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Posts posted by AverageJer

  1. A friend just was in Thailand and got a hand poked tattoo in a temple from a monk. It's not the greatest tattoo, and I'm not sure how reputable (or hygienic) it was, but the experience seemed pretty worth it overall. Probably not what you are asking for but could be fun. 

  2. On 2/21/2017 at 8:45 AM, suburbanxcore said:

    Two days of keeping it clean and very light applications of Aquaphor in the AM and at night before bed. Then just plain white Aveeno used sparingly until flaking/cracking/scabbing/whatever passes.

    This is basically my exact approach as well- right down to the brand names- but I don't have experience with a large scale or back tattoo. I do try not to sleep on it much the first few days but I doubt there is much than can be done to avoid it with a full back piece. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Devious6 said:

    After a horrendous weekend of trying to help my Mom manage her panic as she struggled to get oxygen, I was with her as she peacefully left this earth on Tuesday. She chose the 20th anniversary of my Dad's death to join him. Still numb, still haven't let the emotions out. Focused on the few administrative details left to do.

    Here's my gift to you from her. Don't smoke!!! She did for 60 years until a stroke forced her to stop. In the end, it wasn't even the breast and lung cancers that took her - it was the COPD that destroyed her lungs. Don't put your family through what I faced this past weekend as she stared at me, eyes pleading for me to help her get oxygen...wracking me with guild that I couldn't do anything but hold her as the morphine and anti-anxiety meds put her to sleep.


    Very sorry to hear this. It sounds difficult but I'm glad you were able to be there for her. 

  4. I'm not sure how much help I'm going to be because I don't want to tell you what to do. There are several threads on this site already about cultural appropriation that are pretty good so reading through them could be helpful. 

    The shop comfort issue totally does make sense as I have always been a little nervous getting a tattoo away from the "home court."

    Personally, I would't wear that tattoo even though it's a cool as hell design, but, again, I'm not telling you what to do. It's a line you have to draw for yourself and live with. 

    Good luck. 

  5. 19 hours ago, Synesthesia said:

    So spoilers I guess...


    Ryan won. I'm irritated. Almost every episode it seemed like she did black and gray stuff, her specialty. I thought Gian was overall the strongest competitor (never in the bottom, versatile in every style) and thought he deserved the win. The girls in general imo were way too egotistical and their skills just didn't match up. I am really irritated though that they didn't even show Kelly's final chest piece. Why ask her to do all that work and put in all that time and make the client suffer all those hours if it won't even appear on TV. And the fact that they penalized Kelly for doing new school when AMERICA VOTED FOR HER TO DO IT.

    Also, go to Kelly's instragram. Her chest piece would have won. It's not perfect but it was good. In general I found her to be the most likable contestant. Although Gian was probably the best overall tattooist and plenty likable. 

  6. I like the record, it looks fine. I agree with @pidjones - bodies are a difficult surface and sometimes things twist about. I got a guitar tattoo on my shin and when the artist first put the stencil on I thought it looked like there was a weird bend. Fortunately I trusted the artist and now I don't even notice what I was thinking unless I go out of my way to do so.  

  7. A lot of state of the union discussion around here lately...

    For what it's worth- I like getting to know folks on the Internet around a shared interest and then discussing anything and everything with them. This, as you can imagine, lends itself to varied results depending on community norms and moderator energy. I have wondered if a daily, or probably weekly, general thread would help. It would give new posters a place to follow current conversation and jump in to ask a simple question without doing masters level research. It would also give me a place to complain about how disappointing the Timberwolves were in the season opener or tell you if my wife gets Nick Cave tickets tomorrow (fingers crossed). 

    In other, more relevant news, the tattoo shop both emailed and called to conform my appointment for Sunday so they must be as excited to put a tattoo on me and I am to be tattooed. 

  8. This works for me because I'm getting a tattoo on Oct. 30th. I'm getting something to "fill" a sad gap between other tattoos on leg but I'm not sure it will be small enough to be called a filler by the definition above. It will be close I suppose. Either way, the timing of this is perfect and I think (in general) that having submission dates and then voting dates is a great idea. 

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