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Posts posted by Duffa

  1. First off, I apologise if there is already a 'hand tattoo' thread (palm tattoos & knuckles I could find), but damn it, after a really solid search I can't find shiet. SO, I figured I'd start this one, and then if there is another one then Mods by all means please move and/or delete thread. Also when I say 'hands' I'm talking the top of said hands, or fingers or chuck knuckles in here as well (the knuckle thread I could find, but hey if your feeling lazy feel free to drop them here) :cool:


    Posted in another thread but this is what inspired this one. By Ben Leland-Grillo

    Ben Leland-Grillo | Facebook


    By Franz Stefanik Tattoos by Franz Stefanik (seriously digging this guys stuff lately)



    ^^ Apologies, but I'm honestly not sure who did the above 2. Anyone who knows feel free to chime in ;) (I have my suspicions on who did the 'koi thumb sleeve')

  2. @Duffa ha it cant count for febuary. Young jake first and fierce.

    Are you sure it can't count? I'd like to think that it would... because if not, my January entry is invalid ;) (I got my sleeve completed in December last year)

    @Lochlan I'm sure will be able to shed some light on this matter!

    (after rereading the first post that outlines the contest, it doesn't specifically say that the tattoo has to be done during the month... however, you'd kind of think that the tattoo was pretty recent for it to be considered)

  3. Nice. @Jake for the win!

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank my fellow competitors, for without them there would be no competition. I'd also like to add that it's an honor just to be nominated against such a high level of tattoos (Yes, I am aware I nominated myself - that's the point/joke ;p hahaha)

    Seriously though, thanks to anyone who voted!! And congrats to Jake & @jade1955

    (I can't see anyone taking Jake out at this point and @Scott R that Stell panther better be in the next contest!! ;) )

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