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Everything posted by SeeSea

  1. I stop running for at least a week for the same reason @EmmaB said - chafing. Often it's 10 days for work on the top of my back. No reason to stress the skin when it's trying to heal. Taking a little time off is actually good if you train regularly - it gives the body a chance to heal microtears, etc., and it's good preventive care, especially for us a-tad-older folks. I would also suggest limiting anything where you will generate a lot of sweat in the first handful of days. Again, no need to stress out the first couple layers of skin and add fluid to the mix that could be a breeding ground. I stay AWAY from gyms and avoid all the clothing I can for the first week. If you do Yoga or something like that, isometric, core stuff, I think that can be done sooner because it can be no/minimal sweat and minimal motion. Here are some relevant threads: http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/general-tattoo-discussion/4884-heavy-training-exercising.html http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/tattoo-after-care/1874-intense-exercise-new-tattoo.html http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/crazy-tattoo-stories/1887-lifting-thread%3Btraining-tattooed-warrior.html http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/tattoo-after-care/3955-how-long-should-i-wait-after-tattoo-play-sports.html
  2. Oooooo, it arrived in the mail today! Well, actually TWO signed copies arrived. Somehow I must have been mucking around with the shopping cart with different browsers and not realized I had put 2 in there. Worse things could happen, right? :D Saving it to sit down and enjoy it with a nice glass of wine. Actually, I should go buy a 6 of Asahi and do this right.
  3. Congratulations on your new owner :D :o And thank you for giving a kitty a forever home.
  4. That's an interesting thought. I'm not a tattoo artist and certainly can't speak to the mechanics/physiology, but from an art perspective, that could be neat. Start with a tattoo design that looks one way, fully knowing certain parts will fade faster/differently than others....and then after time the look/design changes as a result of the differing fades. Kinda like the link I posted from @CultExciter (I think) above except done on purpose, knowing the red would really fade. Like a sunset/beach/tree tattoo that had an underlying snake or something that your eye is fooled into ignoring until the colors faded more. I know, probably hipster or something. ::shrugs::
  5. Oh, he is SOOOOO handsome! I love that adoring face. :)
  6. Sorry for the ridiculous size - I'm linking from someone else's page. When I said I love watercolor, it was this picture that got me hooked. So probably not truly "watercolor," but also suffering the same low-black problem. I keep coming back to this style - just love it. Maybe someday I'd do it, knowing I'd be committing to a coverup or something down the line.
  7. Ink Shrinks --- I've got my popcorn all ready! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. 4672 6565 596f 7572 4d69 6e64 ?
  9. @graybones gave you the name/reference or "key word" as you asked. You responded and asked more questions. And you got another very learned response from @irezumi. At that point, you had the info to speed your search. Instead, you threw out your snarky comment. And then added more snarkiness with your latest response to me. So don't get bent if people don't feel like bending over backwards to respond further to you, if that's how you treat people you'd like to learn from. Bye.
  10. Mommy, plz no move, I haz a tired.
  11. @Colored Guy - I don't know what to say except, here's a hug.
  12. Man, I think I love you. I *love* some of these watercolors. But after learning more about tattoos, I'd never get one. But just looooove the look of some of them. While this isn't a watercolor, @CultExciter just posted this - check out how the red has faded. Now imagine just that color being the primary structure of a wing, for example. Now wait some years, and Poof! No more wing! http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/general-tattoo-discussion/2654-aging-realism-what-lasts-page8.html#post94780 Asking for a reference is one thing, and you got an answer. Implying that we be your research bitches is another. Maybe this isn't the site for you.
  13. My husband really enjoyed whacking me in the back last week when I was having the same problem! I told him he only gets to beat me when we're doing work Right. In. The. Center.
  14. Check this out: http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/tattoo-after-care/4795-tegaderm-saniderm-tatuderm-healing-process.html
  15. I bet that was hard to write, but thanks for sharing that and trusting people here with that. Good luck @MadeIndelible - don't forget during the tough times the fortitude it took to get yourself to this decision. It's a huge step to a journey that's more than just getting off the stuff, but getting yourself back.
  16. Yeah, @Eilin would be a kick ass in the beginning and intimidate them with her awesome tattoos, but would get get booted early for being normal. They need to save the drama contestants to create all the trouble during the bulk of the season. I'll watch some episodes to see where it goes. Sometimes a good trainwreck is fun.
  17. Have you been over to http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/general-tattoo-discussion/5371-ladies-thread.html? I wonder if a bra question is found over there for you. I'll post some pictures next time, but what I found useful from a "bra" perspective during my back piece is to use a piece of pre-cut KT Tape to make kind of a sling for each of the girls. You can play with curving in different ways but maybe you can lay it down in a way you don't touch the area. I was going to post a picture last time - maybe I'll do it and post it to a limited audience. I'm small so it worked great! Maybe a couple would work otherwise. BUT - it's sticky, so touch the middle section to your stomach first to get a little of the sticky tamed before using!
  18. Just bought another print and the book, signed. Can't get these beauties out of my mind.
  19. Talk to the kid. Be stand up. Maybe the "learning opportunity" comes from you speaking to him directly and possibly getting any misunderstandings resolved, and reestablishing the good relationship you seemed to have had. It's easy to imagine all the probable wrongs that someone has directed personally at you (and I am using the royal you), when usually that's not the case. Just ask what happened, express your concern and go from there. Or walk away and do nothing. Otherwise you kill a relationship by being a dick. The world has enough dicks.
  20. Saw this today, although the news is a couple months old. This thread seemed like a good place to post it. Man Has Skin Reaction to Tattoo This guy had a reaction on the red area of his tattoo that he'd gotten 20 years later, when he had chemo and a suppressed immune system. He had a bone marrow transplant. They think it wasn't a reaction to the red ink, but a bacterial infection that had been suppressed since he got the tattoo, and that the immune system suppression was the trigger for the reaction. Or, that the red ink reacted with the chemo drugs and created a new compound, that then caused a reaction. Interesting.
  21. I just can't get this one out of my head! The imagery is awesome.
  22. SeeSea


    After this heals but before the next session, let him go to town on it with some sharpies :-) Dad's cool coloring book!
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