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Why are bad tattoos so popular?


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As I see it, the really tiny stuff I have is all a bonus to enjoy for however many years it'll last, but the overall strength of the tattoo wouldn't be compromised by losing that detail.

Good point, I hadn't thought of that. I was thinking most of the ones that I see use blue ink with no outlines for the tiny tattoos, so I could see those fading significantly in the future. Now that you mention it though, they would all still make good tattoos without the miniature tattoos so it doesn't really matter.

As a bonus, when you run out of room for tattoos, you can get the tattoos on your tattoos tattooed again!

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Hmm, while I've never been accused of being 'cultured' I have had the good fortune of traveling a LOT over the years. This isn't really even worth responding to, but it chaps me when people just toss out mis-information disguised as a truism. Unless you're going somewhere really heavy, you won't be discriminated against simply for having an english word tattooed on you no matter how it is "spelt". And if you're going somewhere that heavy it's likely you'll draw some heat, tattoos or not.

In my non-cultured opinion if you're looking for in-depth discussion your approach might be a bit off.

And for the record, I don't tattoo. Not sure where you got that.

Really, as a personal opinion, I'd rather not have words on me... when I travel, I want people to see my ink and think that's amazing not what do dose that say, not, I didn't know you speak English.

I guess I enjoy the mystery of getting to know people and when you travel the world, you never really know where youre going to end up....

And in reality a good tattoo with out any words can show where your culture is from, but id rather use imagery, its speaks every language.

but, a good example of how cultures use the same word only spelt differently in America "Blood & Honor" in Britten "Blood & Honour"

I honestly thought all that amazing ink on your profile was your art work, since I did not notice the artist name by any of the work... Now, im thinking you are a collector, collecting more than can fit on your being?

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I always wonder if celebrities like that, who are such caricatures of themselves, are lucky idiots or intelligently role playing. Yeah, we're all saying how ridiculous he is but he's a MILLIONAIRE who's probably loving his life right now. And while I wouldn't get shitty tattoos, I'd definitely act a fool in public to have the good life in private.

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I always wonder if celebrities like that, who are such caricatures of themselves, are lucky idiots or intelligently role playing. Yeah, we're all saying how ridiculous he is but he's a MILLIONAIRE who's probably loving his life right now. And while I wouldn't get shitty tattoos, I'd definitely act a fool in public to have the good life in private.

Is this guy really a millionaire? Say it ain't so.

I think people get bad tattoos because most people don't see tattoos as art. They see it as a way to customize their bodies and feel like they are unique. A lot of people just want the self-image that goes along with having a tattoo. It's the same reason shitty mass-produced wall art sells like hotcakes at Ikea. People want to decorate themselves, and they either don't know, or don't care about, the difference between mass-produced garbage and something that an artist has put their time, skill, and heart into.


And, ya know, there's nothing wrong with Ikea wall art. And there's nothing wrong with unoriginal tattoos, assuming they are executed well. They both serve a purpose to the consumer. Not everyone has to have a refined palate for artwork.

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Is this guy really a millionaire? Say it ain't so.

I think people get bad tattoos because most people don't see tattoos as art. They see it as a way to customize their bodies and feel like they are unique. A lot of people just want the self-image that goes along with having a tattoo. It's the same reason shitty mass-produced wall art sells like hotcakes at Ikea. People want to decorate themselves, and they either don't know, or don't care about, the difference between mass-produced garbage and something that an artist has put their time, skill, and heart into.


And, ya know, there's nothing wrong with Ikea wall art. And there's nothing wrong with unoriginal tattoos, assuming they are executed well. They both serve a purpose to the consumer. Not everyone has to have a refined palate for artwork.

..... Damn ......

Riff Raff Net Worth | Celebrity Net Worth

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No love for Riff Raff? I <3 this song. Then again I have a weakness for white boy novelty rap.

I didn't listen to the earlier link cause I knew I would hate it... but then I figured, ya know, "don't judge a book... don't knock it before you try it..." all that good shit.

It was only a little worse than I expected.

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No love for Riff Raff? I <3 this song. Then again I have a weakness for white boy novelty rap.

No love for Riff Raff. But I admit the song you posted isn't that bad. It's not something I would listen to, but it is kinda catchy. The first one that was posted is pretty cringe-worthy though. And the video was just beyond bad.

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The difference between artwork and designer brands is that a good artist who puts effortbinto and cares about their work doesn't necessarily charge an outstanding amount. And also that a bad/careless tattoo artist may not clean equiptment properly and provide a safe environment; but it is quite unlikely that you'll contract hep A from shopping at Target.

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The difference between artwork and designer brands is that a good artist who puts effortbinto and cares about their work doesn't necessarily charge an outstanding amount. And also that a bad/careless tattoo artist may not clean equiptment properly and provide a safe environment; but it is quite unlikely that you'll contract hep A from shopping at Target.

Yes, well I was speaking more to the fact that bad tattoo designs are incredibly popular, not necessarily the fact that poorly executed tattoos done in unsafe environments are popular. That's a whole different issue. The things-turning-into-birds thing is a bad tattoo whether it was done in a legit shop by a good artist or not.

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