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Posts posted by Tight-Lines

  1. I've got a old floor cabinate record player my friends grandmother gave to me. I cant find a serial number or make on it, but she said it was bought in the late 60's. It also has an 8-track player which is broken and an AM radio. Its pretty sweet, and old country vinyl/delta blues sounds wonderful on it but any hardcore or punk sounds like shit... well, thats on any record player I guess.

  2. hahaha what a joke.. im an artist. i can take any medium and make it beautiful. because im an artist.. now i also tattoos.. i have tattooed my self on my thighs for practice, and now every one and their mom wants one from me.. i work almost every day. and i dont have visible tattoos..

    so what?

    are u saying im not an artist?

    cuz my clients beg to differ.

    It sounds like you are building a really nice portfolio for yourself. Please show us pictures. I would love to get something done by you. PM me the pictures and I promise I wont share them with the rest of the board.

  3. Hey LST,

    Thought I would post this here first:

    I have a massive (approx 10') Grindhouse canvas poster I acquired while working at a movie theater in my younger years and am looking at selling it to someone in the Bay Area. It has both Death Proof and Planet Terror sides with Rose Mcgowan (big ol boobies) and the Death Proof side has Russel along with all the ladies from the film. Its in great condition. If anyone wants it, PM me.



  4. October is always a good month for shows in the bay area

    Oct 5th Lucero is playing Armando's again

    HSB is that same weekend. sooooo many good acts this year!

    and Red Fang on Oct 27th at Slim's

    HSB is going to be great. Chuck Ragan/Lucero/Flatliners/Johnny-two-bags!

    Im bummed im most likely missing the Lucero in Martinez show. It was great a few years ago

  5. no pics but the last three weeks have been about slow cooked collards with tomtoes, onions, garlic, and chilis. sooo fucking good. best made in a cast iron pot on a bbq.

    Ive been on a serious greens kick. I did a kale fried with bacon salad recently.


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