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Everything posted by MadeIndelible

  1. For some reason I missed all the Sirblazealot and bubbleberry trollings in my hiatuses from LST. I'm not too motivated to deal with trolls anyway, so I'm not really all that bummed. That Trond troll half-sleeve is quite awesome, though. Thanks for posting, @Iwar .
  2. I'd say it is, but there's also the criticism of tattoos that are just not very good tattoos. I still make the argument that good tattoos look like tattoos sometimes, though, because it is just what I think tattoos look like. Obviously a lot of other people are going to think otherwise, but as @slayer9019 put it, people are wrong!
  3. As someone who grew up with the internet as a huge influence on my life, let me just say, that this article was cool. At least now I won't be looked down on for being a Johnny come lately. Oh wait, that'll never stop.
  4. @beez Awesome tattoo! I need to stop in Diamond Club one of these days.
  5. @Hands On , there's Point Isabel, Crissy Fields, Stinson Beach, the Marin Headlands. All great places worth a trip or two. Not sure about the East Bay, though.
  6. First picture is my dog Luna, the black one, and her best friend Grace, my sister's dog. Luna was originally my other sister's dog, whom she got at a backyard breeder about 6 years ago. Grace is a rescue from a local shelter. They're two of the best dogs I've ever met. Second picture is Luna and Violet, my sister's other dog.
  7. Awesomely-worded post, @DJDeepFried .
  8. Welcome to LST. No need to start a new thread. There's a gallery for each user that you can upload pictures too, or you can post them directly or as attachments in this thread. As for finding a tattooer, it depends on what style you want. Spotlight Tattoo in LA is a great place to start for traditional tattoos. Also, depending on how dark your current tattoos are, you may want to have a few laser sessions before you tattoo over them.
  9. I wouldn't bring your own supplies. I think it wouldn't be polite for a non-tattooer to bring tattoo supplies to a tattooer, since you'd be trusting them to put something on you forever, and should go to someone who has sterile tools. If you meant for healing, then yes, you should bring your own supplies.
  10. My tattoo still has the tiniest bit of waxy skin flakes left. Looks like this weekend is the earliest it's going to let me get tattooed.
  11. Traditional black and grey would be something like the work Tamara Santa-Ibinez puts out, while single needle would be something like Jack Rudy's work.
  12. The arm didn't really hurt all that bad for me, and neither did the chest, to be honest. I think you'll make it through.
  13. Filip Leu also had a huge head start with who he was learning to tattoo from. I am definitely not saying that everyone has to learn from a Leu family of great tattooers, because obviously we've had some great tattooers start in some shitty places. As long as she isn't getting paid, I guess it's cool.
  14. Maybe tell us a little more about the style you're looking for. Is it traditional black and grey or single needle black and grey? Also, are you willing to travel, because NYC is very close and has a lot of great artists.
  15. @ian I hope everything is getting better on your end. Rough patches are the worst. Stay level-headed. Also, thanks for the kind words of reminder and encouragement in our LST dealings. I bet that Grime back piece of yours is healing nicely! When's the next session?
  16. I'm currently waiting on a shipment of Proraso shave soap. I shaved this morning, but only did one pass, with the grain, before an interview. Any suggestions on whether to wait until some growth sets in or to just do the other two passes tonight?
  17. I've been dry healing my currently healing tattoo for the past week, and it's getting pretty itchy. I just put some lotion on it after reading your post. It's helping, but still a bit itchy. It has healed rather well, though, visually speaking.
  18. Everyone freaks out about the healing of their first tattoo. The dripping is just plasma from the tattooed area that is carrying excess ink away. After that it will dry out and you'll notice a softening of the tattoo colors.
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