such a dark symbology just be an extension of our core instinct to annihilate what ever gets in out way?
    Finally where do you fall INSIDE the line of demarcation ? This taboo no mans land?
    While I obviously Cringe at the idea of romanticizing Nazism in any form and just so I'm clear I don't feel the manner in which this painting was conceived does that by the way, what is it about this painting that identify with and even like? Why would I chose to spend my time painting such negativity into the world?
    Perhaps it's my desire to be left alone by most people? Nothing in the world could possibly top this as a way of letting people know to stay the hell away from you. Still I feel the composition grasps on to a certain charm as rotten as the core may be.
    My painting is drawn in a style indicative of 80's tattooing A period of time I view as more cut and dry compared to today's blurred line of reality and fantasy. Of real and unreal. Of scripted reality Vs. cold harsh brutal reality.Of black and white (no pun intended).
    Happiness and "feeling good" is what our society is based upon here in the West after all. This belief sprung from the 1960's, flourished in the 70's, matured in the 80's and 90's. And now at the start of a new decade in a new millennium the cracks have begun to form at the base of this structure from the shear weight of all of its moral and social entitlements. And of its own grotesque vices as well....I'm Left to ponder: what are the consequence of this way of life both good and bad going to be for us all?
    I feel I made this painting because I just felt like adding a few more needles to Joe camel's back so to speak. Not for some kind of pro-nationalist statement or an affirmation of some kind of bloated illogical racial idea but because I felt like saying fuck this easygoing softness in us. I want the viewer to reaffirm their commitments. I want them to think past the fleeting pathetic pre-programmed plastic knee jerk television has drummed into them. I want the viewer to connect to the painting in a manner that causes either anger and resentment or praise and adoration. And ultimately I want the viewer to emerge from the moral no man's land that so many in today's world apathetically wonder through recommitted. I want battle lines to be draw so we can bring last centuries tired arguments and the beginning of this centuries short comings and false promises to a close.
    In essence I want the house of cards to fall."
  21. Like
    Wedge reacted to cookietruck in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    just got this guy.

  22. Like
    Wedge reacted to embers in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    had a couple hours with derek noble yesterday. couple hours left and its finalllly done.

  23. Like
    Wedge got a reaction from Duffa in LST Shorty Award 2012   
    Me 4...and I have no intention or interest in joining either. I don't have an iphone so I can't access instagram or whatever the hell its called either. I'm way behind the times and damn proud of it.
  24. Like
    Wedge reacted to Jade1959 in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Just got finished.
    Tattooed by Oliver Mackintosh, Frith Street Tattoos

  25. Like
    Wedge reacted to jade1955 in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Cry Baby tattoo. Tattooed by Oliver Peck.

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