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Hi Everyone! I Got My First Tattoo Today.


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First off, congrats on your first tattoo!!

I've read through the whole thread and I have to say that some of these replies have kinda pissed me off. As a tattooer, I see a couple of sides to this thing. From a responsible professional standpoint, I would never do someone's first tattoo on their neck for all of the reasons that everyone has already been so quick to mention.

From a personal standpoint, fuck yeah!! That's really cool to me that you went with what you felt like was right for your first tattoo. The only reason that getting your neck tattooed off the bat is so heavily frowned upon in the tattoo community is because of the prejudice and general hassle that it will cause you on a practical level from regular people in the daily world. So to see the same sort of prejudice and heckling coming from folks in the tattoo community toward another person who is now in the tattoo community, is like a major fucking bummer. Like obviously the tattoo may (or may not!) make the dude's life more difficult in some ways, do we really need to be compounding that too? Like is everyone trying to make the kid hate his first tattoo? Yeah I definitely think that was a quick and heavy decision, but I also think about where tattooing would be without people like the Great Omi who left the Royal Navy to file down his teeth, tattoo his whole body, and join the circus. All because he wanted to and didn't give a fuck what people thought about it.

And this post isn't directed toward anyone, just my thoughts on the scenario.

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Thanks for writing that. Posts like the above are what make this forum stand out from the great majority of discusssions online...it's easy to take a cheap shot and much harder to be compassionate. I'm not super proud of ribbing the original poster and hope is doing OK.

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Quote Originally Posted by misterJ

Whatever happened to the good old arm

I feel like its very clichéd, everyone gets their arm done first.

Clichéd? Try to make your decisions about things like this based on what you want rather than what you think other people do or what current fashion is. If you want a feather turning into birds, get a feather turning into birds.

Jeez, speaking of clichéd - all the rest of you do is jump on the panthers, skulls and roses bandwagon. Think of something more original already, k?

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good advice @SeeSea - for instance - I almost got this Rodney turning into birds...close call...my better judgement prevailed...

Marley, listen, it's ok. It you really wanted it, you should have gotten it. Our sarcasm shouldn't dissuade you from your dreams. :D

But if his arms broke into birds, it really would be keeping with the whole "Fly" theme.

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