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Showing content with the highest reputation since 05/25/2023 in all areas

  1. I started working on my ass yesterday! Tattoo I mean. I’m working on a body suit and that pasty white ass was really bugging me so I decided to get that tattooed too. I told my artist he could do whatever he wanted, which has always worked out well. My wife said, “ You told him he could do whatever he wanted with your ass?” It’s not as creepy as it sounds.🤔 it didn’t hurt nearly as bad as I thought it would. A little tender around the crack, but not unbearable. He did the outline yesterday, we’re going to color in two sessions, depending on how well I sit.
    4 points
  2. About 36 hours into this. Just finished up the background and going to start working on Fudo next session.
    4 points
  3. You can't have too many skulls!
    4 points
  4. About 24 hours into this. Fully outlined to the bottom of my butt and the background is almost done. Moving into the flames soon! Enjoying the process.
    4 points
  5. Got it this past wknd in one session, about 5hours. Glad I went with it!
    4 points
  6. thigh goat with color and a fresh seraph on my shin! both done by dmug at blood moon tattoo in ambler, PA 🙂
    4 points
  7. this is not at you hogrider, just a funny for this post
    3 points
  8. Qiriarol

    Black vs colour!

    I prefer colored tattoos. I don't think they're as durable though
    3 points
  9. very nice, I like it a lot, I need more skulls.
    3 points
  10. Fancied a skull on my foot 🤷‍♂️left head space to make connect into a leg sleeve most likely
    3 points
  11. Bellabunny


    It’s all good now. All scabs gone and not lost any ink.
    3 points
  12. Touched-up knee and a few new little space fillers.
    3 points
  13. Thanks a lot, will be posting a pic when it's healed 🙂
    3 points
  14. You find a four-year-old post and act like an toddler in your reply. Man. You are so cool. 🤣
    3 points
  15. My elbows were both super painful. But I think my knee was the worst.
    3 points
  16. 3 hours is a real sweet spot for me too. No need to go much longer. Props to those who can continually do the marathon sessions. I like to look forward to my session each month, not dread it 😂.
    3 points
  17. My back piece took about 18 months. About one session a month. Sometimes two, sometimes skip. 3 hours per session. It was worth it.
    3 points
  18. Slowly but surely! Realizing now the mindfuck that is a full backpiece. About 15 hours in and not even close to halfway there. Enjoying the process!
    3 points
  19. Newbie


    Thanks so much folks. I really appreciate the reassurance. I will have a look around the forum and get inspiration for my next tattoo thanks again
    3 points
  20. Finished up my TMNT piece today. The picture is a little bit before we finished, I forgot to grab a finished shot. Waiting on my artist to send me the video he took.
    3 points
  21. Well it's been a hot minute and I've had a heap of family stuff going on including a loss so had to cancel some appointments. Managed to get a couple done last weekend though. Bat, cicada , and angry cloud. A first for me- I almost fell asleep. I think purely due to the fact this was the first time I'd stopped since all of the things decided to happen. I'll get around to that elbow in the coming month I hope.
    2 points
  22. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/an-alpine-mummy-s-mysterious-tattoos-have-upended-archaeological-theories/ar-BB1k6j9T?ocid=windirect&cvid=159e5be1bf014065da7936b173f32a59&ei=96
    2 points
  23. It's just waves and windbars and cherry blossoms. We talked about a bunch of ideas, but there really isn't a whole lot of space and we have so much going on it would probably have been too busy with more images. My back piece is my avatar, I have a tiger and a meditating samurai and koi on one leg and a female samurai riding a tiger along with a snake and skull on the other leg so I was OK with keeping it simple.
    2 points
  24. You’re fine. No tattoo is as bright 6 weeks later as the day it was done.
    2 points
  25. Back at the shop again today! Two tattoos from Binger; a flaming skull from his flash and a reverse mermaid that he drew for me. I was meant to get this last year but the universe was against me. These are both on my right leg- lower calf and outside ankle. So bloody happy with them both! He also touched up the axe and swallow for me . March is my birthday month, so it would be rude not to pay him another visit then😁.
    2 points
  26. TattooedMumma

    The ladies thread

    Thanks! I'm amused by the colour progression in the bruising today. It's not sore, but looks like it definitely should be! I have also inquired about a couple specific dates for my elbow, as I've realised I'll be in town for some professional development. Will see if it's enough time or if I just have to wait for a Saturday to come free. Been looking at more aquatic themed ideas for the elbow. Otherwise it will be a flower.
    2 points
  27. So Kyle had a cancellation at 2pm.... ended up going in for an impromptu elbow ditch pearl in a clam shell! from stencil to walking out, 1hr total! I expected it to be horrible but it was actually fine. I just can't bend real well well at the moment 🤣
    2 points
  28. Even if it hurts, it's a small body part, so it doesn't take a long time to tattoo.
    2 points
  29. You won't get a refund. I hope you find a tattoo artist who can fix it for you.
    2 points
  30. Dan

    The ladies thread

    at least for me, my elbows were not too bad.Don't over think it, you might be surprised how it's not that bad.
    2 points
  31. TattooedMumma

    The ladies thread

    Happy New Year peoples! First tattoo for the year, yesterday arvo. Right front forearm. While I was there Kyle was looking at my arm and goes "sorry dude but we're doing your elbow next" . Shite. Next appointment is Feb 10 for the reverse mermaid I missed out on last year. Then it's elbow . Thinking flower as it's an odd shaped gap. See what happens. I still want the sad eye cloud thing. Might whack that on my leg instead.
    2 points
  32. I like that. Add anything you want to it. You don't have to have a theme.
    2 points
  33. Dan

    Old tats

    no way to tell, find a good cover up artist and get it covered up.
    2 points
  34. Dan

    Tattoo update!

    OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been waiting so long for you to post this amazing info and link to the source of the machines of my dreams ! thank goodness that you finally made it to this forum ! I feel so much better now ! HOLY CRAP !!!!!!!!!!!! this is the greatest thing to ever happen to this forum and myself !
    2 points
  35. I don't know how well that will hold up, especially if you don't find an artist that has serious skills. I would try to make that less ... busy? There's just too much happening. Way too much.
    2 points
  36. Hey guys. Long time no post. Heres an update to this thread. I finally found another artist i liked and got the tattoo i wanted. Check it out. 🙂 I actually was aware of the artist for quite some time but it took me a while to finally be able to make an appointment with them. Its a tattoo of the character Morpeko from Pokemon.
    2 points
  37. Absolutely, it's completely normal to feel anxious before getting your first tattoo. Your design choice sounds meaningful and personal, which is what matters most. Remember, it's your body, your story, and your expression. Trust your decision and the artist's skill; it's likely to turn out great. People's opinions may vary, but your tattoo should reflect your passion for music and the significance it holds for you. Go for it, and you'll likely love the result!
    2 points
  38. White ink didn’t hurt me more than any other, but my skin is really pale and it looked like I hadn’t been tattooed at all. It was the kimono of my Japanese warrior and my artist wound up redoing it in pale green. No more white ink for me.
    2 points
  39. Dan

    Is this offensive

    so why would that offend anybody ?
    2 points
  40. Great first post! The perfect way to ingratiate yourself with the community.
    2 points
  41. Dan

    Show me your Elbows

    I have both my elbows and knees done, honestly they were not that bad, my knee ditches were bad, I don't have any good pics of my elbows
    2 points
  42. oboogie

    My First Tat?

    Hi. Female here. Don't get a cliche tattoo in Vegas if you are worried about the pain. Also, calling people names? Grow the F*** up. Byeeeeeee.
    2 points
  43. 2 points
  44. TattooedMumma

    Show me your Elbows

    for those playing at home- I have decided on a sad eye cloud (cloud, eye in middle, raindrops) for the right elbow. Still trapesing through images for further inspiration for left arm through.
    2 points
  45. We’re doing 1 session a month. It’s a good cadence for me, we do about 3 hours per session.
    2 points
  46. Rather excited. I asked Kyle if we would have time to at least start the thigh as well as do the left inner bicep in the one appointment and he gave the green light- so booking request form was filled out this morning which means circus horse and flipped lady/demon head on the left thigh to come in August - woo! Thigh we will size up and decide if its front of or side of when I'm in the shop in July. (Possibly similar positioning and sizing as current right thigh tattoo shown in previous post- depends on what Kyle suggests as I am pretty flexible on it) for the mean time- the lucky rabbit foot and elephant have finished flaking and I am in count-down mode for my appointment with Andrew on July 7 . Autumn/Winter has been/is busy ! (Australia)
    2 points
  47. @Mattwall92 Not trying to be harsh, but I think you have unrealistic expectations. Your skin twists and stretches as you move. Of course the image will be affected. Enjoy your tattoo. Get more.
    2 points
  48. It has been forever since I have been on this forum! Been super busy with life and remembered this awesome group! I have just uploaded the last few tattoos I have had- during covid in 2021... I got a thigh piece done- hip to knee. skulls, roses, crow (posted pic in bird gallery) which ended up taking 3 sessions: one for outline which was a 5hr appointment, first lot of colour which was super close to being finished but after 6 hrs my thigh was crazy swollen to the point it was not workable, then final was to finish thorns and the red circle behind the crow; a kraken taking down a ship (posted in nautical gallery)- easy session with Kyle , and a panther dagger combo (animal gallery) also with Kyle. That was right around when our shops were yo-yoing here between being open and shut down. Start of this year (feb- pic in object gallery) I got a little axe on outer right forearm by the new apprentice- Binger, near the wrist; March a little diamond and strawberry on my birthday (both in object gallery) also Binger, April a swallow on right inner forearm and butterfly on left inner forearm (bird and butterfly galleries respectively) also Binger , then last weekend I got a lucky rabbit's foot (object gallery) on my right inner forearm which sits under my swallow (toward the wrist) and a circus elephant on right inner bicep by Kyle(animal gallery) . I have two appointments booked for July- as I work in a school, I have booked a day with the apprentice during the school holidays (he did my axe, diamond, strawberry, butterfly and swallow) for 4 more- getting a dragon on the right arm, a trio of roses under the right knee, sad cloud front of ankle on the shin (right) and skull and cross bones on same placement, opposite leg. (hope that makes sense) End of July I am booked with Dan (did my thigh) who will do a snake/carnation combo on right outer forearm. Dan books 3 months in advance and his appointments fill up fast. Kyle is only booking a month at a time, while Binger takes everyone as he can. I will add pics once these appointments arrive 🙂 now to go back through and see what everyone has been getting while I have been absent from here! I was a huge Michelangelo fan as a kid! Mum reluctantly gave in to me getting a "boy's toy" when I was 7- a Michelangelo figure with nun-chucks and a working parachute! That toy shit all over Barbie I tell you 😄 Wow , so close to completion! I bet that's a bizarre feeling! Looking forward to the photos!
    2 points
  49. Dan

    Help with wrong tattoo

    I would just leave it alone, there is no fixing it, messing with it will just F*** it up. think of it as unique.
    2 points
  50. NO !!!!!!!!!! that's not an option, if you just change your mind !?!??!? LOL if you really knew anything about laser treatment, you would know it's a very long painful expensive process that doesn't get rid of the tattoo completly.
    2 points
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