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This has been available in the USA for a while and is soon to available in the UK.

Sounds disgusting, anyone tried it?

Pizza-flavoured beer to get UK launch

A pizza-flavoured beer, which contains tomatoes, basil, garlic and oregano, is set to go on sale in the UK later this year.

Tom and Athena Seefurth from Illinois, America, launched the beverage - which contains tomatoes, basil, oregano and garlic - in the US five years ago and it is now in line for its British debut.

''The best way to describe it would be that it tastes the way it would if you eat a chunk of pizza, then take a swig of beer.''

Tom explained: ''It tastes like normal beer when it's on your tongue. But when you swallow you get an aftertaste of pizza topping.

Sounds like the same effect you get when you belch.

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the only flavoured beer i've liked was a Raspberry wheat beer that when drank in large enough quantities makes your pee smell like berries.....

i am a fan of flavoured rolling papers and blunt wraps as well...

other than that i agree with the others, no flavoured weirdness... pizza beer sounds kinda gross, why not just drink a Ceaser or Bloody Mary as they call it in the USA

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I've heard of this before but never tried it - Mamma Mia! Pizza Beer?

To be honest any speciality beer which involves fruit, coffee, honey, smoke, hemp, oatmeal, guava, gingseng, whiskey or whatever is going to be 'love it or hate it'. Personally I think coffee flavours can work in a stout or porter, and there's a locally brewed hemp IPA here that is pretty popular. There's obviously there's a lot of popular beers which are aged in whiskey, rum or bourbon barrels to develop an unusual flavour. And Christmas ales, with ginger, nutmeg, etc? People have been brewing using fruits and alternatives to grains for a long time.

I think special offerings do have a place in the beer market. Sure, most of the time I am happy with a conventional well-made ale, stout etc. with no bells or whistles, but there are times when it's good to see the envelope being pushed. Imagine if we applied a logic to food whereby we said he only want certain flavour combinations and nothing 'out there'...

A tomato and basil element in a beer strikes me, personally, as pretty disgusting, but then again I can't understand how people can eat canned tuna, so to each their own....

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A Ceasar is the Canadian equivalent of a Bloody Mary?

kind of, bloody marys to me are more like a shit version of a Ceasar. I think Ceasars are better. It's Clamato juice which you don't have in some parts of the USA. Clamato is a tomato juice flavoured with clam juice. Then you add vodka, horseradish, tobasco sauce, rim a tall glass with celery salt add ice, garnish with typically a stalk of celery but it's amazing with a piece of pickled asparagus. It's like a bloody mary with but a lot more flavour and heat.

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I love clamato. I would drink clamato all day everyday. So......this pizza beer ,....doesnt sound good. But if you can't dig a tomato-beer. which for some of us ,is a normal breakfast beverage. you probably aint gonna dig that. ahhhhh lambic, hard to come by in the nether regions of America, I think champagne yeast. I yousta make alota beer. meads,doublebocks, everything i could figure out,So much fun. no good supply houses in the south. Berkeley yousta have a great one, I think its still there. God ,I miss the Bay.

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