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Scott R

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Posts posted by Scott R

  1. Thanks, I read up on them a little more. I'll probably give them a shot for the hell of it although they're not cheap. My forearms are pretty good so that's not really a concern, I actually don't want my forearms to become disproportionately big. But it also sounds as if they can help blast the upper arm, too, which is always good as well as having grip and stabilizing effects as @Brock Varty mentioned. I ride motorcycles and shoot handguns so a strong grip is beneficial to those activities also.

    check my post for cheap homeade grips

  2. The guy I'm thinking of had a tattoo he wanted to add to, on the cheap. First he wanted to save money, then he had money, then he starts listing all of his expensive toys. Even though there are a lot of great shops not to far from him, he goes to someplace close and gets an "adequate" tattoo, but his amazing artist forgets to do the eagles eye.

    I just don't get people. You're putting something on your skin that you'll probably have your whole life and you're worried about having to take time to find a good shop and drive an hour or two. You have to look at it every day; take the time and spend the money.

    @Hogrider your talking about the usmc dude from san diego I believe. he could only spend xx amount because he had all these other toys. I think he left after getting the tattoo and LST said it was ok but he could have had much better if he listened.

  3. oh man when I was IN vietnam we were all over the country even the sticks and I ate street food everyday and didnt even think about it. 10 cent PHO was even great at 106 degrees but probably wasn't too sanitary. We stayed 2 days in yu yaih (sp) I think i was the first mechong(white american) some of these people have ever seen. I hope you have a blast @RoryQ and remember when in rome as long as it wont kill you

  4. For me personally, as a collector when I'm thinking about getting work from someone I look at the portfolio, not the person. Whether or not they are tattooed themselves is irrelevant. They either do work I like and want, or they don't.

    Take care


    This is just my opinion but I like tattoos, So as a consumer I will do my best to get tattoos from artists who like tattoos as well.

  5. Shot All Star Ink (Ross Nagle's shop) a mail about getting a one-shot tattoo from him. I'm going to be in Limerick a particular weekend, but it's a bit of a gamble to see whether he's booked out those days or not. Be cool if he isn't. It's a crime I haven't made it down to that shop yet.

    I want a tattoo from Ross aswell, what are you thinking of having him do for you?

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